Please act today: schedule a deparmtent faculty meeting to discuss Greening your Department's Curriculum and participating in the Undergraduate Minor in Sustainability and/or Graduate Certificate Program, please contact:David Boje
We have 3 years of funding from a grant award from President's Fund for Excellence since FY 2014. To Update your Entry in a Database, Make a New one, Make Suggestions on Implementation, Develop student Service Learning Project.
Note: This is already a supplementary major and minor,
housed in Anthropology Department |
Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation |
Economic Prosperity and Continuity |
Equity and Social Well Being |
AGHE 380G Ecosystem Earth
AG E 315V World Agriculture and Food Problems
SOC 465G Environmental Sociology
GEOG 295 Introduction to Climate Science
AG E 337G Natural Resource Economics
GOVT 424 Environmental Policy
BIO 461 Human Ecology
AG E 348G Water Resource Economics
ANTH 362 Environmental Anthropology
BIO 462 Conservation Biology
AGRO 483 Sustainable Production of Agronomic Crops
GEOG 464 Land Use and Land Rent
BIO 301 Principles of Ecology
ANTH 362 Environmental Anthropology
WSLC Principles of Natural Resource Management
WSLC Systems Ecology
GEOG 362 Geography of International Development
HON 305V, The Global Environment
GOVT 447 Sociology of Development
Note: This is a proposed track, courses listed vetted by the Coordinator, housed in Engineering Technology Department |
Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation |
Economic Prosperity and Continuity |
Equity and Social Well Being |
ET 381 Renewable Energy Technologies (Required)
CE/WERC 330 Environmental Management Seminar 1
ET 300 or ET 400 Special Projects
ET 386 Sustainabile Design and Construction (Required)
WERC 350 Introduction to Energy, Envionment and Risk Assessment
ET 360 V Technology in Business & Society
WERC 300 Introduction to Pollution Prevention and Application
TRACK 3: Agriculture, Economics and Business Note: additional courses are currently being vetted by the Coordinator going and working with each Department and their Faculty; Advising is housed in Management Department (College of Business) & Plant and Environmental Scicenes Department (College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences) |
Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation |
Economic Prosperity and Continuity |
Equity and Social Well Being |
MGT 375V Sustainability Management
MGT 458 Comparative International Management
MGT 465 Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management
MGT 448/ BA 448 Small Business Consulting
MGT 388GV Leadership in Society
MGT 490 Independent study in sustainability project
HRTM 430 Hospitality Facilities Management
MGT 449 Strategic Management
HON 305V, The Global Environment
ES 110G Environmental Science
HRTM 450 Special Topics (Summer Study to
Costa Rica in English, must have a 2.5 gpa)
HLS 305V – Global Environmental Health Issues (3 Hrs) - Online |
HORT/AGRO 100G Introductory Plant Science (Lab)
HRTM 492 Special Research |
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (MPH 550): Spring 2014 Online Course (Writing Intensive; permission of instructor of non-health majors) |
HORT/AGRO 315 Crop Physiology