The art of crafting and sharing narratives that shape our
understanding of reality.
Quantum Storytelling
Where multiple possibilities exist simultaneously in a
superposition of narrative potential.
The living, breathing story before it becomes crystallized
into a linear narrative.
David M. Boje
David M. Boje is a distinguished Professor Emeritus in Management
at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, where he has also
held the position of Regents Professor. Boje is an internationally
recognized scholar with an extensive body of work in
organizational storytelling, ethics, and critical theory. He
earned his Ph.D. at University of Illinois, became assistant
professor at UCLA in 1978, moved on to Loyola Marymount University
in 1988 and became full professor and teacher of the year six
times, then moved to New Mexico State University in 1996 to be a
department head, and head up the doctoral program. He earned the
highest honor, Regents Professor. Since then he has held positions
at ALborg University in Denmark, and is currently an honored
professor at Fisk University.
He is most notably known for his pioneering work in the field of
Storytelling Organizations, Antenarrative Processes, and
Quantum Storytelling, a paradigm he has developed to transform
traditional capitalism into what he terms Ecological Capitalism.
His work suggests that through the lens of quantum storytelling,
organizations can better navigate complex, dynamic environments,
fostering sustainability and ethical practices by rethinking the
narratives that shape business strategies and practices.
Boje has published over 150 journal articles and authored or
co-authored over 30 books, including seminal works like
"Narrative Methods for Organization and Communication Research,"
"Storytelling Organizations," and his more recent exploration into
quantum storytelling in "The Future of Storytelling and
Organization: An Antenarrative Handbook." His contributions extend
to the invention of the term "antenarrative," which he
invented in 2001 that explores the pre-story elements that shape
organizational narratives.
What do scholars say?
David Boje Is The
Visionary of Organizational Storytelling
Revolutionizing How
We Understand Narratives, Change, and the Future
Boje’s storytelling imagination burns with the fierce energy of
a volcano, generating more insights in a few pages than others
display in whole volumes."– Yiannis Gabriel,
University of Bath, UK
David Boje isarguably the
world’s leading scholar in organizational storytelling—a
thought leader who hasrevolutionized
the way we understand narratives, change, and leadership.His groundbreaking
work has inspired academics, executives, and change-makers across
industries, influencing how organizations craft and reshape their
stories for transformation.
A Thought Leader in Storytelling
and Change
Boje is one of the most innovative thought leaders on
organizational change and narrative methods."–
Nikhilesh Dholakia, University of Rhode Island, USA
work has powerfully influenced how researchers engage with and
understand organizations."– Heather Höpfl,
University of Essex, UK
leaves no stone unturned in his profound and gifted way of
dissecting and explaining the variety and complexity of
Ed Breeding, Painter/Writer/Documentary Filmmaker, USA
Boje’s research moves beyond traditional
storytelling methods. He introducesantenarratives—the
fragmented, emerging stories shaping organizations before they
become full-fledged narratives. Hisquantum
storytellingframework mergesphilosophy,
pragmatism, quantum physics, and shamanic traditions,
pushing the boundaries of how we think about thepast,
present, and future of organizational narratives.
Why Boje’s Work Matters Today
brings storytelling to the quantum (or postmodern) era—the era
of uncertainty, indeterminacy, and complexity."– Haridimos Tsoukas,
University of Cyprus & University of Warwick, UK
book breaks new ground by proposing alternate methodologies for
how many storytellers—not just omniscient managers—may impact
future courses for organizations."– Usha C. V. Haley,
West Virginia University, USA
reminds us that the story about one set of interests may
override all others—but it need not be so."– Maria Humphries,
University of Waikato, New Zealand
Boje’s work is acall to
leaders, managers, and researchers to embracestorytelling
as a tool for change—not just as a way to interpret the
past but as apowerful
mechanism to shape the future.
A Master of Narrative and
Pragmatic Storytelling
brothers James would be delighted with Boje’s work—James for its
weight on narrative, Henry for its pragmatic approach."– Barbara
Czarniawska, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
takes storytelling to a stratospheric level, offering an extreme
depth of understanding of what storytelling is really about."– Ed Breeding
than anyone else, David Boje has sensitized us to the importance
of narratives, plurivocality, and storytelling in
Haridimos Tsoukas
combines elements from philosophy, quantum physics, and
shamanism—showing how storytelling has been used in both ethical
and unethical ways in organizations."– Jerry Biberman,
University of Scranton, USA
presents different approaches to storytelling and takes quantum
storytelling to the next level. This book will certainly inspire
those looking for new innovative ideas and methods."– Eero Vaara, Hanken
School of Economics, Finland
A New Era of Storytelling in
Boje doesn’t just analyze storytelling—hechallenges
the status quoand
pushes for transformation. His researchuncovers
hidden power structureswithin narratives and
helps organizations navigateuncertainty
and change.
this groundbreaking work, Boje systematically rejects mainstream
conformism and moves towards open sources of responsible civic
Slawek Magala, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands
applies deep insight and astounding creativity to connect the
strands of theory, punctuated with significant examples and
important stories."–
Jo Tyler, Penn State University, USA
you care about people, stories, and organizations—read this
seminal book."–
Jo Tyler
Join the Conversation on
Storytelling and Change
🔹 Are you ready totransform how
your organization tells its story?
🔹 Want to explorequantum
storytelling, antenarratives, and pragmatic change?
🔹 Looking forcutting-edge
storytelling research that challenges conventional thinking?
David Boje’s Work and Start Your Journey Today!
As the co-founder of the Quantum Storytelling Conference, held
annually in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Boje brings together scholars,
practitioners, and enthusiasts to delve into how storytelling can
be used to enhance organizational understanding and
transformation. This conference is
co-sponsored by the True Storytelling Institute and the
Organizational Storytelling Review Journal, platforms dedicated to
advancing the study and practice of storytelling in management.
Boje's commitment to this innovative approach is reflected on his
personal website,,
a term he invented in 2001 (now has over 70 publications by
amazing scholars), and the dedicated Quantum Storytelling website,
where he shares insights, publications, and details about his
ongoing projects and seminars. His work not only challenges but
also seeks to reform the conventional dominant narratives of
capitalism, aiming for a more sustainable and ethically conscious
business world that builds on quantum stoytelling. On any given
Tuesday at 1PM Mountain Time, he is engaged in conversations at
with amazing colleagues.
Introducing ProfessorDavid
Michael Boje, a seasoned educator with four decades
of experience and an intriguing foray into quantum shamanism. In
his captivatingMysticMaginterview, we
explore the essence of the True Storytelling System and delve
deep into the fascinating realm of quantum shamanism, an
endeavor that extends beyond typical narratives into an
enigmatic world of spiritual insights and connections. CLICK TO
How Quantum Storytelling Can Transform Ordinary Capitalism into
Ecological Capitalism. Home to the
Quantum Storytelling Conference (
community that meets each December in Las Cruces New Mexico. The
Quantum Storytelling Conference is co-sponsored by the True
Storytelling Institute (
& Organizational Storytelling Review Journal (
David Boje writes books and gives seminars on How Quantum
Storytelling Can Transform Ordinary Capitalism into Ecological
Quantum Storytelling Adventure books, you, the reader,
create the plot and choose what happens next.
You, the reader, will make gamebook choices that influence
the character’s identity, relationships with other
characters, and the future of quantum physics of the story
Each decision point will invoke a quantum superposition
until you, the reader, can choose which path to take next,
thereby collapsing the quantum wave.
Chapters have multiple endings where each choice you make
leads to a different reality, with some paths entangled with
others, others bringing you back to an earlier choice,
"Quantum Storytelling: Cyborg AI’s Versus Humanity,"
Professor David Boje leads readers into a realm where the
borders between humanity and technology dissolve into a
quantum tapestry of possibilities. Set in the enigmatic
Quantum Storytelling Laboratory, this fictional narrative
explores the profound implications of AI on our society,
economy, and environment. Characters are fictional, but what
they say has some quantum science behind it.
From the dawn of AI citizenship to the corporate battle
between profit and planet, Boje crafts a vivid saga where
artificial intelligence is not merely a tool but a character
in our future story. Each chapter unfolds like a quantum
thought experiment, simulating worlds where AI could lead us
to a sustainable renaissance or dystopian resistance. With
twists of fate and ethical dilemmas, the book challenges our
notions of identity, autonomy, and the very essence of
storytelling in an age where narratives can exist in
multiple states simultaneously.
Storytelling: AI's Ecological Capitalism Revolution"
ventures into uncharted territories of narrative,
innovation, and sustainability. This book is not just a
theoretical exploration but a vividjourney
through a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes the
catalyst for a profound transformation of capitalism, one that
reveres the planet as much as profit.
At its core, quantum
storytelling as conceptualized here breaks from the linear,
cause-and-effect narratives of traditional capitalism. It
embraces a model where stories are not merely told but lived
through the dynamic interplay of human, technological, and
natural systems. Here, capitalism isn't just about economic
growth but about fostering an ecosystem where every entity
thrives—humans, technology, and the Earth itself. The
narrative of this book is about restorying traditional
capitalism, where the metrics of success are measured not only
in dollars but in the health of our planet, the richness of
our lives, and the sustainability of our future. Amazon
Hardcover, Kindle, or Paperback.Order on Amazon:
David M. (2024) The Entrepreneur's Storytelling Journey:
Danish and American Guide to Crafting Compelling
Entrepreneur-Storytelling using the Seven Antenarrative
Amazon Hardcover, Kindle, or
The Entrepreneur's Storytelling Journey: Danish and American Guide
to Crafting Compelling Entrepreneur-Storytelling using the Seven
Antenarrative Processes (Quantum Storytelling)
The Entrepreneur's Storytelling Journey: Danish and American Guide
to Crafting Compelling Entrepreneur-Storytelling using the Seven
Antenarrative Processes (Quantum Storytelling) Paperback –
December 15, 2024
by David Boje Ph.D. (Author) Related to: Quantum
Storytelling | See all formats and editions
As entrepreneurs, we know that storytelling is a powerful tool for
connecting with our audience, building our brand, and driving
business results. But how do we craft compelling narratives that
resonate with our audience and set us apart from the competition?
In this book, we'll explore the seven antenarrative processes
developed by David Boje, a renowned expert in the field of
organizational storytelling, and learn how to apply them to our
own entrepreneurial journeys.
Part 1: The Antenarrative Processes
In this section, we'll delve into the seven antenarrative
processes that David Boje has identified as essential for crafting
compelling narratives:
1. Beneath: The foundation of our story, where we establish our
values and principles
2. Before: The context in which our story unfolds, including our
past experiences and skills
3. Bets: The calculated risks we take to grow our business and
achieve our goals
4. Being: Our identity and sense of self, which informs our
entrepreneurial journey
5. Becoming: The transformation and growth we experience as
6. Between: The connections and relationships we build with others
7. Beyond: Our vision and goals for the future, venturing into the
Part 2: Seven Chapters, The Adventures of Alvida, David Boje,
Hilda, and Sofie
In this section, we'll follow the adventures of Alvida, a Danish
actress, David Boje, a renowned expert in organizational
storytelling, Hilda, a Danish Shaman, and Sofie, a young
entrepreneur, as they explore the seven antenarrative processes
and learn how to apply them to their own entrepreneurial journeys.
In this book, we've explored the seven antenarrative processes
developed by David Boje and learned how to apply them to our own
entrepreneurial journeys. We've seen how Alvida, David Boje,
Hilda, and Sofie have used these processes to craft compelling
narratives and achieve their goals. By applying these processes to
our own stories, we can create a powerful narrative that resonates
with our audience and drives business results.