Corporate Entrepreneur's Storytelling Seminars & Coaching

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The Power of Corporate-Conversational Storytelling Inquiry (C-CSI) Seminar:


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Ready to revolutionize your organization's communication culture? Join our innovative C-CSI seminar and master the art of conversational storytelling.Investment in Your Organization's Future


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Our pricing reflects current market rates for premium corporate training, while offering exceptional value through our unique methodology. The average corporate training investment per learner is $954, but our comprehensive program delivers lasting organizational change.

Our Transformative Corporate Training Agenda

Session 1 - Using Conversational Storytelling Inquiry  7 Principles to boost Employee Engagement. Practice with talking stick to promote active listening, and turn-taking

Session 2 The four tests of effective Conversational Storytelling Inquiry in Corporations. Practice in using self-reflection in teams.

Session 3 - Practice in using CSI in difficut conversations at work. Practice in simulated difficult conversations.

Session 4 - How Horse Sense At Work applies to Conversational Storytelling In Corporations.

Session 5 - Cascading CSI teams approach to organizational change and innovation

Session 6 - Single, Double, and Triple Loop Learning in Corporations

Session 7 - Coordination of Triple Loops using Ensemble Leadership & Ensemble Storytelling.
Success Stories

Package Includes:
* Proven assertiveness techniques
* Strategic storytelling methodology certification
* Hands-on communication workshops
* Post-training support and resources
* Access to our exclusive C-CSI community
* Learn proven assertiveness techniques
* Master strategic storytelling methods
* Develop powerful communication skills
* Transform corporate conversations

Measuring Impact
Our comprehensive analytics framework helps organizations track and quantify the impact of storytelling initiatives:
Short-Term Indicators
* Communication clarity scores
* Meeting effectiveness ratings
* Employee feedback metrics
Long-Term Outcomes
* Knowledge retention rates
* Project success ratios
* Team performance metrics
* Customer satisfaction levels

Research indicates that organizations with strong storytelling cultures see a 23% higher return on their training investments compared to traditional communication approaches.

 Enroll & Pay Now for this Cutting-Edge Seminar.

In today's digital landscape, authentic conversational storytelling is more than just communication—it's the cornerstone of successful business relationships. Our proven Corporate Conversatonal Storytelling Inquiry (C-CSi) methodology helps organizations craft and deliver storytelling that resonate, inspire action, and drive measurable bottomline results.

Our Approach

We combine decades of converation and storytelling and our expertise with cutting-edge inquiry, research in neuroscience and psychology to create conversational storytelling that capture customer and investor attention, builds emotional connections, and drive business growth.

Success Stories

From Fortune 500 companies to innovative startups, across industries Conversational Storytelling Inquiry (CSI) is cutting-edge way to transform their communication and achieve remarkable results through the power of conversation + storytelling + inquiry (CSI).

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