Greening the Curriculum @ NMSU - Database FOUR, Our Sustainability non-ARGIS researchers and projects MENU: See Definitions of Sustinability, Sustainability-related and Sustainability-focused courses. DATABASE one Concentrations in Sustainability DATABASE two Details Listing of Sustainability Courses DATABASE three Sustainability Researchers & Projects (Funded or Proposed for Funding - ARGIS) DATABASE four non-ARGIS Sustainability Researchers and Projects Sustainability Council of NMSU Return Home to Menu of Databases
contact:David M. Boje, Coordinator, 'Greening the Curriculum @ NMSU' project |
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NA0001 | David M. Boje | Mgmt | Business | Sustainability Goals | publication on Sustainability accepted International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior. The article is titled: “University Sustainability and System Ontology.” Co-authors are from Management and Marketing departments, and are listed in alphabetical order:Grant Aguirre, David Boje, Melissa Cast, Suzanne Conner, Catherine Helmuth, Rakesh Mittal, Rohny Saylors, Nazanin Tourani, Sebastien Vendette, and Tony Qiang Yan. The article was for special Issue: Organizational Innovations and Responses for Universal Equilibrium (Special-Theme Editor: Shiv K. Tripathi). Co-authors secured an IRB approval and did a case study of sustainability at New Mexico State University. The theory is an ontological approach to dialogic of sustainability, as it relates to the balancing of competing needs, such as efficiency, heart, and brand identity at NMSU. Another aspect is intervention, thus bringing top administrators new possibilities regarding the university’s goals and environmentalities. Students and faculty made a presentation to the President, Provost and VP of Research at NMSU, showing how the seven building-the-vision goals are interspersed with sustainability identity and projects. Data for the study were collected through in-depth interviews with university members from all hierarchical levels. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and provided to the interviewees for their approval prior to inclusion. In sum, ontological storytelling is a powerful way for individuals interested in sustainability to effect system change in an organization. From this paper’s perspective, sustainability is initiated and sustained through the meaning of authentic care as participants in the process realize the potentiality-for-Being-whole-in-systemic-sustainability . Specifically, colleges are one-by-one embracing sustainability in curriculum and research. This article raises interesting ontological issues for sustainability researchers, and has implications for strategy as practice. |
Environment | Social Science |
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Sustainability Council of NMSU