CSI: Conversational Storytelling Inquiry

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What is CSI?

Conversational Storytelling Inquiry (CSI) is a innovative methodology for exploring and analyzing Conversations through co-inquiry dialogue and collaborative storytelling. It emphasizes the co-creation of meaning through conversational storytelling. More
Please watch 1-minute intro YouTube - What is CSI?

Here are the receing videos for CSI:
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Next: CSI Videos about Horsesense, Tribal Wisdom, Material Storytelling:

HorseSense at Work  YouTube 0f Grace Ann Roslie

More Videos

Doing Material Storytelilng with Homeless Veterans YouTube David Michael Boje

What is Living Story YouTube David Michael Boje

Three Doing Storytelling Differently YouTube David Michael Boje

The Importance of Storytelling in Organizaitons YouTube David Micahel Boje

The Importance of Storytelling Organizaitons Conference Keynote - David Michael Boje

Veterans Theater Youtube by David Michael Boje

Quantum Storytelling and Blacksmitthing YouTube by David Michael Boje

What is Quantum Storytelling? YouTube by David Michael Boje

Interview with David Boje by Joanna Sell YouTube

Boje's 'HOW TO DO STORYTELLING INTERVIEWING' deo for Professor Al Arkoubi Khadija YouTube

Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics, Trailer YouTube  Grace Ann Rosile

Tribal Wisdome for Business Ethics, Introduction YouTube Grace Ann Rosile

What is Tribal Wisdom YouTube by Grace Ann Rosile

Tribal Wisdom and Storytelling: Drs. David Boje and Gregory Cajete YouTube Grace Ann Rosile

Tribal Wisdom and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Dr. Don Pepion YouTube Grace Ann Rosile

Tribal Wisdom for Life-Enhancing Relationships: Dr. Gregory Cajete and Kaylynn Sullivan TwoTrees  YouTube Grace Ann Rosile

Tribal Wisdom & Entrepreneurship: Drs. Joe Gladstone & Dan Stewart, Yolanda Martinez & Alicia Ortega YouTube Grace Ann Rosile

What is Ensemble Leadership? YouTube - Grace Ann Rosile

Interview Part I with Grace Ann Rosile and David Boje YouTube
Interview Part II with Grace Ann Rosile and David Boje YouTube
Interview Part III with Grace Ann Rosile and David Boje YouTube

Annual Storytelling Conference 2017 YouTube

David Boje Quantum Storytelling Conference presentation 2017 YouTube
Fisk University Quantum Storytelling Conference 2023 YouTube

David Michael Boje

Pioneer in CSI Researh

Grace Ann Rosile

Pioneer in HorseSense and CSI training


Emphasizes dialogue and interactive exchange between participants


Uses storytelling as a primary tool for understanding human & organizational experience


Employs systematic investigation through collaborative exploration

CSI Storytelling Dialogue Co-Inquiry Co-Understanding Co Conversational