Please include in your TEAM's Lesson Plan these 6 STEPS:
Each team prints enough team scoring forms for the entire class to fill out for their event
1 Opening Activities
A. Healthy Happy Terrific
B. The Homework Questions you will focus on
C. A Boal ice-breaker (with some connection to homework)
2 The Content
A. Grading last week's homework
B. The Slides and Youtube about the new homework
3 Interactive Experiential Event
Some activity in class or field trip where everyone gets involved in experiencing the material
4 2 Minute Pluses and Minuses (what worked well, what can improve next time)
5 Scoring sheets distributed, filled out by audience
6 Boje meets with presenting time to go over scoring and assign grade; Good news presenting team does no do the homework they assigned to the class.
THIS IS PLAN FOR 134 minutes out of 150 available. So in theory could end early if our routines are on time. Difference of 134 and 150 minutes is slack time.
STEP 1 [12-15 minute total] Three OPENING ACTIVITIES
A. Healthy Happy Terrific (new one for each class, 2 minutes max.
B. Show or write your 2 HOMEWORK Questions for class on slides or board (run them by Boje several days before): (2 more miniutes to get this on board)
One question based on assigned course texts, other question based on student's living story in their development of some facet of becoming consultant to client. Please include references to course texts in answer. Answers due next class period, typed and haned it, and your team and instructor meet to score answers.
1a: What 'LIVING STORIES are your daily ROUTINES & THINGS telling about you?
1b:What UN Sustainability Development Goals would you like to work on with a MICRO BUSINESS CLIENT?
Please have 2 pages (single spaced) total for both questions for next class, typed, ready to hand in.
C. BOAL EXERCISE (8 minutes max) from Augusto Boal's 200 Exercises and Games for Actors and Non-Actors (book on line)(Choose among the 200 exercises)
e.g. This exercise was chosin to fit today's topic, on OBSERVING ROUTINES: BOAL exercise for Day One: Complete the image (pp. 169-170A pair of actors shake hands. Freeze the image. Ask the watching group what possible meanings the image might carry: is it a business meeting, lovers parting for ever, a drug deal, they love each other, they hate each other, etc.? Various possibilities are explored to show all the ’meanings’ a single image can have. Everyone gets into pairs and starts with a frozen image of a handshake. One partner removes himself from the image, leaving the other with his hand extended. Now what is the story? Instead of saying what he thinks this new image means, the partner who has removed himself returns to the image and completes the image, thus showing what he sees as a possible meaning for it; he puts himself in a different position, with a different relationship to the partner with the outstretched hand, changing the meaning of the image, but conveying an idea, emotion, feeling – this is a dialogue of images, not just a juxtaposition. Then the first partner comes out of this new frozen image and looks at it. When he was inside it, he had a feeling; outside it, the remaining partner in the image staying frozen and now alone, the image will have a different meaning, evoke a different emotion, idea, etc. So, he completes it, changing its meaning again. And so on, the partners alternating, always in a dialogue of images. The players should look quickly at the half-image they are completing, arranging themselves in a complementary position as fast as they can not only to save time but to avoid thinking with words and translating them into images; like the modelling exercises, the actors should think with their bodies and their eyes. It does not matter if there is no literal meaning to the way an actor chooses to complete the image – the important thing is to keep the game moving and the ideas flowing. Then the Joker can add a chair to the game, two chairs, an object or two objects – how does this affect things, how does it change the dynamic? SEE MORE ON BOAL AT END OF THIS FILE
ADVANCED OPTION TO BOAL - CONSTELLATION [or choose a intergenerational family business CONSTELLATION exercise) Here is a Constellation Family exercise example
STEP 2: Provide 45 to 50 minutes of COURSE CONTENT
A. Boje and presenting team (including our MBAs) from the prior week to go through the homework turned in. This can include picking out the best homework answers, and reading parts of them to the class. GRADING POLICY: must have 2 page answer with references to get full score; Students record their grade in Weekly LOGBOOK worksheet, along with # of participation slips & date/content of client meetings).
B. PRESENTING TEAMS' SLIDES (10-15 minutes) and Put an ORIGINAL (4 to7 minutes) YouTube presentation together (more points if you do your own original YouTube, perhaps with client interaction, tour of the business, and on topic with AGILE [undergrad] and Hidden Costs text [MBAs])
PowerPoint on the topic with images, photos [e.g. Boje's STORYTELLING AND SEAM TO BE AGILE slides'] and (hardly any grade points if its death by PowerPoint). ALL TEAM MEMBERS NEED TO BE PART OF YOUTUBE & your SLIDE telling FOR MAXIMUM CREDIT!
Focus on book chapter(s) and ONE SEAM TOOL each session;
TOOLS (just one at time, each week:
WEEKLY PILOTING LOGBOOK UPDATE - Each person will keep track of their own participation/class attendance/team meeting attendance/ actual meetings/calls with client progress --
ANY GUEST CLIENTS - for you to meet with them after hearing their living story about THINGS and ROUTINES: SEE CLIENT LIST
STEP 3: 40 Minutes INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE EVENT - In your lesson plan,MBA works with the Undergrad Team to co-DEVELOP a HIGHLY INTERACTIVE class activity that puts the students into discussion pairs, or small groups (never one lump class) to work on a HOMEWORK questions you ask them (e.g. Fish Bowl, World Cafe, field trip, interview with your client with class participating (then small groups), an event of Boalian theater showing image, invisible, or forum theater DYSFUNCTIONS your cliient displays).
TODAY'S EXAMPLE: What are your ROUTINES and what LIVING STORY are THINGS in your life talling? Notice how the INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY is designed to help students with the homework. What 'LIVING STORIES are your daily ROUTINES & THINGS telling about you?
INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY: Form pairs, and interview each other about two areas.
1. What are your daily routines from rising to sleeping? Talk together for 5 MINUTES, then spend 5 MINUTES (taking notes), and then each writing SILENTLY about what LIVING STORY that person's ROUTINES are telling to you from the notes and recall? POINT: to learn to ACTIVELY LISTEN win MINDFULNESS and to TAKE NOTES as YOU LISTEN.
2. What THINGS does the person have, and without asking them, 'what LIVING STORY is each THING and the assemblage of THINGS telling you as OBSERVER? 5 MINUTES you as a pair have a conversation about THINGS (as you OBSERVE their THINGS) they carry around, and how they are HERE&NOW CONFIGURED in an ASSEMBLAGE, then do 5 MINUTES each of you silently writing about the LIVING STORY the configuration-Assemblage of that person's THINGS is TELLING to you? POINT: to learn to be an actively engaged CONSULTANT-OBSERVER OF THINGS telling their story with your CLIENT and ACTIVE LISTENER and notetaker as client is telling 'living stories' to you.
DEBRIEFING OF THE INTERACTIVE EXERCISE: See the study guide I prepared for Management Consulting Division of Academy of Management meeting for in depth discussion and references ( Here is a summary: William James (1907: 98) says 'Things tell a story' and Jane Bennett (2009/2010a) says the exact way things are in assemblage together, is telling an ONTOLOGICAL STORY (she calls it 'Onto-Story' for short). Ontological is defined as Actual/Real things that are in existence, and Being-in-the-world. Things have energy that we and observe and experience. Things in a business or university, are either when Heidegger (1962) calls "READY-TO-HAND" and use in a PROCESS (a ROUTINE) that is done again and again, or things are "PRESENT-AT-HAND" and are not ready to use because they are just there, or maybe broken, or not configured into a ROUTINE (or PROCESS).
TEAMS should make the connection of INTERACTIVE EVENT done in class to SEAM. E.G. each of the 6 DYSFUNCTIONS in the 4-leaf clover (DIAGNOSIS) is a bundle of routines in the Micro Business or Micro Unit of a University's ECOLOGIES OF ROUTINES. For example:
1. Working Conditions are routines. You as student have THINGS mediating your ROUTINES (the class room is a material configuration you step into, and it has rows of desks, and it limits or shapes interaction options). The software THINGS, the apps in your Cell Phone and Laptop, the STARS AUDIT software THING that manages the curriculum courses you can or cannot take. You have personal routines (habits) of getting up early or late, brushing teeth, showering (or not), dressing in this or that THING, and you have a place (MATERIAL THING) to study, and use a computer, books, notebooks, etc. (MORE THINGS) that shape your ROUTINES.
2. Work Organization is routines. You are in a building, that is part of a COLLEGE, a UNIVERSITY, and your ROUTINES are shaped, amanged, constrained, by such THINGS. Some routines are hierarchical (the teacher lectures, you do as you are told) or they are emocratic classrooms, and you vote, or are asked when to take a break, or what THING to do next.
3. Communicaiton, Coordination, Cooperation (the 3 C's) are routines. Do you ROUTINELY communicate with peers in your classes? Do you ROUTINELY coordinate on a project? Do you cooperate together or not? What are the conversations of 3C's about, and what LIVING STORIES are happening, in the MIDDLE of unfold, in a PLACE, in a TIME, and in ALIVENESS of those stories?
4. TIME MANAGEMENT is about routines? Micro enterprises have daily, weekly, yearly routines about how time is spent, wasted, valued. Organizations have perfectly designed their time management to get the results they are getting and not getting. For example, a class lesson plan either manages time so there is a break or gets all the seven steps of a lesson plan done, or its has time wasted, time lost, and the team gets the results they are getting. A business or a university is the same in its time management. You will notice some clients have no time to keep their appointments with you as student consultants. It is a ROUTINE (a Habit) and its a DYSFUNCTION, and you can then DIAGNOSE that the they are perfectly designed their time management to get the results they are getting and not getting.
5. INTEGRATED TRAINING is in the routines. Some people show up to class to get the training, and others do not. Then there are HIDDEN COSTS for everyone, since you get some integrated training happening in class, and then next class have to train the ones who did not show up to last class, and that is all about ROUTINES. If you ahve team members not showing up to team meetings, or calss, you have DYSFUNCTION of INTEGRATED TRAINING. Are the people needing the training getting the training they need to do high quality, high productivity performance? Much of MICRO ENTERPRISE training is on-the-job. Much of SEAM Student Consultant training is Experiences-in-class. Hard to get the training integrated if you are not there.
6. STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION is a routine and a habit. Most micro enterprises (and somve big universities) routinely lack STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION routines and habits. A client too busy to plan is dysfunctional. A client too busy to budget is dysfunctional. A client too busy to market is dysfunctional. A client that has a strategy but does not implement it is dysfunctional. Same for students, families, corporations, nations.
ADVICE TO TEAMS: HOMEWORK QUESTION(S) FOR DISCUSSION, PLEASE TEAMs DO NOT JUST STAND IN FRONT OF ROOM AND INTERACT WITH ENTIRE CLASS. Only a few people, the same people will ROUTINELY answer you. To be interactive, as Event, have class break out discussions (2 to 10 people) lead by team members (walking from around) and do strcutured exercises. E.G. In pairs students talked today about routines, and then I asked each student to first write for 5 minutes silently about the question, then share with their partner. Ask the pair to find a similarity in their answers, and to write two sentences on what they have in common on the topic. Then, do same for a difference. Finally the student facilitator has each group have a spokesperson share the commonality and difference in their answers.
STEP 4: After your event, do a 2 minutes pluses and minuses with class to see what worked well today, and what could be better (2 minutes). Write the items on the board. Please do step 5 before step 6.
STEP 5: Not done yet. (10 Minute to do this) Presenting Team, including presenting MBA, is responsible for making copies of the EVALUATION FORM for audience members EVALUTION - scoring sheet - Make copies for entire class (if you see Adela in Room 220 BC she may be able to make copies with 2 day notice). If a Team is distributing the score sheets before step 6, it means they did not manage time, and that needs to be reflected in the scoring.
Good News! In exchange for presenting SKIT team not doing homework, the undergraduate team & MBA that is presenting, will help instructor score their week's homework DURING THE NEXT CLASS, and must give constructive comments to audience member's homework submissions. This will happen in STEP 2 above.
Thank you - please work to root out our dysfunctions, so we enhance your individual and class learning experience.
(Study Guide with all six SEAM figures
explained); 4-Leaf SEAM clover; and A - B- C Axes (bring this to first meeting with client) & DPIE
SEAM 2017 TEMPLATE FOR FINAL REPORT (bring copy to show client)
6 MANAGEMENT TOOLS YOU NEED, download today & show client:
PILOTING LOGBOOK WEEKLY UPDATE (Each student of a team (or solo) does this electronically, by showing your update to same form each week on cell phone or laptop instead of printing it)
You can live a life in balance with Nature. Nick Ritar, permaculture farmer and educator can teach us how. In this talk at ..
As more than half of the world's species are threatened with extinction, Joel Sartorehas embarked on a personal mission
ACTIVITY Two: World Cafe Activity:
World Café basic model:
1) Your Student Facilitator begins with a warm welcome and an introduction to the World Café process, setting the context, sharing the Cafe Etiquette, and putting participants at ease. E.G. The World Café process is s TABLE HOST stays for several rounds of discussion, The OTHERS move from one table to the next at end of a round. World Café Etiquette is listening to others, taking notes, appointing a spokesperson to speak out at the end.
2)Questions: each round is prefaced with a question designed for the specific context and desired purpose of the session. The same questions can be used for more than one round, or they can be built upon each other to focus the conversation or guide its direction. E.G. on.
3) Small Group Rounds: The process begins with the first of three or more six to 10 minute rounds of conversation for the small group seated around a table. At the end of the six minutes, each member of the group moves to a different new table. Please leave one person as the "table host" for the next round, who welcomes the next group and briefly fills them in on what happened in the previous round. E.G. Before first round appoint a TABLE HOST how stays at the assigned table for all of the rounds.
4) Harvest: After the small groups (and/or in between rounds, as desired) a spokesperson are invited to share insights or other results from their conversations with the rest of the large group. These results are reflected visually in a variety of ways, most often using graphic recorders in the front of the room. E.G. Display results by having the Host and/or Spokesperson go to the board and write a sentence or several on the themes of the discussion, any concerns, next steps, etc. Do this for one round. In another round use different method, such as POP CORN: having a Host or Spokesperson from each group give one sentence comment orally, then another group follow on with a related but slightly different comment, continuing until all groups have share all new things with the whole community.
For more info
another SEAM Intro
and overview (Study Guide with all six SEAM figures