Greening the Curriculum @ NMSU - Database THREE, Our Sustainability funded Researchers & Projects (ARGIS) MENU: See Definitions of Sustinability, Sustainability-related and Sustainability-focused courses. DATABASE one Concentrations in Sustainability DATABASE two Details Listing of Sustainability Courses DATABASE three Sustainability Researchers & Projects (Funded or Proposed for Funding - ARGIS) DATABASE four non-ARGIS Sustainability Researchers and Projects Sustainability Council of NMSU Return Home to Menu of Databases
contact:David M. Boje, Coordinator, 'Greening the Curriculum @ NMSU' project
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23217 | Abbas Ghassemi | Waste Management Education and Resources Consortium | EG | Energy & Environmental Audits for Agricultural Producers in Southern New Mexico | New Mexico State University’s Institute for Energy & the Environment has been providing technical assistance and outreach on energy and environmental issues to the business, agricultural and educational sectors in the state since its founding as WERC in 1990. Critical to this effort has been the IEE Resources Center which has been assisting business, industry, communities and the Tribes complete energy and environmental audits and implement environmental management systems for the past eleven years. The Resources Center will be coordinating the activities of the REAP project. Numerous energy audits have conducted by IEE through cooperative agreements and contracts with DOE since 2001; specifically, IEE completed Industries of the Futures (IOF) project at mine sites and at forest product yards in collaboration with the NM Mining Association, the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) and private consultants. In addition, the Energy Technologies Research and Education Initiative, completed by IEE (described in more detail in Section 6 below,) addresses reliability and distributed generation issues in the Southwest. | Energy | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22645 | Jon Boren | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences College | AG | Technical Assistance to the Bureau of Economic Growth and Trade | Office of Capacity Building and Development (OCBD), a program area of the Foreign Agricultural Service, is responsible for planning, conducting, administering and coordinating the Department of Agriculture's programs on integration trade capacity building, sustainable agriculture and food security. OCBD also coordinates the Department's relationships with international organizations. In carrying out these responsibilities, OCBD provides technical assistance, research collaboration and training. OCBD works closely with the Administrators and staff reporting to the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services; with Administrators and staff of other USDA agencies involved with international food and agriculture activities; and with other government agencies, international organizations, and foreign governments. | Business/Economics | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22430 | Mary Lucero | Jornada Experimental Range Headquarters | AG | New Mexico State University will Host One Global Research Alliance Fellow with Mexico | Fellowship: Angelica Ruiz-Font ; New Mexico State University will Host One Global Research Alliance Fellow with Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23343 | David Thompson | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Automated Screening Technology for US Forest Service | Automated Screening Technology for US Forest Service | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23312 | Joyce Hill | ALBCC Regular Academic Instruction | ALCC | Children's Forest Intern Program | Cooperative arrangement to offer NMSU-A students internship opportunities through the Southern NM Children's Forest. | Environment | Education |
22383 | Robert Flynn | Agriculture Science Center at Artesia | AG | Digestibility of Alfalfa Silage as Affected by Location, Maturity and Treatment | Digestibility of alfalfa silage as affected by location, maturity and treatment. I agree in participate in the project “Digestibility of alfalfa silage as affected by location, maturity and treatment” which will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Richard E. Muck, who is at the USDA-ARS-Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI., for a period of two years (Fall 2010 to fall 2012). The methodology of this project consists in planting two alfalfa cultivar with contrasting fall dormancies (FD=4 and FD=8) in both locations, New Mexico and Wisconsin. At both locations, alfalfa will be harvested in spring, summer, and fall at two maturity stages, treated with different additives, ensiled in mini-silos and fermented for a minimum of 60 d. Nutritive value, digestibility, and fermentation profile will be analyzed. Results will be presented at professional meetings and published in peer-reviewed journal. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22837 | James Cain | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas w/ High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico | Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas w/ High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23292 | Mary O'Connell | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Genes Contributing to Phytophthora Resistance | Genes Contributing to Phytophthora Resistance | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22832 | Richard Pratt | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Strengthening Public Corn Breeding to Ensure that Organic Farmers have Access to Elite Cultivars | Strengthening Public Corn Breeding to Ensure that Organic Farmers have Access to Elite Cultivars | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23138 | Kenneth Boykin | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Assessment and Monitoring of Biodiversity Metrics at Multiple Scales in the Southwest to Support CEAP | Assessment and Monitoring of Biodiversity Metrics at Multiple Scales in the Southwest to Support CEAP | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22521 | Rex Kirksey | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences College | AG | Development of Machine Based Vision Systems for Identification of Extraneous Matter and Trash in Cotton Samples | The objective of this research is to develop machine-vision based systems for the identifcation and categorization of types of trash, trash size, and distribution of the foreign matter commonly found in cotton. The primary focus will be the identification and quantification of extraneous matter (bark and grass) in cotton bale samples for the purpose of cotton sample classification by the Agricultural Marketing Service. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23926 | David Thompson | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences College | AG | Support for Agricultural Research - Jornada | Support for Agricultural Research - Jornada | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23288 | Lois Joan Quinn | NMDA Marketing and Development Division | NMDA | New Mexico Organic Commodity Commission | Cooperative Agreement providing for National organic certification cost-share assistance in the State of New Mexico. Department was eliminated by lastest State funding cuts and the work was transferred to NMDA. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23072 | Gregory Watson | NMDA Entomology and Nursery Industries Bureau | NMDA | 2011 Red Imported Fire Ant & Gypsy Moth Surveys | Surveys of Red Imported Fire Ants and Gypsy Moths; NMDA | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22385 | Eric Butcher | Mechanical Engineering | EG | Libration Point Orbit Utilization for Tactical Advantage in Communications, Surveillance and Risk Mitigation | Targeted technical area: Space Situational Awareness (Dr. Kent Miller, Program Manager) The proposed project involves multidisciplinary collaborations of the PI with colleagues in the Space Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratories and at a leading academic institution (CU Boulder) in the area of astrodynamics and satellite navigation in order to study the benefits of and the challenges associated with the utilization of Libration Point Orbits (LPOs) for tactical advantage. Topical areas relevant to the DoD’s research interests include Space Situational Awareness and Operationally Responsive Space capabilities with emphasis on observability, orbital camouflage, and in particular reducing risks of both purposeful interference and collisions with space debris that are associated with space assets in low Earth or geosynchronous orbit. More specifically, the project addresses the development of low-cost transfers to and autonomous orbit determination and station keeping at single and multiple libration points. The investigations will include the application of theoretical modeling related to multi-body regimes together with strategies that specifically address the fundamental research problem of how to utilize the unique gravitational environment of the Sun-Earth-Moon-spacecraft system for selecting optimal LPOs corresponding to desired orbital, coverage, and observability constraints (such as the ability of LPO satellites to track objects in geosynchronous orbit), as well as for highly efficient transfers of space assets to the LPOs and reconstituting assets from these locations. Also, this project builds on recent work done at CU Boulder on autonomous orbit determination and station keeping at LPOs. In addition, innovative methods for minority student involvement, outreach programs using the most visited educational website for K-12 education, and the utilization of CU?s distance education program will form the project?s core education goals. By enhancing current research capabilities at NMSU (such as obtaining a new visualization laboratory for teaching and research in orbital mechanics) and leveraging the skills of the collaborators, the scope of the proposed work will aid in the development of a growing statewide research cluster in astrodynamics and satellite navigation, and serve to further broaden the university?s research base in support of national security. | Health | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22585 | John Fountain | Physical Science Laboratory | PSL | GRP1147 Astrolabe Operation & Sustainment | GRP1147 Astrolabe Operation & Sustainment | ||
63420 | Wenxin Liu | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | A Novel Fully Distributed Control Solution for Naval Shipboard Power Systems | The U.S. Navy has been seeking advanced control solutions for future generations of Navy ships [1]. A desirable control solution should provide high energy efficiency during normal operations and good survivability under faults and attacks [2]. Centralized control solutions are expensive to implement, inflexible, and susceptible to single-point failures. Because distributed control solutions can overcome these limitations, they are a desirable choice for Naval Shipboard Power Systems (SPSs). At the very least, a good distributed control solution can be used as a reliable backup for existing centralized solutions. A multi-agent system (MAS) is one of the most popular distributed control solutions. Advantages of an MAS include its ability to survive single-point failures and its decentralized data processing, which leads to faster operation and decision making. However, existing MASbased solutions for SPSs usually have limited applicability and lack rigorous stability analysis. Even though the MAS concept tended to be oversold, the potential of the MAS has not been explored fully. Recent progress in consensus, computational intelligence, and cooperative control make advanced MAS-based designs possible. To address the needs of the Navy and the problems with existing solutions, the PI proposes to investigate a novel MAS-based, fully-distributed control solution for Naval SPSs. Here, “fully distributed” means that every bus in the SPS is assigned an agent and that two agents communicate with each other only if their corresponding buses are electrically coupled. The proposed solution is built based on a stable global information discovery algorithm, which can guarantee convergence for SPSs of any size and topology. The algorithm can infuse the distributed agents with global situational awareness, so it can be used to design advanced distributed optimization and control algorithms. The distributed control problem has two degrees of freedom, control reference setting and control reference tracking. To support the proposed control solution, the PI will design reinforcement learning and cooperative control algorithms for control reference setting and decentralized control algorithms for control reference tracking. The reinforcement learningbased algorithm does not require an accurate SPS model and can adapt to changes in operating conditions automatically. Cooperative control algorithms will be designed to generate control references in real time. Decentralized control algorithms will be designed for subsystems to track generated control references and further enhance cooperation. In this way, the SPS subsystems can be well coordinated, and the demanding requirements on energy efficiency and survivability can be satisfied. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23369 | Wenxin Liu | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Experimental Platform for Novel Distributed Microgrids Control Solutions | Microgrid can be defined as a cluster of Distributed Energy Resource Units and loads, serviced by a distribution system, and can operate autonomously without connecting to power grid. The microgird concept is a big step towards solving the controllability problems of distributed resources. Research on microgrid is not only important for the Department of Energy but also for the Department of Defense, especially for the Navy and the Army. As special types of microgrids, naval shipborad power system and military microgrids of the Army have demanding requirements on survivability, reliability, and efficiency. To satisfy the ever increasing requirements, the DoD has been seeking advanced control solutions microgirds | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23362 | Rudi Schoenmackers | Engineering Research Center | EG | PREP-Summer Food Service Program -2011 | Summer Food Program 2011 | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22697 | George Mulholland | CA Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center | EG | Beryllium Analyses 2010 | Analysis of thirty beryllium-containing filters for masses of beryllium in accordance with EPA 3051; Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, Soils and Oils. The results of this analysis are needed for ongoing studies of workplace beryllium exposure and risk of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease. | Energy | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences |
22949 | Robert Silver | Bio Security And Food Safety Center | AG | Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) PREDICT Business Services Solicitation No. FDA1085847 | Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) PREDICT Business Services Solicitation No. FDA1085847 | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22440 | Laurie Abbott | Animal and Range Sciences | AG | Prescribed Fire Effects on Vegetation and Small Mammals in Mixed Scrub Grasslands on the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico | Prescribed Fire Effects on Vegetation and Small Mammals in Mixed Scrub Grasslands on the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. a. A grant or cooperative agreement shall be used only when the principal purpose of a transaction is to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal statute. Contracts shall be used when the principal purpose is acquisition of property or services for the direct benefit or use of the Federal Government. The statutory criterion for choosing between grants and cooperative agreements is that for the latter, "substantial involvement is expected between the executive agency and the State, local government, or other recipient when carrying out the activity contemplated in the agreement." b. Our goal is to determine the effects of single and multiple burns on vegetation in lower elevation rangelands in the San Andres Mountains in order to inform long-term vegetation management plans. Our specific objectives are to: 1) quantify vegetation cover, species composition, and ground cover on similar ecological sites with different burn histories, 2) quantify response of the small mammal community on similar ecological sites with different burn histories, and 3) compare individual and interactive effects of fire frequency and ecological site to evaluate the efficacy of using prescribed fire to meet vegetation and wildlife management goals in lower elevation grasslands on San Andres National Wildlife Refuge (SANWR). | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23109 | Colleen Caldwell | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Seasonal Ecology of Pecos Pupfish in a Dynamic, Remnant Wetland | Seasonal ecology of Pecos pupfish in a dynamic, remnant wetland | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23199 | Alexander Fernald | Water Resources Research Institute | VPR | NM WRRI Conference Entitled: "New Water New Energy: A Conference L: Desalination and Renewable Energy with the US BR | Planning and Coordination of Renewable Energy Conference | Energy | Education |
22910 | Alexander Fernald | Water Resources Research Institute | VPR | State Water Resources Research Institute Program Fiscal Year 2011 | State Water Resources Reseach Institute Program Fiscal Year 2011 | Water | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences |
23856 | Abbas Ghassemi | Waste Management Education and Resources Consortium | EG | FY 2012 Pollution Prevention Grants | This proposal aims to continue pollution prevention efforts established by IEE, EPA Region 6, and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) in previous PPG grant cycles. Specifically, IEE intends to continue its successful collaboration with New Mexico manufacturers, small business owners, community planners and local governments in technical assistance and training on a variety of P2 and energy efficiency issues as well as environmental sustainability education and outreach. Much of IEE’s concentration during the past twelve years in the PPG Program has been in outreach and training for the healthcare, hospitality and manufacturing sectors, outreach with Native American communities, support and promotion of the NMED P2 Program, development and implementation of EMSs at public entities in New Mexico, and implementation of Lean and Green training. Grant Program Requirements: IEE’s proposed activities are based on the definition of P2 and Source Reduction, i.e. reduction of waste streams at their sources, reduction of hazards to public health, and protection of natural resources through conservation. All activities, from outreach and training for industrial sectors, public entities and tribes to the WERC 300 course offered at NMSU, are multimedia in approach and promote these definitions and keep them paramount. Proposed activities align with EPA’s Strategic Plan by containing descriptions of P2 Outcome and Output Measures for each proposed Task. The reporting of these Measures will directly support all elements of the Strategic Plan. The processes of achieving the proposed Tasks are based on the three Revised National Focus Areas established by EPA. Specifically, IEE promotes the multimedia approach to P2 by assisting business and industry with innovative approaches, regulatory and non-regulatory assistance, outreach and training for all employees and management, and support of the NMED P2 Program to recognize achievement in P2 activities; IEE assists the New Mexico Environment Department in its efforts to achieve its Strategic Plan and honors all New Mexican tribal government goals when providing assistance to tribes; IEE proposes continuation of its long-standing commitment to partnerships in New Mexico to achieve its P2 activities including those with NMED, NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, municipal water conservation and pre-treatment departments, public utilities, pueblos and tribes, the Zero Waste Network, National and EPA Region 6 Pollution Prevention Roundtables, and the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Proposed multimedia activities address the EPA Region 6 Priorities by benefitting vulnerable communities, achieving measureable results with cost-savings, promoting water and energy conservation, and providing education on managing materials in a more sustainable way. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22027 | Kenneth Boykin | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Environmental Protection Agency Databrowser | Environmental Protection Agency Databrowser. The Goal of this project is to begin to develop a GIS-based watershed modeling toolkit and associated methodology to characterize the physical, chemical and biological functions of waters using a multi-scale approach. In order to do this, U.S. EPA Region 8 needs to 1) acquire relevant biophysical data, in addition to land cover, to support ecological and hydrologic process models in northeast Colorado and 2) create a spatial database browser to house these data. These goals support informing management and regulatory decisions about water resources in a rapidly developing part of Region 8. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22368 | Bonnie Rabe | NMDA Pesticide Management Bureau | NMDA | 10/11 US EPA Award | 10/11 US EPA Award | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22740 | Shuguang Deng | Chemical Engineering | EG | Pyrolysis of Algal Biomass in a Solar Furnace Reactor | OBJECTIVE Algal biofuel is one of the most promising renewable energy resources that could potentially replace part of the fossil fuels for driving tomorrow’s economy. A large quantity of lipid extracted algal biomasses will be produced if algae-based economy is to occur. The success of the algae-based economy not only depends on the main liquid fuel products, but also critically depends on the optimal utilization of algal biomass residues. The New Mexico State University team proposed a solar-driven pyrolysis process for converting either whole algae or algal biomass residues into liquid or gaseous fuels to enhance the energy recovery from the algal biomasses. This project will strongly support our on-going algal biofuel research activities by utilizing a unique solar furnace that can provide 4.2 kW of solar thermal energy at 1600 ?C. Description We will design a lab-scale pyrolysis reactor powdered by a solar furnace to convert algal biomass to both liquid and gaseous products at controlled conditions. The power output from the solar furnace will be measured to provide accurate power inputs and control for the pyrolysis reaction. The feedstock and pyrolysis reaction products will be analyzed for compositions and energy content. Economic analysis of the pyrolysis process will also be performed. Expected Results The solar-driven pyrolysis reactor and the experimental data on pyrolysis of algal biomass will significantly contribute to the overall algal biofuel research programs being carried out at New Mexico State University and other organizations. The fundamental knowledge developed in this project can contribute to the beneficial utilization of other organic solid wastes. k. Contributions to Pollution Prevention or Control The proposed pyrolysis process will be able to convert solid wastes produced in algal biofuel production into positive energy by using solar energy. This process can also be used for processing other organic solid wastes that may otherwise negatively impact the environment. i. SUPPLEMENTAL KEYWORDS Algal biofuel, sustainability, biomass, pyrolysis, solar furnace, liquid fuels, fuel gas | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22925 | Abbas Ghassemi | Waste Management Education and Resources Consortium | EG | FY11 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant Program | The proposed proje3ct will provide funding for new program developments in IEE';s multimedia pollution prevention activities with New Mexico GBusiness, industry communities including Native American P2 outreach. Initiation of an environmental health monitoring porogram for businesses and public entities will include new development and delivery of university-lefvel pollution prevention and evnironmental sustainability courses. IN additionk the proposal includes continuation of P2 activiteis and EMS implementation with public entities and universities, implementation of Lean &Green training, and related professional travel for IEE pollution prevention staff. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23504 | Patricia Hynes | New Mexico Space Grant Consortium | VPR | EPSCoR Minority Serving Institution Faculty Engagement Competition | We propose a program to explore cave and nearby surface environments using two novel and complementary techniques that will elucidate the relationship between rock surface roughness, reflectivity, and the presence of biomarkers indicative of extant or extinct life. First, we will use 3-D LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) mapping to characterize the near-cave and in-cave rocks in a variety of bedrock types of planetary relevance (including gypsum, basalt, and carbonate) in order to establish high resolution digital elevation models of the cave entrances, interiors, and surface topology. In parallel with the LIDAR studies we will design, build, and deploy a second instrument, a suitcase-sized near-IR point spectrometer based on acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) technology. The LIDAR measurements will be used to inform our decisions about where to deploy the portable AOTF. Rocks on the floors and walls of the caves will be screened with the AOTF for the presence of organics or other biomarkers of astrobiological and mineralogical interest, e.g. CaCO3 biofabric, a complex association of microbes fossilized in a mineral substrate. The application of these two portable instruments to a terrestrial example of life in extreme environments provides critical field demonstration of hardware that we ultimately hope to propose for future NASA astrobiology missions. The AOTF is a solid-state device that allows the acquisition of a spectral/spatial cube of a scene or object and is ideal for multispectral or hyperspectral analyses. AOTF instruments have previously been employed for various ground-based astronomy and remote sensing applications, and they have tremendous potential for areas of interest to NASA such as spacecraft and/or lander systems. Our work over the past decade has demonstrated the unique capabilities of AOTF camera systems and point spectrometers. Through other programs Drs. Chanover and Voelz have led the development of a larger AOTF point spectrometer that will be integrated with a time-of-flight laser desorption mass spectrometer built by collaborators at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The design of a suitcase-sized fielddeployable spectrometer falls well outside of the purview of our previous awards, yet the need for such a system has become increasingly evident as cave environments are now being routinely discovered on other solar system bodies (e.g. Moon and Mars). Due to their unique ecosystems, cave environments are now a more widely recognized test bed for astrobiology investigations, and are likely to play a role in NASA’s planetary exploration strategy over the next decade. Significant AOTF hardware and testing equipment are already available at NMSU. Our proposed program will leverage this equipment and our AOTF expertise but will require the implementation of a new instrument configuration, studies of new sample phenomenologies, and the synthesis of the AOTF spectrometer and LIDAR data. The combination of an AOTF IR point spectrometer with a LIDAR system provides a biological sensing system that is practical, rugged and efficient for a lander platform targeted for Mars, an asteroid, or icy moons of the outer solar system. | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences | |
63458 | Nancy Chanover | Astronomy | AS | A Spectroscopic Study of Giant Planet Chromophores | or chromophores, in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. Surprisingly, despite hundreds of years of observations, we still do not know the identity of the trace chemical compounds that color the atmospheres of the giant planets. Previous analyses have attempted to identify a specific chemical that is responsible for the colors, but none has yet been conclusively proven. We propose to test the hypothesis that the visible-to-near-IR appearance of the colored clouds of both Jupiter and Saturn can be explained by a single compound (or family of compounds) that look visually different due to the differences in the atmospheric conditions in which they formed. We have adopted three goals for this proposed effort: (1) Characterize the optical and near-IR spectrum of differently colored regions on Jupiter: dark belts, white zones, and two large "red" anticyclonic features (the Great Red Spot and Oval BA). Perform a similar study of Saturn for the "typical" atmosphere, the dark spots seen in the southern mid-latitudes, and the 2010 storm feature seen in the northern hemisphere. (2) Compare the observations to laboratory data obtained in Goddard's Cosmic Ice Laboratory for molecules and ions expected to be present in giant planet atmospheres, and (3) After identifying candidate material(s) with appropriate spectral slope(s), search for spectral features associated with these materials in spectroscopic data. This work will provide insight into the upper tropospheric dynamics and circulation patterns on Jupiter and Saturn that provide a stable environment for the creation and/or sustenance of chromophores. This work is relevant to NASA's Outer Planets Research Program in that our proposed analysis will enhance the scientific return from the New Horizons, Cassini, and Voyager missions by continuing the analysis of their respective data sets through broadened scientific participation. Additionally, testing our hypothesis will improve our understanding of the evolution of the Outer Solar System. Our chromophore study will advance our understanding of Jupiter's and Saturn's atmospheres, and perhaps (by extension) those of giant planets in general. This will help further our understanding of the different evolutionary pathways of the gas giant planets of our solar system, providing a process-oriented view of their variations in cloud colors. FORM NRESS- | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences | |
23251 | Jessica Houston | Chemical Engineering | EG | Career: Fluorescence Lifetime in our LIfetime: Discovery of Approaches to Measure Molecular Excited State Kinetics and Fluorescence Decay by Flow Cytometry | CAREER: Fluorescence Lifetime in Our Lifetime, Discovery of Approaches for the Measurement of Molecular Excited State Kinetics and Fluorescence Decay by Flow Cytometry The objective of this career development plan is to apply new approaches in time-dependent flow cytometry for the high-throughput measurement of fluorescence decay kinetics from molecular species that are within or bound to single cells and small organisms. This objective is intended (1) to provide quantitative evidence of intracellular phenomena at the essential throughput of cytometry, (2) to address widespread cytometry issues related to unwanted Rayleigh, Raman, and fluorescence light signal overlap; (iii) and to most importantly educate and train New Mexico State University (NMSU) graduates and undergraduates as well as key underrepresented k-8 educators and students that feed into this Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Intellectual Merit: Among a stratum of fluorescence-based spectroscopic tools, the ability to sensitively measure energy state transitions is essential for delving further into decay kinetic-dependent phenomena. For example, the measurement of a specie’s decay from excitation to ground, can lead to quantifying environmental stimuli, molecular symmetry, intermolecular interactions, concentration, and other characteristics that are difficult to obtain based on intensity alone. Yet it is non-trivial to enforce rapid time resolved measurements on molecules that exist in fluidic states. A prime example is in the technique of flow cytometry where cells and particles reach elevated energy levels as they travel through fluidic chambers and traverse laser beams over microsecond transit times. The difficulties and complexities required for measuring fluorescence lifetime in flow cytometry has resulted in a lack of assays, applications, and instruments capable of fluorescence decay measurements. Despite this dearth, there is widespread acceptance among the cytometry community that time decay information from an excited fluorophore or other Stokes shifted event can lead to the reduction of intensity-based noise in biological cytometric assays. Therefore we propose new technologies and methodologies for excited-state cytometry capabilities, which can be most easily integrated into the wider cytometry community. Our aims are two fold: (1) to develop digital, compact, and new methods of capturing average fluorescence lifetimes, multi-exponential decay kinetics, phase-filtering with multiple high frequencies, and new waveform-based signal processing; and (2) to develop multi-frequency cytometry sorting capabilities. Broader Impacts: I propose an educational plan that includes minority students at NMSU as well as a 5th grade cohort from a science magnet school in my hometown, Santa Fe, NM. Through the mentorship of underrepresented students at NMSU and the interaction of minority elementary students in Santa Fe, I plan to interweave a research and learning environment in flow cytometry and concepts related to discover-based science with essential tools such as flow cytometers. | Health | Engineering: Other Engineering |
63454 | Charles Bundy | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Collaborative Research Digitization TCN: Southwest Collection of Arthropods Network (SCAN): A Model for Collections Digitization to Promote Taxonomic and Ecological Research | Collaborative Research Digitization TCN: Southwest Collection of Arthropods Network (SCAN): A Model for Collections Digitization to Promote Taxonomic and Ecological Research | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23514 | Michael Johnson | Chemistry and Biochemistry | AS | Metal-Based Electron Transfer Processes under Confinement: A Kinetic and Spectroscopic Study of Modified Reactivity in Oil-Water RM Microemulsions | INTELLECTUAL MERITS Electron transfer is one of the most fundamentally important chemical processes taking place in confined water environments such as in biological cells or in the channels/pores facilitating catalysis by microporous materials. Surprisingly we know very little about how such confined environments influence the rates and mechanisms of such processes particularly involving redoxing metal-ligand systems. Predictions of reactivity in, for example, biological cells and microporous cavities, are largely based on extrapolations from that measured in bulk aqueous systems. However, it is clear from our preliminary work that such extrapolations are not valid certainly for simple inorganic model redox systems confined within the water nanopools created inside reverse micelle (RM) microemulsions. Compared to reaction rates in aqueous media we have observed extremes of modified reactivity from the complete switching off of a redox reaction (the reduction of [Co(edta)]- by [Fe(CN)6]4-) to rate enhancements of 105 (ascorbic acid reduction of [Fe(CN)6]3- and pentacyano iron analogues). Such profound changes in reactivity under confinement prompts the need for further detailed studies to understand the factors involved and to expand to a wider range of systems. The overall aim of this study is to provide a deeper insight into the effects of confinement on aqueous metal based electron transfer processes. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of this proposal are to: 1) investigate and characterize the location of redox active metal complexes within the RM environment using a combination of NMR, UV-vis and FTIR techniques since location has a direct bearing on reactivity e.g. compartmentalization via interfacial penetration or catalysis via increased ion pairing at the interface; 2) use microelectrode electrochemistry to measure the redox potential of each redox reactant within the RM in order to establish whether the modified reactivity already seen, or we anticipate seeing, is due to a change in the Marcus driving force or if not to discover the factors responsible; and 3) measure the rates of electron transfer between a systematically chosen set of complexes which allows a variation in complex charge (local electrostatics at the interface), location, hydrophobicity and ligand nucleophilicity. The kinetic studies will be carried out using standard stopped-flow/rapid-scanning UV-vis spectrophotometric techniques in conjunction with 1-D and 2-D NMR. An important additional parameter which can be varied is the charge on the surfactant head group through the choice of surfactant; Aerosol OT (negatively charged sulfonate), CTAB (positively charged quaternary ammonium) and lgepal (neutral hydroxyl). Such flexibility allows for the reactivity patterns to be correlated with changes to local electrostatics, ion-pairing and reactant location at the interface. BROADER IMPACT The proposed research utilizes a unique two-pronged approach with the aim of correlating reactant location and its thermodynamic consequence, e.g. redox potential, with observed reactivity in confined environments. The findings of this research will have broad impact such as in the biomedical area by providing an accurate picture for the first time of likely changes to reactivity in media such as the micro water droplets inside biological cells and in proximity to lipid membranes. Examples of biological impact might be the refining of metallodrug uptake efficiency and assimilation when redox is a precursor to the onset of physiological activity such as with platinum and ruthenium anti-cancer agents (PtIV/II, RuIII/II) and vanadium agents for diabetes (VV/IV) or predicting the rates of redox in vivo within small molecule siderophores (FeIII/II). | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences | |
63407 | Joerg Kliewer | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | CIF: Medium: Collaborative Research Spatially Coupled Sparse Codes on Graphs-Theory, Practice, and Broader Implications | This collaborative research proposal focuses on the [phyusical layer of digital communication system design in particular on the analysis, design, and implementaition of capacity approaching, graph based, low density parity check LDPC codes for practical communicaiton and storage environments. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
63425 | Deva Borah | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Optical MIMO and Hybrid Communication Systems | Optical wireless communications can offer high data rates, enhanced security and much less interference compared to radio links. They will play significant roles in future systems with potential applications ranging from communications in indoor environments to outdoor vehicular communication systems. In addition, optical wireless can simply be part of an integrated high quality lighting systems based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that will provide massive energy savings in the coming years. Developing a reliable optical wireless system faces two main challenges. First, such systems require accurate alignment between the transmitter and the receiver. Second, the performance of such systems is affected by atmospheric effects such as dust and fog, and even atmospheric turbulence for longer links. Optical multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and hybrid parallel optical and radio frequency (RF) systems can address these problems to provide improved link reliability. However, optical MIMO systems are still in infancy with many issues, such as modulation methods and effective processing at the receiver side are still being unclear. Similarly, there have been almost no studies on hybrid links using LED based MIMO optical systems. Toward developing robust optical communication systems we propose the following tasks. 1) Investigate LED-based optical communication system using multiple pixels or photo diodes at the receiver. Although there have been some studies on such systems in recent times, efficient identification and tracking of the affected pixels, the role of modulation and coding, transmission adaptation in the context of increasing distance between the transmitter and the receiver have not been well understood. In addition, to make these links work on outdoor longer distances, the effects of atmospheric turbulence have to be included too. Our study will develop new analysis and techniques for LED based indoor and outdoor communications by addressing pixel identification, the effects of modulation and coding both in and without the presence of atmospheric turbulence. We will also develop an experimental test bed system. 2) Develop hybrid links containing parallel radio frequency (RF) and optical wireless links. Although hybrid parallel optical/RF links have been studied extensively for laser based systems, there are many unanswered questions related to LED based systems. The parallel RF link is of low power and low bandwidth. We will explore the use of the parallel RF link to enhance communications performance by helping on the acquisition and tracking of the optical link. Our study will involve novel modulation symbols between these parallel links where the optical symbol can carry highorder symbols or when the optical signals at the receiver cannot be spatially distinguished due to insufficient resolution arising out of long distance link. | Engineering: Electrical Engineering | |
22976 | Karen Mabry | Biology | AS | CAREER: Individual Variation in Dispersal through a Social Landscape: Causes and Consequences | During a process known as natal dispersal, many young animals must leave the place where they were born and raised and search for a new location in which to raise their own offspring. Natal dispersal is important for animal populations, because it affects the number of individuals in a particular area, how genetically similar those animals are to each other, and may allow animals to cope with global climate change by moving into new areas. The outcome of the dispersal process is also crucially important to the dispersing individual, because where an animal chooses to live and the resources found there will likely influence both the animal’s chances of survival and the number of offspring it can produce. However, despite the fundamental importance of dispersal to a range of ecological and evolutionary questions, the dispersal process remains relatively unknown. My long-term career research goal is to develop an understanding of the causes and consequences of dispersal behavior in free-living animals, and my long-term educational goal is to increase awareness of the scientific process and scientific careers, particularly among students from groups under-represented in science. During the next five years, I will focus on the following research objectives: 1) determine how pre-dispersal behavioral differences among individuals affect dispersal strategies, 2) determine the influence of both the social and ecological environments on individual dispersal decisions, and 3) quantify the consequences of dispersal in terms of disperser survival and reproductive success. At the same time, I will focus on three educational objectives: 1) a cross-institution field course utilizing advanced tracking technology and digital communication, 2) K-12 outreach programs for students in rural southern New Mexico, and 3) online resources about animal movement for the general public. | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences | |
22794 | Wenxin Liu | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | BRIGE: A Novel Stable Dully Distributed Energy Management Solution for Microgirds | The aging power grid was designed based on decades-old techniques and cannot address the new economic, environmental, security, and technical demands. Driven by the new demands, the concept of Small Grid was proposed to upgrade current power grid for next century. Microgrid is an ideal way to integrate renewable energy resources on the community level and allows for customer participation in the electricity enterprise. Creating microgrids is the logical first step while the larger grid infrastructure system is improved. Microgrid is usually integrated with high percentage of renewable energy, the intermittent and unreliable properties of which require upgrading existing operation and control solutions. To enhance reliability and lower cost, distributed solutions are preferable. As one of the most popular distributed control solutions, Multi Agent System (MAS) have been widely applied to control of microgrids. However, existing solutions have limited applicability and lack rigorous stability analysis. Thus, advanced MAS based solutions are needed to improve in term of applicability and reliability. To address the needs of microgrids and the problems with existing solutions, the PI and his research group propose to investigate a novel fully distributed MAS based control solution for microgrids. The long term research goal is to develop a series of distributed optimization and control algorithms to support the MAS based solution. ‘Fully Distributed’ means two agents communicate with each other only if their corresponding buses are electrically coupled. It is known that fully distributed algorithms are much more difficult to design compared with that of centralized algorithms. Recent progresses in consensus and cooperative control make advanced MAS based controller designs possible. According to this proposal, the PI will extend his recent research on load management to energy management of microgrids. The distributed optimization algorithms will be built based on a stable global information discovery algorithm, which can guarantee convergence for microgrids of any size and topology. Since the algorithm can bring about global situational awareness to distributed agents, it will be used to build three types of distributed optimization algorithms that can be selected based on requirements and complexities of tasks. The algorithms will be implemented using hardware agents and tested with real-time digital simulator and a specialized renewable energy microgrid testbed to be built at NMSU. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22838 | Hongmei Luo | Chemical Engineering | EG | Solution-Based Fabrication of Epitaxial Metal-Oxide Nanocomposite Thin Films | This project is for the synthesis and study of oxide nanocomposite materials in order to control and manipulate the physical properties of oxides. This project aims to develop a new technique to self-assembled nanocomposites and broaden the composite systems with varied compositions and microstructures. The main objectives of this project are: 1) to use a novel chemical solution approach, the polymer-assisted deposition to synthesize the bi-layer and self-assembled nanocomposites of the same two-phase materials; 2) to analyze the morphology and microstructure; and 3) to evaluate the physical properties. The polymer-assisted deposition has all the benefits of a chemical-solution approach: low cost, easy set-up, and large area coatings. However, it is unique since the solutions are very stable for years, where polymers in the solutions actually bind with metal ions, which prevents the metals from undergoing hydrolysis. Therefore, it provides extremely straightforward to synthesize the composites and precise control of the stoichiometry. In addition, the microstructure of the self-assembled nanocomposites prepared by the polymer-assisted deposition is different from the films prepared by pulsed-laser deposition, which will allow us to compare and understand how the microstructure and morphology affect the functionality of oxides. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22840 | Amit Sanyal | Mechanical Engineering | EG | Robust State and Uncertainty Estimation for Unmanned Systems in the Presence of External Uncertainties | 1 Research Overview Three sweeping generalizations can be made about most unmanned vehicles, spacecraft, and vehicle formations. The first is that they have un-modeled dynamics due to operating in unknown or poorly known environments, the second is that they operate with noisy sensor measurements, and the third is that there is some time delay in the measurement, communication, estimation and control process. Moreover, the state space on which the dynamics evolves is nonlinear, and therefore global motion cannot be represented by generalized coordinates. This proposal seeks to develop an integrated research and educational effort to examine state and uncertainty estimation for feedback control of unmanned systems. Our research objectives are to: (1) characterize uncertain inputs affecting the motion of unmanned vehicles in uncertain dynamic environments; (2) augment motion estimation schemes with a disturbance estimator to learn the uncertain inputs acting on the system based only on sensed motion states; and (3) characterize and exploit the effect of time-delay on the combined estimator/controller. In addition, the above transformative investigations will be applied to three important applications of unmanned systems where understanding the interplay between unmodeled dynamics, stochastic inputs, and time delay will advance the current state of knowledge. Unmanned systems, which include unmanned vehicles and robotic spacecraft, are often subjected to forces and moments arising from poorly known or poorly modeled external effects. For feedback control of such systems, it is necessary to obtain accurate estimates of motion states for feedback. However, little is understood about the interplay between uncertain dynamic environments, stochastic inputs, and timedelay, and how to enable accurate estimation for feedback control of the motion of unmanned systems while taking these effects into account. Given the fact that these circumstances can arise in many applications of unmanned systems including air, space, and underwater vehicles, the work of this proposal is believed to pursue fundamentally new insights. In addition, the currently available techniques for state and uncertainty estimation of such systems are either few or nonexistent. The goal of this research is to obtain robust unscented motion and uncertainty estimation schemes that can accurately estimate the motion states as well as unmodeled forces and torques acting on the system through motion sensing only. Such robust estimation schemes can then be used in conjunction with feedback control schemes by providing motion state estimates for feedback. The deterministic unscented state and uncertainty estimation schemes that will be obtained will be robust to sensor and process noise characteristics as well as unknown time delays and will not require re-tuning when sensors are changed. The proposed theoretical investigations will be applied to three specific applications, including one (spacecraft motion estimation and control) that leverages the extensive prior experience of PI Sanyal. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22163 | Angus Dawe | Biology | AS | Collaborative Research: Signaling and Regulation of Vegetative Incompatibility in the Plant Pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica | Cryphonectria parasitica, the plant pathogen responsible for the blight of the American chestnut, is a genetically tractable Ascomycete with well-established genetic and molecular protocols. Infection of C. parasitica by virulence-attenuating RNA viruses allows investigation of the molecular nature of virus-host interactions in a system that permits genetic modification of both virus and host. In the preliminary data we have demonstrated the use of 454 sequencing to identify determinants of vegetative incompatibility (vic loci) that limit hypovirus transmission between colonies and identified a regulator that mediates the response. This collaborative project will focus on taking the next steps to complete the identification and functional analysis of determinants and signaling components. This will lead to a comprehensive model for the activation and signaling of the programmed cell death that results from incompatibility. | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23912 | Satyajayant Misra | Computer Science | AS | CREATIV: Towards Ubiquitous Adoption of Wireless Sensor Networks in Experimental Biology Research | Research in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has attracted much attention since it started two decades earlier. The vision has been that the application of WSNs will be ubiquitous in sciences, industries, the military, and even in everyday life. However, this ubiquity of WSN has not been realized, even in a domain such as experimental biology, where it has obvious applications. Monitoring and manipulation of biological subjects are still performed manually, significantly limiting data reproducibility, documentation, reliability, and overall research productivity. WSNs can help transform experimental biology research by providing hitherto unavailable, automatic and frequent monitoring and manipulation of the subjects in natural and experimental environments without human intervention. The lack of adoption of WSNs can be attributed to three main barriers. Current sensor nodes are (i) expensive and fragile, (ii) hard to customize for specific scientific inquiry, and (iii) hard for non-experts to program. In this proposal, our interdisciplinary team – a Computer scientist (Dr. Satyajayant Misra), a Biologist (Dr. Graciela Unguez), and an Electrical and Computer Engineering scientist (Dr. Hong Huang) – addresses these major barriers by building a framework consisting of low-cost, rugged, customizable sensor hardware and easy-to-use software/firmware. Further, we apply the WSNs to advance experimental biology research. Our research has four intellectual merits: 1) A hardware framework for low-cost, rugged, customizable sensor nodes, available in different form factors, including miniature sizes. Our framework, which will incorporate energy-harvesting support, will allow users to plug-andplay commercially available sensor components easily. 2) Autonomous Manipulation and Monitoring of Electrophysiological Parameters of Electromotor Circuits in Vivo and In Vitro using WSNs. 3) Investigation of network protocols and algorithms for effective monitoring of aquatic animals in the field. 4) A software framework that makes programming WSN and interacting with them post-deployment easy and intuitive for users with minimal programming experience (non-programmers). By removing the barriers to adoption, with the help of paradigm shifts, such as plug-and-play, and easy customization and programming, we hope to start a transformation with WSNs that will make them ubiquitous in our daily life in general and in biology research in particular. This project benefits from a interdisciplinary research community consisting of an experimental biologist and two WSN scientists. This research requires protracted mutually dependent interactions between the domain experts, resulting in the refinement of WSNs designs as well as experimental biology set-ups of the future, and cannot be funded by a single division within NSF to the best of our knowledge. The resultant research will create new conventions and paradigms in the domains of WSNs and experimental biology, in effect transforming both domains. These characteristics make the proposal befitting for the CREATIV program. The broader impacts of this proposal are on two time scales. In the short term, this project will enable experimental researchers in labs and in the field to stimulate and monitor animals/specimen in real-time and without human intervention. This fine-grained monitoring can significantly improve understanding of behavioral responses of animals to diverse stimuli. In the long term, the outcomes of this research will help WSNs become ubiquitous in our daily life and as easy to use as today’s computers. Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, experimental biology, miniature sensor, plug-and-play. | Computer Sciences | |
23618 | Hongmei Luo | Chemical Engineering | EG | MRI: Acquisition of a Scanning Probe Microscope System for the Core University Research Resources Laboratory at NMSU | Scanning probe microscopes are universally recognized as essential tools for exploring structures under ambient conditions and for elucidating interactions at the micro-and nanoscale. This proposal seeks funding for the purchase of a Cimension Icon/FastScan scanning probe microscope system (Bruker Nano-Surfaces Fividsion ) fitted with accessory modules that would support a wide range of research applications and provide access to the latest technical developments not only for faculty research but also for undergraduate and graduate studen ttraining the Colleges of Arts and Sciences Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Through the centralized microscope facility on the main campus of New Mexico State University. The reasearch and training applications of thi spowerful instrument would significantly enchance process development and analyses of many nanostructured materials as well as provide a new resources to probe specific and dynamic interactions of complex physico-chemical, biological and agricultural systems. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22551 | Jeremy Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry | AS | Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation by Manganese Pyridinophane Complexes | Well-defined manganese complexes will be developed as catalysts for electrolytic water oxidation. In contrast to the majority of homogenous water oxidation catalysts, the proposed catalysts are based on an earth-abundant and inexpensive metal. The complexes will be supported by the readily prepared and easily modified pyridinophane macrocycles, Py2(NR)2. As with complexes of related open-chain aminopyridine ligands, electrochemical oxidation of [Py2(NR)2]MnII(H2O)2 2+ complexes under basic conditions will afford higher valent manganese oxo intermediates. Synthetic modifications of the pyridinophane macrocycle will be used to direct the reactivity of the [Mn=O] unit towards intermolecular O-O bond formation. Specifically, the pyridinophane macrocycle will be tailored to (1) prevent the formation of unreactive [MnIV(µ-O)2MnIV] dimers; (2) prevent intramolecular ligand oxidation and subsequent catalyst decomposition; (3) facilitate the coupled electron/proton transfer events required to form [Mn=O] intermediates; and (4) promote nucleophilic OH-/H2O attack at the [Mn=O] unit. Catalytically active complexes will be identified and characterized by electrochemical methods. In particular, cyclic voltammetry and coulometry experiments will be used to identify catalytically active complexes, characterize their electrochemical behavior and quantify their catalytic performance. Electrochemical methods will also be used to identify catalyst structure/activity relationships and direct synthetic efforts towards improving catalyst performance. Successful completion of this project will result in a new family of tunable electrocatalysts for water oxidation, which importantly, are based on an inexpensive transition metal. Moreover, the flexible molecular design is compatible with the longer term goals of attaching catalysts to electrode surfaces and incorporating them into photochemical devices. | Energy | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences |
23881 | Monte Mccrossin | Anthropology | AS | Human Evolution Museum in a Trunk Kit | Human Evolution Museum in a Trunk Kit | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22420 | Satishkuma Ranade | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | CFL Distribution for South Eastern New Mexico | CFL Distribution for South Eastern New Mexico | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22623 | Hongmei Luo | Chemical Engineering | EG | Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Hybrid Nanostructures | This subcontract is used to support Dr. Hongmei Luo’s student Mr. Qianglu Lin’s thesis work to his PhD degree for four years from Oct. 1, 2010 to Sep. 30, 2014. Qianglu Lin will perform research at NMSU and LANL about synthesis and characterization of semiconductor nanocrystals and hybrid nanostructures and their application in optoelectronic device. Dr. Victor Klimov in Quantum Dot Team at C-PCS group is Lin’s mentor at LANL. The main objectives of the proposed research are to synthesis and characterization of colloidal nanoscale semiconductor materials and hybrid materials involving semiconductors, dielectric materials, meals or polymers, by wet-chemistry method, development of a new synthesis procedure to the nanocrystals and hybrid and nanostructures, and the application of these materials to photovoltaic solar cells or other optoelectronic devices. Dr. Luo and Mr. Lin have experience in making metal and semiconductor nanoparticles and nanowires by sol-gel and hydrothermal techniques and conducting their optical and physical properties characterizations. Lin will prepare semiconductor such as TiO2, CdS, CdSe by chemical solution approach at NMSU and at LANL, to characterize and study their microstructure, physical properties and device applications at NMSU and LANL by XRD, SEM, AFM, HRTEM, elemental analysis, static absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy etc. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22560 | Hongmei Luo | Chemical Engineering | EG | Radiation Tolerance of Nanocrystal Oxide Films | This subcontract is used to support Dr. Hongmei Luo’s student Ms. Yun Xu’s PhD thesis work for four years from Oct. 1, 2010 to Sep. 30, 2014. Yun Xu will perform her research at NMSU and LANL about radiation tolerance of nanocrystal oxide films. Dr. Amit Misra is Ms. Xu’s mentor at LANL. The main objectives of the proposed research are to develop a fundamental understanding of how atomic structure and energetics of the interfaces contribute to defect and damage tolerance in materials and to use this information to design nanostructured materials with greatly enhanced resistance to extreme environments of irradiation, and high strain and high strain rate mechanical deformation. Yun Xu will prepare metal oxide films, such as TiO2, by chemical solution approach at NMSU and physical vapor deposition at LANL, to characterize and study their microstructure, physical properties and radiation effects at NMSU and LANL by XRD, SEM, AFM, HRTEM, RBS etc. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22802 | Richard Heerema | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | Systems Approach at Improving the Long-term Competitiveness of U.S. Pecans Based on their Nutritional and Health-Promoting Components | Systems Approach at Improving the Long-term Competitiveness of U.S. Pecans Based on Their Nutritional and Health-promoting Components. Correlation of Leaf Tissue Elemental Analysis with Antioxidant Components of Pecan Kernels. A leaf nutrition survey of pecan orchards will be conducted during July 2010-2012. Leaves from at least 12 orchards, representing a wide range of conditions within New Mexico will be sampled and analyzed for mineral nutrient content. Nut samples from each sample tree will be analyzed for antioxidant profile. The antioxidant profile will then be correlated with leaf elemental tissue concentrations by regression analysis. Sunlight Management Effects on Antioxidant Components of Pecan Kernels Orchards will be maintained according to different mechanical pruning schemes. Canopy light regimes will be monitored by placing quantum sensors in the tree canopies and by comparison of leaf specific weights. The relationships between local light levels and kernel antioxidant levels will be characterized. Extension/Outreach Results will be presented at producer conferences, in trade magazine articles, websites, and finally a glossy extension brochure. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22549 | Natalie Goldberg | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | LegumePIPE Subcontract - 2010 | New Mexico State University will enter into a subcontract Colorado State University to provide the following deliverables on the Project “Legume ipmPIPE Subcontract, 2010”. The goal of the state-based components of the Legume ipmPIPE is to provide useful information for integrated pest management through a national network with information associated with IPM for pests including soybean rust (SBR), soybean aphid, white mold, bacterial diseases, legume viruses and other pests of legumes including common beans, cool-season legumes, and warm-season legumes. (a) This project will adhere to procedures for design, crop and pest monitoring, and data reporting in accordance with national protocols. Data will be reported in a timely fashion using nationally established procedures, with close communication between the field and laboratory (e.g., National Plant Diagnostic Network and other state and regional virology lab resources). (b) This project will participate routinely in regional and national networking activities including conference calls. (c) This project will contribute appropriate state-based commentaries to the online Legume ipmPIPE information management system with methods and frequency as established by the Legume ipmPIPE. (d) This project will provide reports as requested by the national program. Plant field plots of legume crops typically grown in the state (e.g., common beans - dry bean, snap bean, fresh market bean; cool season legumes – chickpea or Garbanzo bean, field pea, lentil; and/or warm season legumes - lima bean, cowpea or Southern Pea) and/or work with growers to monitor representative commercial fields. Visually inspect and/or sample fields on the following schedule for the Groups of diseases or pests: Group 1 – Small lesions or spots (pustules) such as the Rusts; e.g., Soybean Rust and Common Rust Group 2 – Small to large foliar and/or pod lesions or spots caused by fungal and bacterial pathogens Subgroup 2-A: Fungal Diseases, e.g., Ascochyta Leaf Spot of chickpea, White Mold of all legumes Subgroup 2-B: Bacterial Diseases Group 3 – legume viruses (examples could include) , e.g., Common Bacterial Blight, Bacterial Brown Spot, Halo Blight, Bacterial Wilt Western Region: Bean common mosaic virus/Alfalfa mosaic virus and Beet curly top virus; Eastern Region: Group 4 – insect pests; e.g., Soybean Aphid or Bean/Pea Aphid and other insects of sentinel legumes such as Mexican Bean Beetle, Western Bean Cutworm, Thrips, Spider Mites, Leafhoppers, Whiteflies, Lygus Bugs will be identified by entomologists and regional Sentinel Plot specialists Bean yellow mosaic virus/Cucumber mosaic virus of legumes such as common bean. • Periodic surveys (weekly to seasonal) based upon plant growth stage, environmental conditions, canopy development, pest life cycle, and sampling resources will be implemented for each Sentinel Plot or commercial field of legume. For example, biweekly sampling is suggested for Soybean Rust (Group 1), bi-weekly to monthly sampling for other priority diseases (Group 2); and seasonal sampling for legume viruses (Group 3) and insect pests (Group 4) especially during the mid to late vegetative growth stages, and again at flowering and early pod growth stages. Legume Pest Protocols – General Criteria | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23763 | G. Hagevoort | Extension Animal Resources | AG | Development of a Comprehensive Dairy Safety Program | Development of a Comprehensive Dairy Safety Program | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22363 | Gary Roemer | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Using Large Carnivore Phylogeography to Assess Connectivity Across the Sky Islands Region | Using Large Carnivore Phylogeography to assess Connectivity across the Sky Islands Region. We propose to continue a study that will test connectivity for puma (Puma concolor) and other large carnivores within the Sky Islands region of New Mexico and Arizona, and in a collaborative venture involving scientists and resource managers from both states. Puma need relatively large areas of suitable habitat in which to live, but in the Southwest, the "Basin and Range" topography results in suitable habitat being distributed within smaller mountain ranges embedded in a landscape of relatively inhospitable lowland desert. The continued survival of these Sky Island carnivores is dependent on maintaining linkages among the populations that inhabit these desert mountain ranges. In the first phase of this project we developed a probabilistic linkage map that represents a landscape scale hypothesis as to how puma populations are distributed and connected. We also collected and accessioned nearly 1,000 puma samples and conducted a preliminary genetic analysis. In this second phase of the project, we are requesting funds to: 1) estimate resistance distances between individuals and populations by querying our landscape model, 2) to finish the remaining genetic analyses for New Mexico puma and 3) for travel to respective labs and to present our findings at regional, national or international meetings. | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
24031 | Abbas Ghassemi | Waste Management Education and Resources Consortium | EG | WERC International Design Contest | Design Contest | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23339 | Paul Gutierrez | Cooperative Extension Service | AG | Dine College Land Grant Office Staff Capacity Building | Dine College Land Grant Office Staff Capacity Building | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23124 | Brandon Bestelmeyer | Jornada Experimental Range Headquarters | AG | Scurfpea Restoration Area, near Hachita, NM and the Pitchform Ranch, near Spear, NM | Scurfpea Restoration Area, near Hachita, NM and the Pitchform Ranch, near Spear, NM | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23053 | Julie Maitland | NMDA Agricultural Programs and Resources Division | NMDA | 319 Paso Del Norte/Watershed Council; Task 18 | Research Agreement #570730, Task #18: Assist in Development of a Watershed Based Plan to Improve Water Quality in the Rio Grande; NMDA-NMSU on behalf of the Paso Del Norte Watershed Council. Performed under the Memorandum of Agreement between the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center at El Paso (AREC) Texas AgriLife Research, The Texas A&M University System (TAMU). | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22860 | April Ulery | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Use of Alternative Water Sources for Bioenergy Crops Production in Arid Regions of the US | Use of alternative water sources for bioenergy crops production in arid regions of the US. Dr. April Ulery, in the Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences will assist Dr. Girisha Ganjegunte, Principle Investigator, in performing Tasks 2 and 3 as outlined in the proposal narrative. Specifically she will aid the PI in identifying and characterizing appropriate soils for this project and in collecting soils for the greenhouse column experiments. She will collect and deliver soils to TAMU El Paso and assist with analysis of soil and leachate samples, as well as data interpretation throughout the project. Bioenergy crop performance will be evaluated on two soils representing suitable soil types in west Texas and southern New Mexico under controlled conditions using marginal (reclaimed saline/sodic) irrigation water. She will also assist with the evaluation of changes in soil properties and the potential for groundwater contamination as a result of irrigation using marginal water. Dr. Ulery will assist in writing reports, manuscripts and in disseminating the results of the project. She will communicate monthly in person and/or via email or phone with Dr. Ganjegunte and the other co-PI’s to ensure that project tasks are being performed and goals met. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
63497 | Jane Pierce | Agriculture Science Center at Artesia | AG | Pink Bollworm Populations in the Pecos Valley 2011 | Pink Bollworm Populations in the Pecos Valley 2011 | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22831 | G. Hagevoort | Extension Animal Resources | AG | FAZD Training of First Line Defenders: Agricultural Workers: FAZD Project 11, Objective 4 | FAZD Training of First Line Defenders: Agricultural Workers: FAZD Project 11, Objective 4 | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22338 | Jane Pierce | Agriculture Science Center at Artesia | AG | Pink Bollworm Migration in New Mexico | Millions of dollars have been spent from local, state and federal sources to eradicate pink bollworm in the EP/TP zone, and millions more have been spent to eradicate this pest from New Mexico, Arizona, California and Northern Mexico. Migrations of moths from cotton growing outside the EP/TP zone is a threat to the success of the program in Texas. If this pest became re-established in the pink bollworm eradication program areas of Texas, program success in all eradicating areas of the US and Mexico would be at-risk. This project would utilize pheromone traps to investigate potential sources for the 2009 migration of native moths into the EP/TP zone. The New Mexico program will be conducted in the Pecos Valley of New Mexico south to Orla Texas then east to Rte180. The proposed work will involve trapping during what has historically been the peak pink bollworm capture period – August 16 through October (eleven weeks). Traps will be established and their locations referenced using GPS. They will be serviced and those traps in which suspect moths are captured would be collected weekly. The traps will be returned to the laboratory for identification and recording number of native moths. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22458 | Jason Ackleson | Government | AS | Interdisciplinary Multi-Institutional Education Programs for NCFPD | Faculty (co-PI, Jason Ackleson) – Associate Professor, Department of Government: Funds are requested for summer and/or partial support the academic year salary of the NMSU-based co-director of the Frontier program. This support may be taken as supplemental salary; in such a case, the program proposed meets the criteria for supplemental compensation: it is both across departmental lines (there is interface with agriculture security programs in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences NMDA's Office of Biosecurity) and conducted in part at a remote site (Manhattan, KS / Kansas State University); the work is in addition to and not in conflict with Dr. Ackleson’s normal work requirements, a criteria that can be certified, if needed, by the Head of the Department of Government; and, by way of this proposal, the request will be approved by the contract officer of the sponsoring agency. In terms of the overall work detailed in this proposal, Dr. Ackleson works in concert with his colleagues at Kansas State University to helps manage the overall, inter-institutional student mentoring program—including administering two existing Career Development Grant (CDG) awards from DHS. In particular, Dr. Ackleson directly ensures the mentoring and shepherding of all NMSU students (and indirectly students based elsewhere) who are in the FIX program, including those awarded Food Protection and Defense and Border Security and/or Immigration CDG scholarships and fellowships. This faculty member brings NCFPD expertise in International Relations, US Foreign Policy, National Security, Trade, and Interdisciplinary Research. He publishes and lectures on a wide variety of homeland security topics, including border security, international trade, and bio-security issues. Much of this faculty member’s time is spent mentoring undergraduate and graduate students as they develop their interest in homeland security research projects and careers. In tandem with others on the NCFPD Education Theme team, this faculty member will continue to work to acquire grants that directly enhance the Frontier program’s and NCFPD’s interdisciplinary research and mentoring activities offered to undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, this faculty member has recently completed a major fellowship in Congress, which has deepened the Frontier program’s connections to Washington’s homeland security community. These connections will continue to be helpful for FIX students and projects. Finally, Dr. Ackleson is a major researcher and technical area lead for the BORDERS DHS Center for Excellence, based at the University of Arizona. This relationship will continue to develop inter-COE collaboration and opportunities for FIX program participants as well as NCFPD-affiliated faculty and staff. | Border | Social Sciences: Other Social Sciences |
23058 | Steven Stochaj | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Identifying the Acceleration Processes of High Energy Solar Particles with PAMELA Observations | Subaward from University of New Hampshire | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22861 | Rolston St Hilaire | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program I | Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program. | Water | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22437 | Rolston St Hilaire | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program | Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program | Water | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23317 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | APS Eningeering Consulting | The Institute for Energy and the Environment (operating the Southwest Technology Development Institute) (TDI) and the Regents of New Mexico State University are pleased to offer Arizona Public Service (APS) this proposal for a Task Order Engineering Support Contract. This proposal includes the five initial tasks that have been requested. Subsequent tasks will be negotiated as the need arises and additional funds will be added to this contact as necessary to support those tasks. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23224 | Christopher Brown | Geography | AS | Geodatabase Development for the New Mexico Portion of the EPMPO | The project activities would focus on compilation of geospatial data for the New Mexico planning area of the EPMPO and this would include the areas of Sunland Park, Pete Domenici Highway area (NM 136), Anthony NM, and areas east to Chaparral and into Otero County. (See Map 1 at document end for the proposed study area). The product of this compilation effort would be a geodatabase that would provide support to the EPMPO for transportation planning, related environmental research, and overall documentation of these efforts. Specific efforts of the EPMPO that would benefit from this work would be Smart Growth and other initiatives that seek to advance comprehensive transportation planning with a reduced environmental footprint, greater energy efficiencies, and lower public costs. This Geodatabase will also support the EPMPO in completing the long-range transportation plan (LRTP) that is currently being developed by EPMPO staff. | Border | Social Sciences: Other Social Sciences |
22745 | Martha Desmond | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | City of Las Cruces Burrowing Owl Management | Locate all roosting and nesting burrowing owls (winter and breeding) with stakes and GPS. Burrowing owl presence and breeding activity will be monitored on the properties to be targeted in this project through December 2012 | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
24005 | Jon Boren | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences College | AG | Doña Ana County Cooperative Extension Service Funding | Doña Ana County Cooperative Extension Service Funding | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
63444 | Jon Boren | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences College | AG | Non Health Services External Agency Forms | Non Health Services External Agency Forms | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22480 | Brook Milligan | Biology | AS | A Metapopulation Transplant Study of the Sacramento Mountain Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas anicia clouodcrofti) | A Metapopulation Transplant Study of the Sacramento Mountain Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas anicia clouodcrofti) | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22168 | John Ellington | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Spectrometer Identification of Plant Types | Spectrometer Identification of Plant Types | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22955 | John Ellington | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Sustainable Cotton Production in New Mexico | Sustainable Cotton Production in New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22941 | Omololu Idowu | Cooperative Extension Service | AG | Yield Potential, Fiber Quality and Adaptability of Glandless Cotton in New Mexico | Yield Potential, Fiber Quality and Adaptability of Glandless Cotton in New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23611 | David Thompson | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences College | AG | The Sustainable Cotton Production / Carbon Sequestration Opportunity | The Sustainable Cotton Production / Carbon Sequestration Opportunity | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23789 | Wiebke Boeing | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Testing of a New Shrimp Diet (Cottonseed Meal and Algae) to Replace Fish Products | Testing of a New Shrimp Diet (Cottonseed Meal and Algae) to Replace Fish Products | Water | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
63487 | Louis Bender | Extension Animal Resources | AG | Habitat Relationships of Large Herbivores: Developing and Validating the Basis for Integrated and Facilitative Habitat Management on White Sands Missile Range | Habitat Relationships of Large Herbivores: Developing and Validating the Basis for Integrated and Facilitative Habitat Management on White Sands Missile Range. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23877 | Champa Gopalan | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Carbon Allocation to Sink Tissues in Bea Plants (Pisum Salivum) | Carbon Allocation to Sink Tissues in Bea Plants (Pisum Salivum) | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23373 | Marcos Quinones | Physical Science Laboratory | PSL | GRP1171 MAIN RECORD | GRP1171 MAIN RECORD Economical Target (ET-1) Fabrication through Flight | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23052 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | LADWP-NEC Presentation | TDI will make a PV/NEC 7-8 hour presentation at the above address on Wednesday June 8, 2011. This contract covers labor for the presentation. All travel expenses will be reimbursed directly to the under signed by LADWP. LADWP wil provide a suitable presentation room, AV equipment, and the three handouts provided from PDF files | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22717 | Patricia Hynes | New Mexico Space Grant Consortium | VPR | Launch and Learn | Launch and Learn | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22903 | Rebecca Creamer | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Management of Curly Top Virus in Chile | Management of Curly Top Virus in Chile | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22905 | Stephanie Walker | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | Development of Improved Chile Cultivars and Production Practices for New Mexico Growers | Development of Improved Chile Cultivars and Production Practices for New Mexico Growers. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23747 | Rebecca Creamer | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Management of Curly Top Virus in Chile through Weed Control | Management of Curly Top Virus in Chile through Weed Control | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23749 | Stephanie Walker | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | Development of Improved Chile Cultivars and Production Practices for New Mexico Growers | Development of Improved Chile Cultivars and Production Practices for New Mexico Growers | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22610 | Delano Lewis | International Programs Vice Provost Office | OTHER | Renewable Energy, Water and Arid Lands Task Force | ARRA Stabiliztion Funds | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences | |
22973 | Paul Gutierrez | Cooperative Extension Service | AG | CYFD Foothills High School Horticulture Program | CYFD Foothills High School Horticulture Program | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23820 | John Walker | DABCC Dona Ana Branch CC | DACC | Carl Perkins Basic 2012 - 2013 | Environmental Renewable Energy | Education | |
22445 | John Mexal | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Seedling Research | Seedling Research | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22682 | Alexander Fernald | Water Resources Research Institute | VPR | Sustaining the Environment in the New Mexico-Chihuahua Border Region | Sustaining the Environment in the New Mexico-Chihuahua Border Region | Environment | Social Sciences: Other Social Sciences |
23267 | Kenneth Boykin | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Development of a Decision Support System for New Mexico Conservation within the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative | Development of a Decision Support System for New Mexico Conservation within the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23244 | James Cain | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Desert Bighorn Lamb Mortality and Monitoring in Southwestern New Mexico | Desert Bighorn Lamb Mortality and Monitoring in Southwesten New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23211 | Wiebke Boeing | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Life History Requirements and Suitable Habitat for Endangered Invertebrates of Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge | Life History Requirements and Suitable Habitat for Endangered Invertebrates of Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge | Water | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23172 | Colleen Caldwell | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Distribution and Population Genetic Structure of Rio Grande Chub (Gila pandora) | Distribution and Population Genetic Structure of Rio Grande Chub (Gila pandora) | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23210 | Rossana Sallenave | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Biodiversity of Natural and Man-Made Ephemeral Catchments in New Mexico | Biodiversity of Natural and Man-Made Ephemeral Catchments in New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22470 | David Dubois | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Land-Based Sources of Air Quality Contaminants in the Binational Border Region of Southwestern New Mexico, Northwestern Chihuahua and West Texas | Land-Based Sources of Air Quality Contaminants in the Binational Border Region of Southwestern New Mexico, Northwestern Chihuahua and West Texas. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23788 | Adrian Hanson | Civil and Geological Engineering | EG | On-Call Transportation Research Services | Area of Transportation Research to be porposed on all in a general manner, in tasks form areas2-7; Design and Infrastructure; Planning., Tribak, mulitmodal, safety, and environmental programs, Highway Operations including construction and maintenance; Traffic Control; Intelligent Transportation Systems; and Materials. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23848 | Collin Payne | Marketing | BA | Improving Mexican American Family Fruit and Vegetable Purchase & Consumption in the Paso Del Norte Region | Executive Summary Objectives: Activities in this proposal focus on two main objectives. The first objective is to increase Paso del Norte region Mexican American (MA) family purchases of fresh fruits and vegetables (F&V) in grocery stores by 10% over 6 months, via a three-stage sequence including (1) an assessment of grocery store layouts, (2) an analysis of purchasing and consumption patterns in MA populations, and (3) an in-store intervention known to encourage socially-driven health behaviors. The second objective is to connect interested HEAL Paso del Norte region stakeholders through (1) the development of policy briefs based on proposal findings and (2) creation of a conference at NMSU based on the aforementioned policy briefs for the benefit of Paso del Norte region government and commercial HEAL stakeholders, with the expressed intent to jumpstart both environmental and policy change in commercial contexts. Activities Summary: Implementation of objective 1 involves the initial assessment of a grocery store with established methodology provided by Dr. David Just of Cornell University and world-leading expert in evaluation of retail contexts to improve health. The aim is to evaluate store layout and to observe customer purchasing patterns as departures from government suggested norms. Second, it requires a series of focus groups with MA respondents to determine their F&V purchasing and consumption patterns. Third, it requires an instore health intervention that, based on socially derived messages (e.g.: ‘82% of shoppers in this store buy tomatoes for a healthy heart’), will encourage customers to engage in healthy purchasing behavior by following signaled cart routes that help them achieve a healthy goal (e.g.: ‘follow red route for a healthy heart’). Implementation of objective 2 will focus on informing interested stakeholders on the impact of sociallydriven in-store health interventions, as informed by study findings, via a policy manual, the presentation of findings at a national health conference, and the development of a regional conference with attendees from the Paso del Norte region. Measures: Each objective’s success is contingent upon meeting intermediary targets along the proposed timeline. For objective 1, deliverables in stage 1 include a menu of 15 environmental changes that are low cost (less than $500 each), easy to implement (less than 5 work hours), and sustainable (no profit loss for the store), as an alternative to traditional profit-reducing in-store promotions (e.g., coupons, sales). Deliverables in stage 2 will include a guideline of consumption patterns at home that result in 10 environmental changes to support MA F&V consumption (e.g., in-store recipes, specific F&V trays). Deliverables in stage 3 include (before and after health intervention) measures of F&V grocery store sales data and average expenses on F&V in grocery sales receipts for randomly selected participants. For objective 2, deliverables in stage 1 include a document detailing the policy changes we suggest based on study findings. Measures in stage 2 will include the number of participating organizations to the conference/public debate, and the media coverage it receives in local and regional outlets. | Education | |
22358 | Satishkuma Ranade | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Microgrid Design | Microgrid Design | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23196 | David Rockstraw | Chemical Engineering | EG | RTA# 3747 - Third Party Engineering Review of Biodiesel Facility to Comply with EPA Certification under RFS2 Fuel Standards | SATOP - Third Party Engineering Review of Biodiesel Facility to Comply with EPA Certification under RFS2 Fuel Standards | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22657 | Yu-Ping Tang | Manufacturing Technology and Engineering Center | EG | RTA# 3533 Product Enclosure | SATOP - With our product being a miniaturized device to be worn on the person the materials used to encase it must be very light weight yet very durable for prolonged use and lifespan. The product is a miniaturized microphone transmitter for broadcast and entertainment which fits behind a man's tie, lapel flap or on a person's shirt. We have (3) major areas to address with the product; weight, durability (outer casing and shock proofing the circuit boards), and environmental sealants. Were looking for plastic or metal materials which are very light weight, durable and shock resistant for the casing which will not hinder antenna transmission. Also, we’d like a suggestion on a light weight material to use as a shock absorbing gasket of sorts for the circuit boards. Last, how do we best environmentally seal the circuit board to protect from moisture, dust, etc.? | Business/Economics | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22499 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | SRP NEC Training | NMSU will make a 7 hour presentation the National Electrical Code and PV systems at the Fall Arizona Building Officials Conference October 5 2010 | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22423 | Ronald Zerr | Physical Science Laboratory | PSL | GRP1145 MAIN RECORD | GRP1145 Missile Systems 2500mAH NiMh Batteries | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22372 | Ronald Zerr | Physical Science Laboratory | PSL | GRP1144 MAIN RECORD | GRP1144 Missile Systems NiMh Batteries | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22337 | James Conca | CA Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center | EG | CEMRC Environmental Monitoring Short Course | Sandia National Laboratories Carlsbad Programs Group (SNL/CPG) will be hosting four South Korean visitors employed by the Korean Radioactive Waste Management Corporation (KRMC). The purpose of their visit is to receive training regarding various aspects of radioactive waste disposal in a geologic repository. The Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center (CEMRC) will assist SNL/CPG in the KRMC Training program by providing technical experts to instruct the students in the subjects of Regional Monitoring and other topics as requested by CPG. Training will consist of a combination of lecture and hands-on training. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
24105 | Jonathan Cook | Computer Science | AS | Advisory Services to Sandia National Laboratories | Principal Investigator: Jonathan Cook The Contractor shall perform the following tasks: The Contractor shall provide advisory services to Sandia National Laboratories' (SNL) regarding the design, implementation, and development of system, program, network, job management, and application monitoring techniques specifically targeted toward improved usability and support for users of Terascale, Petascale, and Exascale computing environments. At the direction of the Sandia Delegating Representative (SDR), the Contractor shall provide, on an as needed basis, the following: · Collaborate with SNL teams to develop, deploy, or improve HPC networking, system, performance evaluation and monitoring capabilities, including the nurturance of joint projects between SNL and NMSU. · Attend periodic meetings concerning upcoming or proposed HPC computer deployments and operations. · If called upon, act as a Subject Matter Expert on review panels for Milestones related to Center 9300 projects. Additionally, the Contractor shall meet with SDR at the onset of the contract and on quarterly basis to plan work and discuss status. DELIVERABLES: The Contractor shall provide yearly written progress reports and a SAND report at the conclusion of the project. | Computer Sciences | |
22888 | Satishkuma Ranade | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Enchanced Controller Design & Development Energy Storage and Microgrid | This project shall include the acquisition of necessary dc-ac conversion with flexible control capability for interfacing storage and renewable systems, interfacing of distributed controls or agents to the control hard ware develop a learning adaptive algotithjs for scheduling storage systems based on local load and utility market conditions, demonstration of the role of storage in islanded operation, and initial planning to migrate the development into a prototype system. DC DC and grid tied DC-AC conversion along with some additional generator control hardware shall be required for a fully distributed controlled microgrid with focus on energy storage systems. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23286 | Andrew Rosenthal | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | SNL-Testing and Evaluation 2012 | Purpose and Objective The Southwest Region Experiment Station (SWRES) is an independent, university-based research institute that has provided engineering R&D and support to the DOE National Photovoltaic Program for over 25 years. The SWRES is operated by the staff of the Southwest Technology Development Institute (SWTDI), a research department in the Engineering College of New Mexico State University, classified as Hispanic-serving by the federal government and ranked by the Carnegie Foundation in the top research category, Research-Extensive. The purpose of this SOW is to procure value-added technical support to the DOE Solar Energy Technology Program to effectively and efficiently meet the R&D needs in pursuit of targets specified by Multi-Year Program Plans. The objective is to capitalize on SWRES location, expertise, experience, network of partners, and test capabilities to support the national labs in acquiring critical data and information necessary to meet high-level deliverables in Reliability, Modeling & Analysis, Systems Integration and Test & Evaluation projects. This aligns closely with the major goals of the DOE Solar Energy Technology Program (SETP). | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
63422 | Chunpei Cai | Mechanical Engineering | EG | Cartesian Meshing Technology for DSMC Method | Using the direct simulation Monte Carlo(DSMC) method to simulate the extreme slow gaseous flows inside MEMS devices with high accuracy and parallel computing capabilities is an important task with many challenges. Two of them are: 1) Accurately and efficiently representing objects of tiny scale with a meshing method, here we propose to use the Cartesian meshing method; 2) To accurately output the meshing results with a deck file, which contains as least information of nodes, mesh, and other input cards If thses two steps cannot guarantee us enough accuracy, then next few simulation steps are doomed to fail in providing high fidelity results | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23299 | John Walker | DABCC Dona Ana Branch CC | DACC | State Energy Sector Grant-Green Building and Energy Efficiency | NMSU is a Sub through SFCC from NMDOL NOTE: This is ARRA Funding. | Education | |
22924 | Jonathan Hebert | GRBCC Regular Academic Instructions | GRCC | SFCC Carl Perkins Career Technical Grant - Engineering and Health Clusters | Proposed Sub-award from SFCC Carl Perkins Career Technical Grant - Engineering and Health Clusters | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23220 | Abbas Ghassemi | Waste Management Education and Resources Consortium | EG | Treatment Processes for Oxidation of PCE in Groundwater-Shaw | New Mexico State University (NMSU)/WERC is being subcontracted by Shaw Environmental, Inc. (Shaw) to provide support for the field evaluation of a pilot scale system employing an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) for the destruction of Perchloroethylene (PCE) in groundwater. The following items will be in the scope of work for WERC/NMSU: 1. Trailer Setup – The trailer will be setup on the NMSU campus at a location with sufficient power for the trailer, a water source, and staging areas for locating carbon drums and water treatment tanks. 2. Trailer Modifications – WERC will perform the following modifications to the trailer: a. Install a metering pump and chemical storage tank (to be provided by Shaw) for hydrogen peroxide addition into the system at a location prior to the ozone injection cone. b. Install injection system, (peristaltic, to be provided by Shaw) to enable spiking of PCE to required system levels at a location prior to treatment. c. Make provisions to test the system with both, the medium-pressure UV lamp currently mounted to the AOP pilot-unit, and the low-pressure UV lamp originally shipped with the trailer. 3. Quality Assurance Project Plan – WERC shall assist Shaw to prepare an addendum to the EPA-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (QA ID 627-Q-8) for this project. The QAPP addendum will specify the tests to be performed to compare the effectiveness of UV/ozone/hydrogen peroxide treatment with air stripping on removal of PCE and PCE byproducts (TCE, 1,2 cis- DCE, 1,2 trans-DCE), and other volatile organics in groundwater supplies used for drinking. The air stripper data will be based on studies conducted by others. 4. Operation of the AOP System – WERC shall operate the pilot test system to: perform the following experiments • PCE Concentrations – 25 µg/L, 50 µg/L, 100 µg/L • Flow Rate – 2 gpm (based on previous experiments). Will not be varied between experiments. • Recirculation Ratio – TBD (will not be varied between experiments) • Lamp – Low-pressure and medium-pressure lamps • Ozone Concentration – Maximum possible (up to 11 mg/L in previous runs). Only one ozone concentration will be tested. • Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration – 0 mg/L and a molar ratio of 4.4:1:: H2O2:O3 Total = 12 experimental runs 5. Sample collection – WERC shall collect all required samples during the pilot tests as identified in the QAPP specified in Item 3 of this SOW. 6. Analytical Support – WERC shall collect samples under Item 4 of this SOW for PCE and PCE reaction byproducts for analysis using a Gas Chromatograph/Purge and Trap procedure previously used by Shaw for similar analyses. Samples for inorganic parameters such as pH, oxidant concentration, alkalinity, hardness, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, SO4 will also be collected. WERC shall arrange to ship samples to a to-be-designated EPA location for analysis by Shaw/EPA. The PCE and PCE reaction byproducts sample load is expected to be 6 samples/run x 12 runs = 72 samples + about 4 samples collected to verify correct experimental setup. The remaining inorganic parameters are expected to be similar in number. Turbidity, pH, TDS and Ozone analysis shall be performed onsite (no holding time). 7. Data collection – WERC shall provide the onsite support for collecting operational parameters during test runs. This shall include parameters such as flow rate, temperature, pressure, electrical usage, etc. | Environment | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences |
22628 | Brook Milligan | Biology | AS | Genetic Study of the Sacramento Mountain Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti): A Species of Conservation Need | The Sacramento Mountain Checkerspot (Euphydryas anicia cloudcrofti) is a threatened, endemic butterfly currently listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need by New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and a Sensitive Species by the US Forest Service. In order to develop effective state and federal conservation programs basic information about the structure of metapopulation is needed. This study will use information from four newly developed microsatellite genetic markers to understand the genetic diversity, population structure, movement patterns, as well as identify individual canyon populations at greatest risk. | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
63463 | Jennifer Smith | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Habits and Habitats of the Chihuahuan Desert Mud Turtle, Kinosternon hiritpes | Habits and Habitats of the Chihuahuan Desert Mud Turtle, Kinosternon hiritpes | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23579 | James Cain | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Microhabitat Selection and Survival of Elk Calves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area | Microhabitat Selection and Survival of Elk Calves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area. | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22871 | Debra Peters | Arts and Sciences College | AS | Improvements to Existing Eco Trends Website | Improvements to Existing Eco Trends Website | Environment | Education |
22593 | Wenxin Liu | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Stable Fully Distributed Multiagent Based Load Management Algorithm for Microgrids | PROJECT SUMMARY Stable Fully Distributed Multiagent Based Load Management Algorithm for Microgrids Principal Investigator – Dr. Wenxin Liu The microgrid concept is a big step towards solving the controllability problems of distributed resources. Major benefits of microgrids include increased reliability, increased usage of renewable energy, and timely response to growing consumer demand. However, the intermittent properties of renewable energy resources, the switching between grid-connected and islanded modes etc., make efficient and reliable operation of microgrids a very challenging problem. Faults, sudden dramatic load change, and insufficient generation will create power mismatch between generation and loads in microgrid. The mismatch has to be addressed by microgrid in a timely manner especially when microgrid is operating autonomously. To achieve stable and efficient operation, load management is necessary. In recent years, various load management solutions have been proposed. For coordination purpose, centralized scheme looks like a good choice. However, centralized schemes require the transmission of global information within microgrid, which is costly and easy to suffer from single-point-failures. In addition, centralized schemes cannot easily handle structure changes of microgrid. Since distributed scheme does not have these limitations, distributed scheme is a better choice for reliable and low-cost load management of microgrid. Multi Agent System (MAS) is one of the most popular distributed control solutions. Advantages of MAS include the ability to survive single-point-failures and decentralized data processing. Existing MAS based power system applications were usually validated through simulations and constraint to certain topologies. Stability and reliability of these algorithms have not been sufficiently investigated. To address the needs of microgrids and the problems with existing researches, this proposal will investigate the feasibility of designing and implementing stable fully distributed multiagent based load management algorithms for microgrids. The algorithm will extend the PI’s recent work on consensus based distributed load shedding and will have the following properties. First, the algorithm will be a fully distributed solution in the sense that no higher level coordinative agents are necessary. Second, stability of the developed algorithm will be guaranteed through rigorous stability analysis and speed will be optimized. Third, the algorithm can be applied to power systems of arbitrary structure and can adapt to changes of operating conditions automatically. Last, the algorithm will be implemented using hardware and tested through real time hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The proposed work will 1. Propose an integrated load management algorithm with the above mentioned properties that are capable of load shedding, load restoration, reconfiguration, etc. 2. Test the proposed algorithm through simulation in Matlab with power systems of different sizes and topologies 3. Implement the developed algorithm using the PDA based multiagent platform and interact with microgrid models running in Real-Time Digital Simulator at the Center for Advanced Power Systems of Florida State University. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22296 | G. Hagevoort | Extension Animal Resources | AG | Integrated Program for Bovine Respiratory Disease in Beef and Dairy Cattle | Integrated Program for Bovine Respiratory Disease in Beef and Dairy Cattle | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22947 | Delia Valles-Rosales | Industrial Engineering | EG | Collaborative Research: Building a Regional Energy & Education Network | NMSU will participate as a subcontractee to UTEP’s ‘BGREEN’ proposal to be submitted as a USDA-NIFA HSI collaborative grant. NMSU’s subcontract budget is $240,000/year for 4 years from 9/1/2011-8/31/2015, dependent upon continued congressional funding. The focus of this proposal is to channel undergraduate and graduate students for careers as research scientists and technicians with the US Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). Funding will support ten undergraduate students in spring and fall semesters to take the proposed courses and work on a research project. Funding will also support five undergraduate students in summer to participate in a research project with one of the NMSU PIs or with a faculty professor in one of the partner institutions in this proposal or travel to a USDA facility for an internship. Undergraduate students will travel to Washington D.C. every two years for one week to meet with USDA and congressional representatives to expand their horizons in the area of sustainable energy and career opportunities. In addition, two master science and four PhD students will be supported every year to work on a research project in spring and fall semesters and advised to take the courses proposed in this proposal. These graduate students will be encouraged to participate in a summer internship at USDA-ARS facilities or continue working on a research project towards preparing their MS thesis and dissertations. Topics for courses and research projects will be focused on a) sustainable energy technologies, b) biofuels- biohydrogen, c) biodiesel, d) microbial fuel cells, e) test-bed scale algal cultivation and process modeling, and f) biofuels mass production, distribution and pre-processing. NMSU Faculty professors, PIs of this proposal, will mentor students preparing their research reports, poster and/or oral presentations at regional and national conferences through graduation. Dr. Hansuk Sohn, an industrial engineer, will assist in recruiting students, coordinate efforts for evaluation and assessment of the program, and prepare curriculum. Dr. Sohn will prepare materials and re-design an existing undergraduate and graduate level course, IE490/IE590 selected topics to include materials in sustainable energy focusing on transportation. He will expose students to a variety of learning experiences from classroom instruction, hands-on experiments and possibly field trips that are designed to excite, stimulate, and prepare students for the sustainable transportation world. Dr Sohn will mentor and work with two undergraduate students, one MS student, and one PhD student. Requested salary for Dr. Sohn is 3.8 weeks of summer support. Dr. Ram Acharya, an agricultural business/economist, will assist in recruiting students, develop teaching materials on issues related to economic aspects of sustainable energy and incorporate them in a number of existing undergraduate level courses including AGE 385 (Applied Production Economics) and AGE/MKTG 305 (Marketing and Pricing Agricultural Products). In addition, Dr. Acharya will mentor and work with two undergraduate students and one PhD student on a research project in the areas of economic and marketing aspects of sustainable energy. Dr. Acharya will coordinate efforts to locate undergraduate students at a USDA facility during summer time. Requested salary for Dr. Acharya is 0.9 month (He is a 12-month faculty). | Energy | Education |
22985 | Shuguang Deng | Chemical Engineering | EG | Evaluation of Novel Activated Alumina As Regenerabel Sorbent for Arsenic Removal | Project Summary We propose a study of the use of specially prepared activated alumina (AA) to selectively remove arsenic from contaminated groundwater at the ASARCO site in El Paso, Texas. The research will include preparation of AA by a sol-gel process developed at New Mexico State University (NMSU), comparison of the performance of the special AA with commercial AA for both their capacity for removal of arsenic and their ability to be regenerated by a UTEP-proprietary method. The study will include optimization of the conditions for loading the AA with arsenic and conditions for regeneration of the AA. Project Objectives and Deliverables The ultimate goal of this research project is to develop a clean and sustainable solution for the arsenic contamination in the soil and groundwater at the ASARCO site in El Paso, Texas. By establishing a collaborative research team with NMSU we will have more resources to generate and evaluate the proposed system, and to collect sufficient data to prepare a proposal for full-scale applications and commercialization for submission to federal agencies. The inter-institutional collaboration with NMSU aligns well within the strategic research directions of the College of Engineering at UTEP. Project Background and Significance Soil and groundwater contamination with arsenic is a major problem at the ASARCO site in El Paso. The current maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water is 10 µg/L, and ASARCO is required to meet that standard before discharging the treated water into the Rio Grande. Arsenic levels as high as 60 mg/L have been detected in groundwater samples from the ASARCO site, so the quantity of arsenic that must be removed does not lend itself to the common disposal methods wherein the AA is simply carted off to a solid waste site. UTEP is currently performing proprietary research on the use of anion-exchange resins to remove the arsenic (commonly present as arsenate HAsO4= anions) from groundwater. In that research the resins are loaded with arsenic, and then they are regenerated with NaCl solution (analogous to the regeneration of cation-exchange resins in a water softener). UTEP has proprietary technology for recovering the NaCl from the spent regenerant so that it can be used in subsequent regenerations of the resin. A limitation to the use of anion-exchange resins is that they also remove sulfate, which is present in El Paso groundwater at much higher levels than arsenate. Technical Approach Materials Synthesis of sol-gel beads will be conducted in the NMSU laboratory where the appropriate equipment is already in place. Breakthrough column studies will be conducted at CIDS laboratory. Recovery of spent regenerant will be conducted using an electrodialysis skid in CIDS laboratory. Main analytical devices for this project include a Micromeritics Pore Size Analyzer (NMSU), a Dionex Integral Liquid Chromatograph (UTEP) for arsenic analysis, and a Dionex Anion/Cation chromatograph (UTEP) for NaOH analysis. Methods Dr. Deng at NMSU has determined that activated alumina (AA) will remove arsenate in preference to sulfate. Furthermore, he has developed a sol-gel method for preparing AA beads (Figure 1) that has enhanced surface area in the meso-pore structure of the material (Figure 2) (Deng, and Lin, 1995), and he has reported substantially higher capacity for arsenic, which he attributes to that unconventional pore structure (Deng et al., 2006). Dr. Camacho conducted further studies on fluoride removal from drinking water using Dr. Deng’s sol-gel method of preparing the sol-gel AA (Camacho et al., 2010), so she will use equipment in the NMSU lab to prepare the adsorbent for arsenic removal. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22848 | Alexander Fernald | Water Resources Research Institute | VPR | Applied Environmental Research for the US-Mexican Border Region | Applied Environmental Research for the US-Mexican Border Region | ||
23303 | Rebecca Palacios | Public Health Sciences | HS | Point of Use (POU) Water Treatment Systems for Improving Sustainability and Environmental Justice in Colonias of the El Paso Del Norte Region | NMSU will be a sub to UTEP - they are submitting to EPA | Water | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22327 | Esther Devall | Family and Consumer Sciences | AG | Family Impact Seminars in New Mexico | Family Impact Seminars in New Mexico. The Family Impact Seminars - a series of presentations, briefing reports, and discussion sessions - provide policymakers with high-quality, objective information on timely issues such as early childhood care and education, economic security, family poverty, health care, K-12 education, juvenile crime, and Medicaid. Because we aim to strengthen vulnerable children and families, we plan to provide financial support for seminars in four states - Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, and New Mexico - where children and families face poverty and other compounding factors such as limited education, race, ethnicity and single parenthood. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22948 | Stephanie Walker | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | 2012 Implementation of SARE Professional Development Program Plan for: New Mexico | 2012 Implementation of SARE Professional Development Program Plan for: New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22477 | Michael Place | Agriculture Science Center at Los Lunas | AG | Los Lunas Plant Materials Center | Los Lunas Plant Materials Center. The NMSU ASC and the NRCS PMC have a mutual objective to improve plant materials coordination, information exchange, and collaboration. In addition, the parties have a mutual interest in providing information and encouraging plant materials projects to achieve local, regional, state and national objectives. The parties agree that collective facilieties, personnel and equipment most effectively and efficiently advance thier common objectives. Therefore, the parties deem it mutually beneficial to cooperated in this undertaking and hereby agree as follows: | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23805 | Russell Hardy | CA Environmental Monitoring and Resources Center | EG | In-Vivo Radiobioassay Services for the Washington TRU Solutions, LLC | The Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center (CEMRC) is pleased to provide the following price quote for In-Vivo Radiobioassay services in accordance with the attached statement of work to the URS Corporation (Washington Tru Solutions) in support of the URS/WIPP program. In response to your email dated 2/2/2012, the CEMRC hereby proposes a “per-unit” price for In-Vivo Radiobioassay services reflecting a sliding scale price based on the number of clients assessed within a given fiscal period. A sliding scale price method was chosen as the appropriate pricing structure for these services due to the large up-front investment and fixed costs associated with providing the In-Vivo Radiobioassay services to the URS/WTS Corporation on an as-needed basis for both normal and rapid bioassays. As with most purchase contracts involving large up-front and/or fixed costs, the per-unit cost tends to decrease as the number of clients assessed increases; therefore, the proposed sliding scale listed below reflects this assumption. In determining this “per-unit” pricing structure, several cost factors were analyzed including, but not limited to, the total and incremental salary and fringe costs of qualified personnel performing the In-Vivo Radiobioassay services; costs for supplies and expendables directly related to the In-Vivo Radiobioassay program such as liquid nitrogen and scrubs; expenses attributed to utilities, cleaning services, and facility maintenance for the In-Vivo Radiobioassay program; maintenance and repair expenses associated with CEMRC-owned In-Vivo Radiobioassay program equipment; administrative oversight; and other related charges. Lastly, this analysis included a review of the number of URS clients served over the past four fiscal periods. The number of URS clients served over the past four fiscal periods are as follows: 2008/2009 (62), 2009/2010 (56), 2010/2011 (6), 2011/2012 (13 to date). | Energy | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences |
23207 | Ou Ma | Mechanical Engineering | EG | Control of Space Robotic Sysems for Optimal Impact-Contact Tasks | PROJECT SUMMARY The ultimate goal of the proposed research is to develop enabling technologies for future aggressive robotic operations in space, such as a spacecraft or space robot to rendezvous with and capture a non-cooperative flying object for on-orbit servicing. It addresses the Air Force’s strategic needs for superior space situation awareness and space asset protection. In the research, advanced control methods will be developed for a space robotic system to perform optimal tasks which involve physical interception in space. The property of the target to be captured or serviced is assumed either unknown such as a piece of space debris or known but mal-functional such as a tumbling satellite. Such type of space robotic tasks is known extremely difficult and risky. To date, no one has ever demonstrated such a capability in space and the very limited research work was purely theoretical with unrealistic assumptions and without even representative lab demonstrations. We will propose as practical as possible solution ideas and develop corresponding control algorithms to tackle such a challenging problem. The Phase I project will mainly focus on the development of the proposed optimal control algorithms with a demonstration of the solution and performance using impact-contact dynamics simulations. Aiming at solving real problems in space, the study will emphasize practical factors and limitations of the involved space robotic system in order to provide convincing evidence about the feasibility and potential of the proposed new technology. The research work will be conducted in collaboration with researchers of AFRL/VS. A detailed study report will be delivered in the second half of the project along with simulation demonstrations. The experimental study and verification of the new technology are much more complicated and demanding and hence, will be planned in the Phase-2 project of the research. An innovative 0-G, 6-DOF test system specially designed for the experimental research in a space representative environment has been separately proposed in another project. That system will be built and used to support the experimental research and demonstration of the proposed advanced technologies. | Health | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23253 | Adrian Unc | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Inventory of Soil Microbial and Other Soil Faunal Ecosystem Components at White Sands National Monument and Guadalupe Mountains National Park | Inventory of Soil Microbial and Other Soil Faunal Ecosystem Components at White Sands National Monument and Guadalupe Mountains National Park | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23340 | James Cain | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Large Mammal Monitoring for the Southwest Jemez Mountains Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project | Large Mammal Monitoring for the Southwest Jemez Mountains Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22834 | Vojin Oklobdzija | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Low Power Coparator Elements for A/D Converters and High Speed I/Os | Research Description (300 words max) Several factors influence power consumption of a comparator circuit, such as activity, sampling rate, sampling window, input common-mode, required overdrive (sensitivity and noise), transistor sizing. This research proposal addresses the problem of excess power dissipation in A/Ds pointed by Murmann. Specifically, we focus on the comparator as one of the key elements that needs to be optimized in order to achieve energy-efficient A/D conversion. ADC designs like Flash that most directly depend on the comparator efficiency are by far the least energy-efficient among all other ADC architectures. In order to optimize power of a comparator we will perform series of characterizations and examine the effects of various parameters on power, sampling window resolution and sampling rate of the comparator. Energy should be linked to the two dimensional graphs characterizing performance of a comparator circuit such as: resolution, sampling bandwidth, sampling aperture, sampling gain, Impulse Sensitivity Function (ISF). This will help us determine appropriate trade-offs in energy while delivering specified performance level. We will focus on the latch-type sense amplifiers since they are very effective comparators, and their digital counterparts Flip-Flops have been extensively studied for use in analog applications such as: ADCs, data receivers, on-chip transceivers and memories. “They achieve fast decision due to a strong positive feedback and their differential input enables a low-offset. They are popular because of their high input impedance, full-swing output and absence of static power consumption” [3]. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23578 | Naveen Puppala | Agriculture Science Center at Clovis | AG | Factors Affecting Mycelium Pigmentation and Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Peanut | Factors Affecting Mycelium Pigmentation and Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Peanut | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22816 | Satishkuma Ranade | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Applications of Distributed Control in Power Systems | Distributed Control of Tomorrow’s Distribution Network January 2011 Reliability, Power quality, and Energy Cost concerns, as well as favorable public policies, have created an uncommon level of interest in distributed generation (DG). In the current scenario, the proliferation of DGs plays a significant role in terms of decreasing the cost of transmitting energy over long distances along with increasing the efficiency and reliability of energy. The control of tomorrow’s power system equipped with distributed generation is a challenging problem mainly due to intermittent nature of the renewable generation sources like solar and wind. Therefore, there is a need to envision tomorrow’s power system and explore advanced control technologies and communication infrastructures. The project deals with the control and management of a distribution network by incorporating distributed intelligence. Although focused on distribution, the concepts are expected to be equally valid for Generation and Transmission, Solar and Wind collector systems, and indeed for any integrated or autonomous power system. The centralized control of a distribution feeder is well established. However, the feasibility of such a control in tomorrow’s feeder integrated with distributed generation and smart technologies is still a big question. The customer’s perspective about energy markets, demand response, resource arbitrage and even the islanded operation of a distribution feeder in the absence of the main grid, make distributed control more competitive and perhaps even essential. With the evolution of a smarter grid, the distribution network will require a more robust control with better management and self healing properties which can only be achieved by adding some degree of autonomy at customer’s end. The first step of this project is to examine the existing centralized control techniques for distribution networks and investigate their feasibility in tomorrow’s distribution network. Further, distributed control techniques will be investigated for the control of the distribution network along with adding hierarchies in the system. A comparison would be made between the standard centralized control and proposed decentralized control. A distribution feeder will be modeled in Matlab and simulations will be carried out to solve some of the selected control problems like voltage regulation, islanding, etc., with centralized as well as autonomous distributed intelligence. The goal of the project is to develop advanced control technologies for a distribution network which also include integration of distributed generation like solar, wind, etc. with the smart-grid. We propose this to be a one-year project starting in January, 2011. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22916 | Kenneth Boykin | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Stateview Program Development and Operations for the State of New Mexico | Stateview Program Development and Operations for the State of New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23300 | John Walker | DABCC Dona Ana Branch CC | DACC | State Energy Sector Grant-Solar | NMSU will be a sub through CNMCC from NMDOL if funded. NOTE: This is ARRA Funding. | Education | |
63488 | Samuel Smallidge | Extension Animal Resources | AG | Ute Creek Watershed Restoration & Management Project | Ute Creek Watershed Restoration & Management Project | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23743 | Scott Carleton | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Investigating Lesser Prairie-Chicken Seasonal Habitat Use, Reproduction and Survival to Understand Pattern of Declining Lek Attendance | Investigating Lesser Prairie-Chicken Seasonal Habitat Use, Reproduction and Survival to Understand Pattern of Declining Lek Attendance | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23898 | Shuguang Deng | Chemical Engineering | EG | Synthesis of Silica Aerogel Sensor for Detecting Propellant Hydrazine in Air | Preparation of silica aerogel for optical characterization (transmittance, scattering, etc) Two pieces of material approximately 3 to 5 cm3, Three to five disks of silica aerogel doped with gold salt. Dope theaerogetl after the gel formation step by soaking in ethanol containing gold salt. Critical point dry aerogel, May take some experimentation toget signifiant godl salt to remain in the aerogel. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23545 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | SATCON Consulting | TDI will provide SATCON with engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support wilo be provided on a non-exclusive and as-available basis. Answer to question swill be supplied by telephone and e-mail and in local meetings. All work will be performed in Las Cruces, NM | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
63461 | David Jauregui | Civil and Geological Engineering | EG | Task 6 - Load Rating of Singer Blvd Bridge over North Diversion Channel | TASK 1 Bridge Properties Bohannan Huston, Inc. providfe NMSU al bridge information needed to complete the load rating of the Singer Blvd Bridge including, but not limited to, the design drawings and any revisions (if applicable.). Any missing information shall be provided by Bohannan Huston, Inc at the request of NMSU. TASK 2 AASHTO Load Rating Singer Blvd Bridge will be load rated based on the LFR (Load Factor Rating) Method in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of HIghway Bridges. The load rating will be carried out using the AASHTO Virtis program adopted by the NMDOT. Attention will be given exclusively to the evalaution of the superstructue based on the prestressed condrete girder memeber capacities (for flexure and shear). In additon, all necessary properties needed to perform a LRFR ( Load and Resistance Factor RAting) evaluation at a later date will be entered into the Virtis program. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22943 | Martha Desmond | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Preparing Students of Career Paths with the USDA Forest Service by Linking Student Success with Experiential Learning Opportunities in Forest Management and Climate Change Ecology | Preparing Students of Career Paths with the USDA Forest Service by Linking Student Success with Experiential Learning Opportunities in Forest Management and Climate Change Ecology | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22715 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Solaria System Phase II | TDI proposes to design, purchase assemble and install a data acquisition system that will measure and store the dc power production of the PV modules , the ac power output of the inverters two module temperatures per string, plane of array irradiance, ambient temperature and wind speed. The output of the DAS willl interface witth a communication comuter provided by Solaria. The data will be accessed by Solaria through the internet | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22716 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Solaria Module Swap and DAS Assistance | TDI will remove the twenty installed Solaria PV modules and install twenty new Solaria PV modules supplied by Solaria. Solaria will pay for shipping to return the removed PV modules to Solaria. TDI will install the mechanical portions of the Fraunhofer DAS and assist the Fraunhofer represnetative making the electrical connectins.. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22830 | Omololu Idowu | Cooperative Extension Service | AG | Planning for Enhanced Economic Sustainability of Organic Peanut Farming in the Southwest | Planning for Enhanced Economic Sustainability of Organic Peanut Farming in the Southwest. Existing peanut growers in New Mexico and Texas, responsible for 97 percent of organic peanut production in the United States, are confronted with increased disease, pest, weeds, and soil fertility problems which are threatening the economic sustainability of organic production in the Southwest. With reduced profitability, existing and potential new farmers have less economic incentives to continue with organic peanut farming, further diminishing the already lagging supply of organic peanuts in the United States. This planning project intends to develop a future competitive Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) grant proposal to generate and disseminate much needed research-based knowledge on improved production management practices to enhance the economic sustainability of organic peanut farming in the Southwest. | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences | |
23519 | R. Gomez | Extension Economics | AG | Southern Pueblos Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Project | Southern Pueblos Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Project | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23276 | Jason French | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | The 2011 Pesticide Safety Education Program - New Mexico | The 2011 Pesticide Safety Education Program - New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22356 | Peter Skelton | Agricultural and Extension Education | AG | Towards Cleaner Water: An Ecology Enrichment Program | Towards Cleaner Water: An Ecology Enrichment Program. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22608 | James King | Civil and Geological Engineering | EG | Task Order #17 - Development of River Ware Model of the Rio Grande for Water Resources Management in the Paso Del Norte Watershed | Task Order #17 - Texas A&M University and NMSU entered into a Memorandum of Agreement in 200 permitting their scientists to collaborate on research dealing with common water resources problems in south central New Mexico and west Texas. Its objective is to facilitate and promote joint and cooperative water resources related research, extension, and outreach program of mutual interest to both institutions | Water | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23906 | David Jauregui | Civil and Geological Engineering | EG | FY12 Bridge Inspection, USACE Albuquerque District | The investigation proposed herein consist of routine inspection work headed by Dr David V. Jauregui with technical support by Dr. Kenneth R. White. Load capacity ratings are no part of this project. | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22971 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Lennox Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide Lennox with engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-availale basios. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and email and in local meetings. All work will be perfomred in Las Cruces, NM. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23086 | Gregory Watson | NMDA Entomology and Nursery Industries Bureau | NMDA | 2011 Infrastructure (CORE) Project | NMDA/APHIS/PPQ Coop Agreement #11-8580-0609-CA | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23314 | Charles Bundy | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Russian Knapweed Biological Control | Russian Knapweed Biological Control | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22431 | Charles Bundy | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Russian Knapweed Biological Control | Russian Knapweed Biological Control | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
63455 | Julie Maitland | NMDA Agricultural Programs and Resources Division | NMDA | 11/12 USDA/Wildlife Services | The objective is to provide wildlife damage management services to ranchers, farmers, airports, and citizens of New Mexico to reduce wildlife conflicts which adversely impact agriculture, human health and safety, property, and other resources. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23399 | Charles Bundy | Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science | AG | Thistle and Leafy Spurge Biological Control | Thistle and Leafy Spurge Biological Control | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23823 | Igor Sevostianov | Mechanical Engineering | EG | Internal Award - Effects of Radiation Damage on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Materials | Internal Award - Effect of Radiation Damage on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Materials | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22739 | Keith Edwards | Chemical Engineering | EG | Universal Plastics Process Improvement | Universal Plastics Process Improvement | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22411 | Keith Edwards | Chemical Engineering | EG | Universal Plastics Process Analysis and Optimization Phase 3 | Universal Plastics Process Analysis and Optimization Phase 3 | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22660 | Ryan Ashley | Animal and Range Sciences | AG | Pregnancy-Induced Chemokine Receptor 4 and Associated Immune Cells: Implication in Vascularization and Formation of the Bovine Placentome | N/A | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23143 | Alexander Fernald | Water Resources Research Institute | VPR | Administrative Support for the Chihuahuan Desert Network | Chihuahuan Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program | Water | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23836 | Mark Marsalis | Agricultural Experiment Station | AG | NMSU Dryland Grain Sorghum and Corn Water Timing Study | NMSU Dryland Grain Sorghum and Corn Water Timing Study | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
26346 | Bruce Tarbert | PSL Space Aerospace | PSL | GRP1141 MAIN RECORD | GRP1141 | Environment | Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences |
23014 | Stan Carlson | ALBCC Regular Academic Instruction | ALCC | Strengthening Science, Engineering, and Energy Career Options (SECO) | Strengthening Science, Engineering, and Energy Career Options (SECO) | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22433 | Paola Bandini | Civil and Geological Engineering | EG | Rubberized Asphalt Market and Performance Data for New Mexico | The Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) (2009) estimated that approximately one billion scrap tires were in stockpiles across the United States (U.S.) in 19990. Recent RMA assesments show that about 129 million tires remained in the U.S. stockpiles by 2007, which represents a reduction of approximately 50 million tires from 2005 (RMA, 2009). this significamty decrease indicates that many states in the U.S. have made considerable progress towards reducting the sze of scrap tire stockpiles that exist within their borders. Nevertheless, despite the continuous recycling efforts, 594,000 tons of scrap tires were land-disposed in landfills and monofilss in the U.S. in 2007 (RMA, 2009) | Environment | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22539 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | SRP PV on Schools Program | TDI proposes to review the designs for compliance with the National Electrical Code for each school system as others develop them. TDI proposes to develop a short PV system installation and system checkout training presentation for SRP Linemen who will be installing the systems. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22583 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | SRP - PV MORE Schools Program | TDI proposes to review the PV system designs for compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) for each of the thirteen PV systems in the Phoenix area as others develop them. TDI will travel to Phoenix on up to four seaprate dates to inspect and test the thirteeen PV systems. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23134 | Nadipuram Prasad | Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | EG | Scalable Low-Head Axial-Type Venturi-Flow Energy Scavenger (SLAVES) | In-depth studies of the turbine dynamics for an axial-flow hydropower generating system will show the technical feasibility to harvest or scavenge the maximum amount of energy from low-head/low-flow waterways. Outcome of this feasibility study will provide a basis to design and develop a novel, scalable, low cost, easy to manufacture and assemble, modular and extremely portable, environmentally friendly and highly efficient, and a desirable technology for harvesting the unused hydroelectric resource potential offered by a natural, renewable energy source. Technical feasibility will show that substantial amounts of hydropower can be produced to support rapidly growing irrigation needs, provide rural electrification for the present and future farming communities, and contribute to a multitude of other micro-grid applications. Novel conceptualizations will be explored and developed. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23679 | Patricia Hynes | New Mexico Space Grant Consortium | VPR | Student Launch Program - Virgin Unite Support | Student Launch Program - Virgin Unite Support for NMSGC provides annual access to space for student experiments launched from Spaceport America. Students enrolled in middle school, high school, community colleges, and universities are given an opportunity to build experiments that use the environment of suborbital space to answer scientific and engineering questions. A contribution of $25,000 from Virgin Unit will provide launch support for student experiments. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
22653 | Margaret Campos | Physical Science Laboratory | PSL | GRP1151 MAIN RECORD | GRP1151 DTI-6 Channel Spin Deck, QTY 6 | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22681 | Adrian Unc | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Non-Specific Microbial Symbionts Inoculation and Plant Fitness for Remediation of Surface Coal Mining Sites | Remediation efforts of disturbed mine lands encounter issues related to random plant estblisments and fitness. The two main parameters controlling plant fitness are water availability and physiological state of the plant. The later is controlled by microbial/plant interacts, which govern nutrient uptake and many resistances (e.g. to drought, salinity and pathogens). | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22691 | Daniel Smeal | Agriculture Science Center at Farmington | AG | Establishment of Mine Reclamation Plant Species as Related to Irrigation | The purpose of the study is to evaluate the emergence and establishment of the various plant species within the mix at different water application levels in an effort to improve current irrigation protocol at mine reclamation sites. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22692 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | CCC Solar Decathlon | TDI will provide CCC with technical support for the PV systems and dc power systems before and during the 2011 Solar Decathlon. Task 1. Pre Decathlon Support TDI will review the electrical designs of the PV systems of each of the 20 Decathlon Teams for compliance with the requirements of the 2008 National Electrical Code (NEC). These reviews will be conducted in Las Cruces, NM via e-mail and will be based on formal and informal PDF documents submitted by each of the teams. Corrections and assistance will be provided to each team until the required PV system designs are code compliant. A TDI engineer will travel to Orlando, FL to participate in the second 2011 Solar Decathlon Design Review on or about January 13-15, 2011. A 7-hour presentation on PV systems and the NEC will be made if requested. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22701 | Samuel Smallidge | Extension Animal Resources | AG | Multiple-Use Issues within Otero County Related to the Lincoln National Forest | Multi-use issues within Otero County conerning field monitoring and interpretation of data in the Lincoln National Forest regarding grazing. | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23252 | Hugh Monger | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Inventory of Carbon Sequestration Organisms and Biomineralization at White Sands National Monument and Guadalupe Mountains National Park | Inventory of Carbon Sequestration Organisms and Biomineralization at White Sands National Monument and Guadalupe Mountains National Park | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22918 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Tigo Energy-Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide TIGO with support of engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-available basis. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and email. all work will be performed in Las Cruces, NM | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22754 | Margaret Campos | Physical Science Laboratory | PSL | GRP1154 MAIN RECORD | GRP1154 DTI-2 Channel Spin Deck, Qty 2 | Energy | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
22762 | David Dubois | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | State Climatologist Exchange Program | N/A | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
22914 | David Dubois | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Unidata Community Equipment Awards | Unidata Community Equipment Awards | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
23215 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | BEW Engineering NEC Presentation | TDI will make a PV/NEC 7-8 hour presentaiton at the above address on Thursday July 21, 2011. This contract covers labor(including travel and preparation hours) for the presentation. All travel expenses will be reimbursed directly to the undersigned by BEW. BEW will provide a suitable presentation room , AV equipment, and will duplicate the three handouts provided from PDF files | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22930 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Sunspot Solar Energy Systems Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide Sunspot with engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-available basis. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and e-mail and in local meetings. All work will be performed in Las Cruces, New Mexico. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22963 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Solar Bridge - Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide SolarBridge with engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-availale basios. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and email and in local meetings. All work will be perfomred in Las Cruces, NM. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22965 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Enphase Energy Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide Enphase with engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-availale basis. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and email and in local meetings. All work will be perfomred in Las Cruces, NM. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
22966 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Sensata Technologies Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide Sensata with engineering consulting on as as-requested basis. Such support will be proviced on a non-exclusive and as-available basis. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and e-mail and in local meetings. All work will be performed in Las Cruces, NM | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23174 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Solar Education Center-NEC Presentations | TDI will make two PV/NEC 7-8 hour presentations in the agove locations on Tuesday August 30, 2011 and Wednesday August 31, 2011. This contract covers labor (including travel time and preparation hours) for the presentaito. All travel expenses will be reimbursed directly to the undersigned by The Solar Education Center. The Solar Education Center will provide a suitable presentation room, Av equipment, and the three handouts provided from PDF files.The Solar Education Center wil also provide transportation from the Philadelphia airport to Atlantic City, from Atlantic City to Newark, and to the Newark airport. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23193 | Christopher Brown | Geography | AS | GPS Field Data Collection and GIS Mapping Services for DAMDWCA Service Area | With 3,979 connections, the DAMDWCA is the largest MDWCA in New Mexico. The management of such a dynamic system requires careful coordination and integration of information about meters, wells, pumps, hydrants, storage tanks, etc., related to water and waste water operations. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is an excellent tool for managing the broad spectrum of information collected by the Association. In support of creating a digital database of the Association’s operations, the SpARC will engage in GPS data collection of point water and wastewater features of the Association. | Environment | Social Sciences: Other Social Sciences |
23289 | A. Donaldson | Mechanical Engineering | EG | Support for Market Development of Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery by Unconventional Methods | Hydorflame has developed and manufactured a novel tool for thermal stimulation of oil formations. In order to bring this tool to the market, Professor A.B. Donaldson will utilize his prior contacts and knowledge related to similar tools which were develooped at Sandia National Laobratiores (patients expired), at Enhanced Energy Systems. (patents expired), and by Donaldons Engineering, Inc. (design was based on the previous experiences). Professor Donaldson will additionally offer his technical expertise and advice on modifications and adaption of the tool for particular applications, including fuel used throughput alterations and operating pressure. Work locations will include, but not be limited to the following sites: Hydroflame headquarters in New Orleans, La. the fabrication shop in southern Louisiana, oilfields in the San Joaquin Basin, CA, oil sands in the vicinity of Ft McMurray, Alberta, Canada, and other locations where oil formations appear amenable to the particular tool for which the market is to be developed. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23308 | Scott Carleton | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Burbot and Sauger Otolith Microchemistry | Burbot and Sauger Otolith Microchemistry | Environment | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
63478 | Abbas Ghassemi | Waste Management Education and Resources Consortium | EG | Feasibility Study for 3 MW Solar Park in El Salvador | The College of Engineering at New Mexico State University (NMSU) through its Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE) is pleased to respond to the Comisión Ejecutiva Hidroeléctrica del Rio Lempa (CEL) and the United States Trade Development Agency (US TDA) RFP for conducting a feasibility study for a 3 MW solar project in El Salvador. NMSU proposes to assess the El Salvadoran solar resource, study different technology options, anticipate performance, and evaluate the economics of the solar power technologies. The NMSU team will also evaluate the potential environmental impacts, assess tariffs, assist with drafting legal documents and agreements within the El Salvadoran context. NMSU is one of the most experienced solar energy research and development organizations in the U.S., with over 35 years of experience in conducting renewable energy resource and feasibility assessments, projects, trainings, as well as developing new applications. The University has experience with both small and large scale solar energy systems. NMSU has experienced engineering and business development staff that can conduct both technological and market analyses, economic evaluations including pro forma financial analysis and realistic life cycle cost estimates. NMSU-IEE has extensive international solar energy development experience that has allowed it to work with different solar power technologies and approaches around the globe, including large scale MW PV systems for over 20 years (starting with the 5 MW SMUD system circa 1990). The NMSU College of Engineering has extensive experience working with solar energy development in the Latin America context. All of the proposed NMSU-IEE staff are practical, multi-disciplinary engineers and business people experienced with solar energy project development in Latin America. All of the proposed NMSU staff are fluent in Spanish. NMSU is partnering with Wind Forces, which specializes in sophisticated and the most accurate solar and wind resource modeling using advanced atmospheric models with supercomputers. NMSU is also partnering with Humberto Rodriguez, who has worked extensively in El Salvador and is an experienced energy consultants based in Bogotá. He has extensive government and industry contacts in El Salvador. | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
63484 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Transformsolar-Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide transformsolar engineering consulting on an as-requested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-available basis. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and e-mail and in local meetings. All work will be performed in Las Cruces, New Mexico. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23549 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | PV/NEC Presentations | TDI will make two PV/NEC 7-8 hour presentations on Tuesday, 7 February 2012 in Houston, TX and Wednesday, 8 February 2012 in San Antonio, TX. This contract covers labor (including travel time and preparation hours) and travel expenses for the presentation. Krannich Solar will provide a suitable presentation room, AV equipment, and the three handouts provided from PDF files. Krannich Solar will also provide local transportation in Houston and San Antonio. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23780 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | Krannich Solar-NEC Presentation | TDI will make two PV/NEC 7-8 hour presentations on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 in Hartford, Ct and Wednesday, 9 May 2012 in Medford, MA., This contract covers labor including travel time and preparation hours and travel expenses for the presentation. Krannich Solar will provide a suitable presentation room, AV equipment, and the three handouts provided from PDF files. Krannich Solar will also provide local transportation in the New England area. | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23610 | James Cain | Fishery and Wildlife Sciences | AG | Microhabitat Selection and Survival of Elk (Cervus canadensis) Calves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area of West-Central New Mexico | Microhabitat Selection and Survival of Elk (Cervus canadensis) Calves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area of West-Central New Mexico | Environment | Life Sciences: Biological Sciences |
23824 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | AMPT Engineering Consulting | TDI will provide Ampt, LLC with engineering consulting on an as-rquested basis. Such support will be provided on a non-exclusive and as-avaliable bassis. Answers to questions will be supplied by telephone and emial and in local meetings. All work will be performed Las Cruces, NM | Energy | Engineering: Other Engineering |
23909 | Bernhard Leinauer | Extension Plant Sciences | AG | Toro Soil Moisture Sensor for Turfgrass Water Conservation | Toro Soil Moisture Sensor for Turfgrass Water Conservation. We propose to study the water conservation potential of Toro’s XTRA SMART™ Precision™ soil moisture sensor of tall fescue and bernudagrass turf. The study will be conducted on areas established with Princess 77 bermudagrass and Advantage tall fescue at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM. Objective To assess the feasibility of XTRA SMART™ Precision™ soil moisture sensor for irrigation scheduling, to assess the effect of sensor controlled irrigation on turf quality of Princess 77 bermudagrass and Advantage tall fescue, and to evaluate the water conservation potential of a sensor controlled turf irrigation system Methods A field study conducted in Las Cruces, NM will examine the use of an experimental XTRA SMART™ Precision™ soil moisture sensor on irrigation water requirement of Advantage tall fescue and Princess 77 bermudagrass. Plot size will be 4.5 m x 4.5 m (15’ x 15’). The study will include four irrigation treatments: 1) a fixed daily schedule (based on worst case scenario, a water wasting approach), 2) 90% reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for tall fescue and 70% ETo for bermudagrass (adjusted monthly based on historic climate data) 3) ET scheduling based on Climate Logic Kit, and 4) soil sensor controlled irrigation. For the purpose of statistical analysis, each treatment will be replicated four times and the study will be laid out in a completely randomized design. A laboratory study will be conducted prior to the field study in order to determine the accuracy of the sensor in the soil prevalent at the study site and to determine moisture thresholds necessary for irrigation scheduling. Climate data to calculate ET values will be collected at a weather station located in close proximity to the study site. Irrigation water use will be recorded by water meters. Analysis of data will be conducted using appropriate statistical methods such as ANOVA and an appropriate means separation test (LSD). | Water | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences |
24048 | John Wiles | SW Technology Development Institute | EG | CA Center Sustainable Energy-NEC Presentation | TDI will make three, one-day PV/NEC 7-8 hour presentation in Alhambra and San Diego, California on 11, 12, 13 September 2012. TDI will provide a laptop computer and make the presentations using that computer. CCSE will provide a suitable Presentation room, AV equipment, and the three handouts provided from PDF files provide by TDI | Engineering: Other Engineering | |
24075 | Ian Ray | Plant and Environmental Sciences | AG | Evaluation of DNA Marker Assisted Selection to Improve Alfalfa Productivity in Drought Prone Environments | Evaluation of DNA Marker Assisted Selection to Improve Alfalfa Productivity in Drought Prone Environments | Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences | |
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