Philosophical storytelling explorations and good fun, there is ENTHINKMENT CIRCLE.  Info at  Weekly Zoom Meeting 1PM-2:30PM MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE Tuesdays & its Free to anyone. Please get the word out,

Zoom Link

More info contact David M. Boje. Ph.D.

co-founder True Storytelling Institute.

David M. Boje is co-founder of TRUE STORYTELLING SYSTEM. He is an international scholar confronting and deconstructing the 'regimes of truth' with his own storytelling paradigm., a prominent academic platform for scientists, has just published the 2022 Edition of its Ranking of Top 1000 Scientists in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities. David Boje ranked #1286 in United States as well as #2505 in the world ranking.David has contributed 27 books and over 150 journal articles to studying one problem for 45 years: He introduced the now widely-used concept of antenarrative, a prospective sensemaking (foresight) and intuitive-world (the beyond of spirit) in the field of storytelling systems research. When his wife, Grace Ann Rosile, was working on her ‘Tribal Wisdom’ book, David said, “You know (indigenous) Native American storytelling is different from the way Europeans (Euro-Westerners) tell stories. The Indigenous ways are more like what we call ‘living story’ way of Being-in-the-World. From there, David and Grace Ann built more work/research around indigenous storytelling and ethics, and that lead to current work on ensemble leadership, and ensemble storytelling. His most recent books: True Storytelling (2021, Routledge, Francis & Taylor) with Jens Larsen and Lena Bruun, Doing Conversational Storytelling Interviewing for Your Dissertation (2020, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.) with Grace Ann Rosile David and Grace Ann’s work on ‘embodied restorying’ and their work with veterans and others to get unstuck from problem-saturated narratives of past trauma, and develop antenarrative prospective sensemaking of futures of well-being. See publications with online books and articles in links below.


200 papers presented at professional societies

29 books published

50 conference proceedings

41 invited journal articles

2 books in press, another on the way

20 featured news articles

113 refereed journal articles (total all journal articles= 151)

102 chapters in books

Current submissions on water storytelling

$600,000 in grants and contracts over his career . "David M. Boje" is mentioned by one of the top 4% most read authors on Academia.5795 papers and books cite him.

Click on following links to see sample articles, chapters, & presentations:

Academic History

Books | Book Chapters

Refereed Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

News Articles

JOCM & Other Editorial Activities

Invited Journal Articles

Works in Progress

Committee Service

Conference Presentations

Public Lectures & Forums

Service & Editorial Boards

Community Service Activities

Awards & Honors

Grants & Contracts

Other (e.g. cases)

David earned his Ph.D. from University of Illinois in 1978, and became assistant professor at Anderson School of Management, UCLA, then restarted his career as a walk-on temp,  and did become full professor at Loyola Marymount University, earning six teacher of the year awards. Moved to New Mexico in 1996, and become winner of the New Mexico State University (NMSU) Distinguished Career Award, and currently holds its highest rank as Regents Professor. He retired in 2018 from New Mexico State University, earning Regents Professor, and Distinguished Scholar Professorship, and is currently Professor Emeritus. He immediately become professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. He also teaches qualitative storytelling science methods at Cabrini University in Philadelphia (with Grace Ann). David is frequent teacher in seminars in universities around the world. He is currently editor-in-chief of the Business Storytelling Encyclopedia, bringing a needed paradigm change in 16 volumes focused on topics such as race, gender, ethics, and indigenous studies. Boje gives invited keynote presentations on storytelling science, water crises, racial capitalism, and the global climate crisis, all around the world. He is a Director European School of Governance (EUSG) where Louis Klein is dean. He is member of the editorial board of the The Systemic Change Journal that is an ongoing conversation about ways of Governing the Anthropocene, and helping to set up a Sustainability Storytelling Lab.  David was Editor of the Journal of Organizational Change Management for 14 years, and founder and editor of Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry for 10 years. He was Co-Founder and Board Chair for the entire 25-year life span of the Standing Conference for Management and Organization Inquiry. He was past chair of the Academy of Management Research Methods division. He also was awarded an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University in Denmark, where he is considered the “godfather” of their Material Storytelling Lab. The Military Family storytelling lab work continues in New Mexico to develop embodied restorying sandtray and equine assisted restorying as evidence-based protocol.  See One-Page vita; or  See printable complete vita

He created the field of “antenarrative” research, which analyzes all that is antecedent to creating western narratives and indigenous living stories. The 'true storytelling' founders (Grace Ann, Jens, Lena,  & David) do Zoom sessions are being offered to global participants on 'true storytelling ethics, ensemble leadership, sustainability, and their newest seminar theme (with Oscar Edwards(co-hosting): "Intercultural Conversations: A Community-Centered Storytelling Experience to Restory Narratives on Racism."  Their hope is for a more cooperative, equitable, and just society with improved quality of life outcomes for all (;; & David and Grace Ann convene the annual 'Quantum Storytelling Conference' each December in Las Cruces New Mexico with Emeritus Professor Grace Ann Rosile ( It will be a virtual Zoom event in 2020. Some Interviews with David are on Playlist:

David Boje met Grace Ann Rosile in 1995, and immediately become vegetarian. Grace Ann took him to meet the Jain monk, Gurudev Chitrabhanu, who said, ‘David you are Arihunt, that is your Jain name. David listened, taking notes on every word. He, wrote Arihunt means ‘conqueror of inner enemies.’ After meditating on his inner enemies every morning for ten years, he returned exhausted to the monk and asked for a new name. Gurudev, informed David, you misheard me, ‘Arihunt means you have no enemies, everyone is your friend.’ That began a very different spiritual journey. In December 2020, after a Vision Quest on the Organ mountains, Mike ThreeBears gifted David a new name, ‘Surrenders to Spirit.’ David actively listened, and wrote down, ‘Sacrifices to Spirit.’ These stories of mis-hearing, illustrate the difference between deep listening and actually hearing spirit. In 2010, David became interested in Shamanic Drumming, looking for a way to help extend the life of Grace Ann’s Arabian stallion, Nahdion, her friend for over 30 years. David brought a rock from the Land of Enchantment, and flew to California to learn basics of ‘rock divination’ and the practices of ‘core shamanism’ to help Nahdion. Returning, he drummed while descending to commune with several Lower World spirits, so Nahdion would be able to drink, eat, and poop. When it was time for Nahdion to pass on, David drummed, journeying to Upper World spiritual teachers, during Nahdion’s transition to Lower World. David leads a shamanic drumming group that meets each week on Zoom, sharing stories, doing divination, and answering requests for healing people, animals, and practicing nature-intuitive ways of knowing (


May 27th – 29th 2020 “The Role of Narratives and Storytelling in Organizing for Sustainability: Perspectives in Dialogue” and PhD course “Narrative research. A turn, a method, a paradigm?” Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Michael Bamberg, Clark University, USA

Prof. David Boje, New Mexico State University, USA and Aalborg University, DK

Prof. Yiannis Gabriel, formerly University of Bath, UK, and Visiting Professor at Lund University

Prof. Kenneth M.lbjerg J.rgensen, Aalborg University, DK


EGOS 2020 July 2-4

Stay tuned for the Western North Carolina Storytelling Conferenc
Quantum Storytelling ANnual Review 2019  print version QSAR 2020

Order Kindle Edition or Paperback versions

Quantum Storytelling Annual Review addresses entanglement of storytelling with whole systems at quantum scale of particle/wave and at the macro scale of capitalism, global warming, and socioeconomics. Quantum Storytelling means we are all connected at nanoparticle and energy wave level. All things, all creatures are composed of quantum energy. Your cellphone, your computer, the GPS in your car, the MRI machine are all marvels of quantum physics. We take all things are interconnected as the basis of a whole systems storytelling approach to 'storytelling science.'

A whole systems storytelling approach focuses on sociomaterial from the quantum to the macro by looking for patterns, such as relations between economic classes, hegemony of all kinds. We are particularly interested in holistic approaches to the relation of narrative-counternarrative to grounding in the existential living stories of all species. We like the notion that all things tell a story, that sociomaterial configurations are agential, and that instead of privileging human storytelling, there is what Donna Haraway calls 'multispecies storytelling.'

We are particularly interested in Mikhail Bakhtin's notion of 'moral answerability' -- to intervene in a situation instead of being a bystander. We are all about ethics of storytelling. For Bakhtin, stories are polyphonic, and narratives are 'always' monological. This leads to the single-voiced, single-logic narratives (counternarratives) attempting to exclude the multi-voiced, multi-logical 'living stores' that are grounded in nature, in the bioshere, in the quantum interconnectedness.

Antenarratives are the stuff that pre-constitutes narrative-counternarrative and living stories. This gives one the three facets of whole systems storytelling (antenarratives, narrative-counternarrative, and living stories) so that we can begin to research the dominant patterns and dynamics of whole system storytelling using what we call 'storytelling science.'

We have been developing 'storytelling science' as a way to do what Charles Sanders Peirce called 'self-correcting' and Karl Popper called 'trial and error' scientific method. This is applied in the work of Henri Savall's 'socioeconomic approach to management' which intervenes by bringing about socially responsible (and ecologically accountable) capitalism. Recent work tries storytelling to socioeconomics. y taking a Whole Systems approach to Storytelling, I find that a self-Validating Closed Loop has formed in Business Storytelling. The problem is a lack of 'refutation' in business storytelling research methods. For example, Maude Barlow, Vadana Shiva, and David Boje have been making claims about Monsanto, Coca Cola, and PepsiCo concerning terminator seeds, and over-pumping groundwater, especially in India.

Monsanto claims its Bt cotton seeds that increase crop yield by controlling for pests. Shiva narrative claims it is responsible for farmer suicides in India. Monsanto's counternarrative is that Bt seeds work as advertised, and that the blame for suicides is government that in 2008 began requiring collateral for loans to small farmers, and since their holdings too small, a loan shark niche opened to fill the gap. Second reason is inefficient traditional farming practices.

Coca Cola and PepsiCo claim they are helping local farmers in India by putting back more water into the aquifers than is pumped out by the bottlers of plastic water bottles and plastic/glass soda bottles. The counternarrative by Shiva, Barlow and by myself, that the well (straws) for Coca Cola and PepsiCo run deep, and much deeper than the farmers can support, thus putting on stress in not being able to pay to loan sharks, and resulting in farmer suicides. In my deconstruction of the Coca Cola and PepsiCo corporations ' narratives, we find they do not actually put water back into the ground, but rather do training of farmers in drip system agriculture, and other greenwashing.

Business Storytelling Encyclopedia


I am Editor-in-Chief for the Business Storytelling Encyclopedia

We have three sets of volume we intend for a paradigm shift in business storytelling. 


Vol. 1 Business Storytelling of Entrepreneurship - Associate Professor Duncan Pelly <> Abilene University, Texas

Vol. 2  History and Business Storytelling - Prof. Albert Mills,

St Mary's University,  <>

Vol. 3 Business Storytelling and Postcolonialism - Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar <>

– Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Amon Barros <>– FGV EAESP, Brazil
Nimruji Prasad Jammulamadaka  <> – Indian Institute of Management, India; 
Ana Mzaria Peredo <> – University of Victoria, Canada

Vol. 4 Diversity and Business Storytelling - Jean Helms Mills -  <> Professor Saint Mary's University, Nova Scotia 

Vol. 5 Business Storytelling Socioeconomics - Amandine Savall Lyon ISEOR Institute SAVALL Amandine <>


ol. 1.Business True Storytelling - Jens Larsen - Independent Consultant and Ph.D.  <> Copenhagen, Denmark

Vol 2. Business Storytelling and Sustainability - Professor Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen <> -Business College, Aalborg University, Denmark

Vol. 3. Business Storytelling and Communication - Independent research scientists and Ph.D. Jillian Saylors, <

Vol. 4. Business Storytelling, Science, and Statistics - Professor David Trafimow <>  and editor Journal of Applied and Experimental Social Psychology, New Mexico State University

Vol. 5. Business Storytelling and Grounding Methodology - David Boje (contact with Marita Svane Aalborg University

SET THREE (Strategies and Chanbe)

Vol. 1. Business Storytelling and Big Data Methods - Associate Professor Rohny Saylors <> Washington State University

Vol. 2. Business Storytelling in Ensemble Leadership - Grace Ann Rosile Professor Emeritus, New Mexico State University,

Vol. 3. Business Storytelling and Strategy - Yue Cai - Yue Cai "Yue C. Hillon" <> Associate Professor, Western North Carolina "Yue C. Hillon" <>

Vol. 4. Business Storytelling and Change Management  Davud Boje <>

Vol. 5. Business Storytelling and Capitalism Davud Boje <>

conversational storytelling book cover
cover true storytelling book


                                                 Click here for word file

This is a question I was asked to answer by Henry Mintzberg and Richard Swedberg, in the first conversation-salon. Theorizing in Organization Studies
Insights from Key Thinkers

It is based on this book: by Anne Vorre Hansen and Sabine Madsen (2019) Theorizing in Organization Studies: Insights for Key Thinkers (Elgar). Based on intervies with David Boje, Barbara Czarniawska, Kenneth Gergen, Tor Hernes, Geertz Hofstede, Henri Mintzberg, Edgar Schein, Andrew Van de Ven, and Karl Weick.


Download draft at Book out end 2019

new book
Theorizing in Organization Studies: Insights from Key Thinkers by Anne Vorre Hansen and Sabine Madson. Elgar
Baed on interview ithe David Boje, Barbara Czarniawska, Kenneth Gergen, Tor Hernes, Geert Hofstede, Edgar Shein, Andrew Van de Ven, and Karl Weick

Hardback 2019 August 8th
Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society

boje new book storytelling methods







NEXT BOOK for 2020:

Seven True Storytelling Principles that Ensure Support and Success of Your Change-Management Strategy

David Boje

Jens Larsen


Lena Bruun

London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis). 



Book to be released 2019 by Emerald Press edited by David Boje and Mabel Sanchez


Print Edition Book released Aug. 1 2017 Order from; Look inside.

ISBN- 13-978-1521963470
ISBN-10: 1521963479

Kindle version


Theaters of Capitalism: Creating
                                  Conscious Capitalism by [Boje, David]

Theaters of Capitalism: Creating Conscious Capitalism

[Print Replica] Kindle Edition

by David Boje (Author)

See all formats and editions




Cover for Emerald scMOI Handbook

The Emerald of Handbook of Management and Organizational Inquiry edited by David Boje and Mabel Sanchez, to be released end of 2019 Emerald Press


dragon book cover

Available from Routledge May 2014; See Reviews; See Book Signing Flyer

2014 BOOK edited by David M. Boje and Tonya Wakefield

Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative

Available from Amazon 2014

Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd is registered in England. Reg. No: 4333775; VAT No: 108280727

Organizational Change and Global Standardization: Solutions to Standards and Norms Overwhelming Organizations (Routledge Studies in Organizational Change & Development) Hardcover - Available on 31 Jul. 2015

by David M. Boje (Editor)


by Tonya Henderson (Author), David M. Boje (Author)
Dance to Music of Story Storyteling and the Future of Organizations An
                    Antenarrative Handbook Companion

(2010) Dance to the Music of Story: Understanding Human Behavior through the Integration of Storytelling and Complexity Thinking

Written/Edited by: David M. & Ken Baskin 2010, ISBN 9780984216529 (296 pages), Emergent Publications Order Here; About authors & content
SOFTBACK: $44.95

(2011). Storytelling and the Future of Organizations: An Antenarrative Handbook (London: Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) [Hardcover]; Authors & Table of Contents

David M. Boje (Editor)

Order Amazon $99.37

(2011). The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change [Hardcover]that The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change, has been published. Ships from and sold by Amazonite see Routledge website for summary

David Boje (Editor), Bernard Burnes (Editor), John Hassard (Editor).
Hardback: 978-0-415-55645-3: October 2011: $195.00 – £115.00
... offers a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the field. The volume brings together the very best contributors not only from the field of organizational change, but also from adjacent fields, such as strategy and leadership. These contributors offer fresh and challenging insights to the mainstream themes of this discipline. Read More

2008 Storytelling Organizations, Sage, 2008 Order here ; Press Release ; Book Review ; Published book review 2009

Click image for access to Amazon site, Book: Narrative Methods... Sage, 2001 Order Here


2008 Critical Theory Ethics for Business & Public Administration | Information Age Press; Order here ; Amazon Order Here ; see larger image

ISBN-10: 159311785X
ISBN-13: 978-1593117856s

Workshops Available . The Ethical Optimist Living Story, and Value-Based Ethics and Story Ethics.

Click image for access to Amazon, Book: Postmodern Management & Organization Theory, Sage, 1996 Order Here


2008 Managing in the Postmodern World: America's Revolution Against Exploitation 2008 Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press (re-release of the 1994 book) order here

Workshops Available Story Leader Assertiveness

2008 Managerial Psychology
Three-Volume Set
Edited by:
Yochanan Altman , Frank Bournois &
David M. Boje Series:
SAGE Library in Business and Management Order Here
2009 - WORK AND ORGANIZATION: THE AESTHETIC DIMENSION - Written/Edited by: David Boje, Adrian Carr & Philip Hancock
2009, ISBN/ISSN 9780981703251 (212 pages), ISCE Publishing
. Web site for Work and Organization book.

Boje, D. M. (2012d). , Quantum Storytelling: Blacksmithing Art in the Quantum Age, Video accessed May 25, 2012


Click image for E:CO, Emergence: Complexity and Organization, Special Double Issue: Complexity and Storytelling (Volume 7, Numbers 3 & 4, 2005), guest editors Ken Baskin and David Boje. Order Here.

Click image for Amazon site for Book: The Passion of Organizing - Copenhagen, 2006 Order here Click image for PDF - Thin Book of Organization Theatre 2007 Download Free version Here

The video presents the eleven D's of Quantum Storytelling from an ontological standpoint.
1.            Directionality
2.            Datability
3.            Duration
4.            Disclosability
5.            Destining
6.            Deployment
7.            Dwelling
8.            Deseverance
9.            Drafts
10.         Dispersion
11.         Detaching

Joe T. Meier directed the video, Aron Hethcox did the sound, and Jones Huerta the choreography.




  • A.Sc. 1972 Burlington County College, Liberal Arts
  • B.Sc. 1974 Rider College, Organizational Behavior & Marketing
  • Ph.D. 1979 University of Illinois, Organizational Behavior

Membership in Professional Associations & Scholarly Societies

  • International Academy of Business Disciplines
  • Phi Beta The Kappa, 1971-1972
  • Society for Advancement of Management, 1971-72
  • Marketing Scholars Society, 1974
  • Academy of Management Society, 1977-present
  • Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity, Spring 1990-present
  • Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, 1980, 1988-present

Linked in profile


Get on list for upcoming Storytelling Events

I solve problems in how your organization is storytelling its strategy, humanity, sustainability, and ethics. To ask your STORYTELLING questions I have a helpful tool: or, contact me at

Storytelling is an art. We are storytelling animals. Storytelling is my focus. Storytelling is what I do in teaching, writing, consulting, and research for 35 years. See Youtube at I love to help people and organizations find this storytelling path. It is easy to become a character in someone else's master narrative. It is more helpful to find your own living story path. Its a matter of finding you voice. Join us at our annual conference We have a mix of storytelling consulting practitioners, researchers, and clients who celebrate finding their own living story. I work with my colleagues in Denmark in two venues. One is the Material Storytelling Lab in Aalborg University where I am said to be the godfather to the lab. Material Storytelling (Anete Strand's pioneering dissertation and lab direction), is based on Karen Barad's work (and a bit of my own), to look at the intra-activity of 'social' with the 'material'. It is part of a huge movement called 'sociomateriality.' We use the term 'quantum storytelling' to get at how there is no separation between social and material. We are both/and. In Denmark I work with TRUE STORYTELLING, a project by Jens Larson, and Lena Larson, to do storytelling bootcamps. True Storytelling is possible in consciousness raising boot camps of self-transformation and critical reflexive inquiry into our own habituated thoughts and actions within micro-physics systems, and embedded macro-political systems of power. It is possible to recover an agency of resistance to normalization under the detailed disciplinary technologies of the institutions we work in.

I hope to see you at our events. To get on our mailing list, click here. David

Get on list for upcoming Storytelling Events

He lives in New Mexico where in his spare time he is an amateur blacksmith artist. He is a member of STRADA, the Strategic Analysis Discourse Group at NMSU. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2011 for his contributions to quantum storytelling.

He is founder and president of Standing Conference for Management and Organizational Inquiry| and the new annual conference on Quantum Storytelling each December He is founder and past editor, Tamara Journal and Chair of the NMSU Sustainability Council. He is former Bank of America Endowed Professorship of Management (awarded September 2006-2010), and past Arthur Owens Professorship in Business Administration (June 2003-June 2006) in the Management Department at New Mexico State University Department of Management, New Mexico State University, Box 30001, MSC 3DJ Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003 | Phone 575.532.1693; Fax 575.646.1372; e-mail:Boje campus email
Home pages | Quantum Storytelling and Ontological Storytelling pages| see the new Film, Boje, D. M. (2012d). , Quantum Storytelling: Blacksmithing Art in the Quantum Age, Video accessed May 25, 2012 at ;

June 2014 - Business Outlook article profile on D. Boje

Some doctoral colleagues I mentor:
Krisha Carla Ted Wanda
Krisha, Al, David, Carla & Wanda

Ted, Pamela, David, Carla & seated Al and Wanda



                    Management Consulting KEYNOTE 2018


New Zealand critique of Triple Bottom Line and Globalization

Scotland How Storytelling is used in Globalization to make us believe there is no alternative

Italy How to change Globalization so humanity is not the 6th Extinction

Denmark: What is True Storytelling when we are in the Eye of the Hurricane, watching people tumbling into Globalization's Extinction of Humanity

Denmark Copenhagen TRUE STORYTELLING AS CONSULTATION TOOL - Slides David Boje & Jens Larsen 'Old Friends Industries' Presentation to 65 public executives and managers on Wed May 16, 2018

Paris Keynote at FNEGE 2018 What will awaken people to the nightmare of globalization? A 'true' storytelling of the Mother Earth Economy is a viable solution to preadatory economy models of globalization.

Finland 24-30 May 2018 seminar on 25 May

Lyon presentation to ODC International meeting of Acaemdy of Management How socioeconomic appraoch can change the direction of globalizaiton

Greece 9 June to 4 July 2018

New Mexico 5 July to Aug 5 to Teach

Keynote to Southern Denmark Aug 6 to 9 2018 for conference on Narrative and Counternarrative, from Antenarrative process view

Academy of Managment - Distinguished Speaker, Chicago, August 13 2018, Consultation Division: “How Consultation Can Save Humanity from the Sixth Extinction Event,”  Boje inspires a moral reflexivity that facilitates intelligent public action in the face of the planetary boundaries for life on Earth. By developing counter accounts, hidden costs, and qualimetric consultation, we can encourage transformative change for a 'true storytelling' of corporate social and planetary responsibility. 

The name "David Boje" was mentioned in 1,833 PDFs recently uploaded to Academia (May 4, 2018).

Boje has always applied his theoretical insights to practical activism in local communities. In the 1990’s he worked with the Los Angeles Nickerson Gardens public housing community so that community members could have a greater role in the management and daily operations of the community. He helped to initiate the first-ever partnership between the Gardens, the Peace Corps, and Loyola Marymount University. After moving to his current home at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM, he established a university-wide minor in Sustainability. He was named a “Mover and Shaker” by the local newspaper for his work with local arts groups. Now he wants to change wealth inequality.

More recently, Boje has worked with homeless veterans, helping them to establish a “Veterans Theatre” where the homeless themselves are the actors on stage performing crowd-pleasing and heartbreaking yet humorous stories. Boje helped them create the scripts from a patchwork of the homeless actors own real-life experiences. He also works with postdeployment veterans using his “Restorying” methods, sand tray props, and equine-assisted restorying techniques. His latest work is with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), agricultural workers who have experienced abuses to the point of enslavement. He is a great fan of their highly-effective “Worker-Driven Social Responsibility” (WSR) and what he and Rosile call their egalitarian “Ensemble Leadership” approach to organizing. In 2017, Boje marched with the CIW in pouring rain to protest Wendy’s Corporation continuing refusal to sign a fair-labor-practices contract.

In his spare time, Boje rides his horse Lucky Boy with wife and colleague Grace Ann Rosile, and creates art in his blacksmith shop with hot forging of iron as well as cold hammered copper wire and metal. Rosile and Boje’s family includes a cat, 2 dogs, and 4 horses.

My new project: ONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS: As visiting scholar I travel worldwide doing faculty and doctoral student seminars in storytelling research methods known as 'relational process ontologies'. There are multiple ontologies that form ontologic-assemblages, particular combinations that co-constitute at least eight streams of 4th Wave Grounded Theory. see book due to publisher March 2018 and annual Storytelling Methods Conference in Las Cruces

My three areas of community engagement:

  1. SMALL BUSINESS CONSULTING. Mgt448/Mgt548 is one of two universities in US with MOA between NMSU and Lyon III University and ISEOR Institute to teach socioeconomic consulting. In past 19 years approximately 350 student teams have engaged in service learning with the community by providing free consulting services to business and non-profit organizations. This includes reversing downward spiral into strategic changes to unleash human potential in lowering costs and enhancing revenues by doing project implementation and evaluation.
  2. VETERANS THEATER: Students are engaged with Veterans Theater project, doing service learning, working with veteran and homeless actors putting on original plays about veterans and homelessness issues. Along with GoFundMe the plays raise donation money needed to develop veteran tiny home ecological village on campus, another for homeless veterans and homeless in city of Las Cruces, and an equine-assisted psychotherapy and restorying treatment center for veterans and families, post-deployment family-reintegration.  I am part of community veterans organizations (Veterans Advisory Board to Mayor of Las Cruces; American Legion Post 10, Vietnam Veterans of America #431; American Legion Riders) to keep project opportunities happening. It produces interdisciplinary research and a faculty and student team developing research grants to NSF & DOD to bring our 'embodied restorying process' of working with veterans and family members for post-deployment reintegration to resolve being stuck in past traumas (PTSD, TBI, and/or military sexual trauma) in order to create new story of family system future. See Jeanne Flora, David Boje, Grace Ann Rosile, Kenneth Hacker (2016) Journal of Veterans Studies. 
  3. GREENING NMSU CURRICULUM: Engaged in 'Greening the Curriculum' at NMSU by being two-time Chair of Sustainability Council, working for reaccreditation of NMSU Gold Star rating for second time (received August 15, 2017), $50K grant for developing sustainability minors across all colleges, sustainability scholarships in each college, working a table at career fair in Fall and Spring to introduce employers and students to sustainability at NMSU, and bringing about the formation of our dream, a School of Sustainability at NMSU, in cooperation with City of Las Cruces and green companies locally. Student service learning projects in Mgt375v (sustainability audit, viewing wider world course) and Mgt 448/Mgt548 (small business consulting course) and Mgt375v (Leadership & Society viewing the wider world course) work on service projects such as bicycle sharing, tiny homes ecological village, City of Las Cruces sustainability audit, and so forth.

Daivd Boje is founder of Tamara Journal of Critical Organization Inquiry. I have published journal articles, many in top tier journals such as Management Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Academy of Management Journal, etc. It is said he isamong the most cited scholars in the College of Business at New Mexico State University. In August 2017, 1509 papers recently uploaded to mention the name, "David M Boje". He is anan amateur blacksmith and a shamanic practitioner and facilitates a monthly Shamanic Drumming Circle in Las Cruces, New Mexico. My published work is available online at