About David 
David M. Boje is a world renown expert in the field of
organizational storytelling and narrative analysis. His
work on antenarrative processes and quantum
storytelling has revolutionized how we understand
organizational communication and storytelling practices.

Introducing Professor David
Michael Boje, a seasoned educator with four
decades of experience and an intriguing foray into
quantum shamanism. In his captiv MysticMag interview,
we explore the essence of the True Storytelling
System and delve deep into the fascinating realm of
quantum shamanism, an endeavor that extends beyond
typical narratives into an enigmatic world of
spiritual insights and connections. CLICK TO SEE
Or Come to the
Enthinkment Circle Meeting
About Enthinkment Circle
Enthinkment Circle centers
around the work of Professor David Michael Boje and his
exploration of "enthinkment," a term coined by his mentor,
Louis Ralph Pondy. The website serves as a hub for
understanding and expanding upon this concept, which has been
largely overlooked in traditional management literature.
QR Codes

Boje Home Page and Info

QR for Quantum
Storytelling website

QR Code for Enthinkment Circle

Code for Entrepreneur's Storytellling Journey Summit
Publications (over 30 books & 150 articles) (See
David and Grace Ann Restorying References
D. M. (2001). Narrative Methods for Organizational
& Communication Research. London: Sage.Boje, D.
M., Flora, J., Rosile, G. A., EnglandKennedy, L.,
Vaillancourt, K., Marin, M. R., & Strand, A. (2015).
Equine-restorying Military Family Research. Las Cruces,
Boje, David, Motamedi, Kurt and Rosile, Grace Ann
(2010). "Change with Academy of Management (AoM-USA).
June 14-16.
Boje, D., & Rosile, G. A. (2003a). Comparison of
socio‐economic and other transorganizational development
methods. Journal of organizational change management,
16(1), 10-20.
Boje, D., & Rosile, G. A. (2003b). Theatrics of
SEAM. Journal of Organizational Change Management,
16(1), 21-32.
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2008). Specters of
Wal-Mart: A critical discourse analysis of stories of
Sam Walton's ghost. Critical discourse studies, 5(2),
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2015, March).
Equine-assisted restorying for veterans and their loved
ones. In Presentation at the annual conference of the
Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association
(EAGALA), Utah.
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2016). Restorying
Indigenous Leadership: Generative Metaphors from Apache
Storytelling Traditions. Leadership, 12(3),
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2018). Releasing
Story Filters: The Seven Steps of Embodied Restorying
Boje, D., & Rosile, G. A. (2020). How to use
conversational storytelling interviews for your
dissertation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boje, D. M., Rosile, G. A., Dennehy, R., & Summers,
D. J. (1997). Restorying reengineering: Some
deconstructions and postmodern alternatives.
Communication Research, 24(6), 631-668.
Boje, D. M., Rosile, G. A., Hacker, K. L., England
Kennedy, E. S., & Flora, J. (2013). Combining
restorying and equine-assisted skills training in
counselor communication designed to help soldiers and
their families recover from traumatic stress.
Interdisciplinary grant approved for funding by NMSU
Office for Research, Dec 9th.
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. D., Summers, D (1997)
.‘Restorying reengineering: Some deconstructions and
postmodern alternatives’ Special Issue on Throwaway
Employees. Journal of Communication Research, 24(6),
Cast, M. L., Ann Rosile, G., Boje, D. M., & Saylors,
R. (2013). Restorying a hard day’s work. In The Role of
Emotion and Emotion Regulation in Job Stress and Well
Being (pp. 257-281). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Flora, J., Boje, D. M., Rosile, G. A., & Hacker, K.
(2016). A Theoretical and Applied Review of
Embodied Restorying for Post-Deployment Family
Reintegration. Journal of Veterans Studies, 1(1),
Rosile, G. A. (1998). Restorying for strategic
organizational planning and development: The case of the
Sci Fi organization.
Rosile, G. A. (2007). Cheating: Making it a teachable
moment. Journal of Management Education, 31(5), 582-613.
Rosile, G. A. (2011). The Antenarrative of ethics and
the ethics of antenarratives. In Storytelling and the
Future of Organizations (pp. 87-100). Routledge.
Rosile, G. A., & Boje, D. M. (2002). Restorying and
postmodern organization theater: Consultation in the
storytelling organization. Chapter 15, pp. 271-‐290 in
Ronald R. Sims (Ed.) Changing the Way We Manage Change.
Wesport, CONN.
Rosile, G. A., Boje, D. M., Carlon, D. M., Downs, A.,
& Saylors, R. (2013). Storytelling diamond: An
antenarrative integration of the six facets of
storytelling in organization research design.
Organizational Research Methods, 16(4), 557-580.
ROSILE, G. A., & BOJE, D. (2021). SPIRAL
Experiments. Making Sense of Stories: An Inquirer's
Compendium, 116.
Rosile, G. A., Dennehy, R. F., & Bodensteiner, N.
M. (1998). Restorying for personal and organizational
change. Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of
Management, Dallas, TX, March.
Rosile, G. A., Herder, R., & Boardman, C. M. (2016).
American Indian and Euro-Western negotiations: Creating
mutual benefit with upsurging antenarrative spirals.
Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 2(4),
Boje’s Writing on
Quantum Storytelling - Boje has
published extensively on this topic, with books like
* Boje, D. M. (2014). "Storytelling
Organizational Practices: Managing in the Quantum Age"
* Boje, D. M. and Sanchez (2018). "The
Emerald Handbook of Quantum Storytelling Consulting".
* Boje, D. M. (2012). Quantum physics of storytelling. New
Mexico State University
* Boje, D. M. (2014). Storytelling organizational practices:
Managing in the quantum age. Routledge
* Boje, D. M. (2024). Quantum storytelling: AI's ecological
capitalism revolution.
* Boje, D. M. (2014). Storytelling organizational practices:
Managing in the quantum age. Routledge.
* Boje, D. M. (2019). Organizational research: Storytelling
in action. Emerald Publishing Limited
* Boje, D. M., & Saylors, R. (2013). Virtuality and
materiality in the ethics of storytelling. In Materiality
and Space (pp. 260-291). Palgrave Macmillan.
* Boje, D. M., & Saylors, R. (2015). Tales from the
quantum storytelling field. In Quantum storytelling: An
ontological perspective on process
* Boje, D. M., Svane, M., Henderson, T. L., & Strevel,
H. B. (2015). Critical corporate social responsibility in
tamara-land: The role of tetranormalizing fractals. In
Corporate social responsibility in the global business world
(pp. 203-230). Springer.
* Boje, D. M., Haley, U. C., & Saylors, R. (2016).
Antenarratives of organizational change: The microstoria of
Burger King's storytelling in space, time and strategic
context. Human Relations, 69(2), 391-418.
* Boje, D. M., & Sanchez, M. (Eds.). (2019). The emerald
handbook of quantum storytelling consulting. Emerald
Publishing Limited
Boje and Rosile host the annual "Quantum
Storytelling Conference" where these ideas are
further explored and shared.

Louis R. Pondy
was a leading management and organizational studies
scholar whose work on open systems helped launch and
define the future of the field. This book offers an
assessment of Pondy’s contribution, through critical
reflection on what happened to the relationship between
conflict theory and “beyond open systems.”
Social Media
Social Media
FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/DrDavidMBojePhD
Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/davidbojephd/
Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/davidbojephd/
YouTube Channels
Quantum Storytelling Conference Channel
How Quantum Storytelling Can Transform Ordinary Capitalism
into Ecological Capitalism. https://Quantumstorytellling.org
Home to the Quantum Storytelling Conference community that
meets each December in Las Cruces New Mexico. The Quantum
Storytelling Conference is co-sponsored by the True
Storytelling Institute (https://truestorytelling.org)
& Organizational Storytelling Review Journal (https://storytellingreview.org).
David Boje writes books and gives seminars on How
Quantum Storytelling Can Transform Ordinary Capitalism into
Ecological Capitalism.
Storytelling Inquiry Channel