Schedule this is how it works: MID TERM (have steps 1 to 11 done in Final Report)

DATE Questions DUE following class


Aug 15

Question 1a: What 'LIVING STORIES are your daily ROUTINES & THINGS telling about you? 1b:What UN Sustainability Development Goals would you like to work on with a MICRO BUSINESS (or micro unit of university) CLIENT? Please have 2 pages (single spaced) total for both questions; For FULL CREDIT must include references to books, web pages, articles DUE next class period. Bring printout to class so it can be graded in class

Boje's Demo of Lesson Plan and INTRO TO SEAM YOUTUBE

Boje SLIDES Intro to Why SEAM Storytelling

Each member does a BUSINESS CONSULTING APPLICATION (unless team is agreed on one client). A confidentiality agreement that class members sign (client does not need to sign) Please bring both to next class

When Teams CHOOSE A PROJECT it is first SIGNED Application, first served.

4-Leaf SEAM clover and A - B- C Axes (bring this to first meeting with client) & DPIE

Agile Book pp. 1-10

SEAM Book pp. 16-24 (will lecture on it till book pages are copied)

MBA Hidden Costs book (MBAs) Introduction

Ethics Book


Read more about 17 UN Sustainability Development goals and subgoals



The most important skill is LISTENING and TAKING VERBATIM FIELD NOTES ABOUT the ROUTINES and each THING 'tells a story' and record those stories too.



22 Aug

Question 2a: What is your story of meeting a potential client?

2b: Include field notes you wrote down during the visit (observations, reflections, verbatim notes)?


    Hidden Costs(main figure for SEAM consultation overview) A - B- C Axes Report Template

Book II ethical  ways

Agile pp. 11-22


SEAM Book chap 5

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 1 The origin of HC

Ethics Book II 


TODAY we form teams, based on what class votes as 8 to 10 best CLIENT applications completed.

teams (no more than 3 no less than 1) & DO TEAM FROM HELL EXERCISE in each new team


Work on choosing MICRO BUSINESSES, or SOME MICRO UNIT of NMSU to work with based on each person turning in business consulting application

29 Aug


Question 3a: What is your role in Team's PNAC?

Question 3b: How are you developing one of the UN SDG's with your client?





 Quantum Spiral Book Ch 6: 23 steps Study Guide

Images to use for your UN Sustainabile Development Projects (slides)

Start with D-P-I-E 1 2 & 3

Know Figure Six - Psychoanalytic SEAM(deeper theory of SEAM for MBAs

new slides on Hidden Costs by Abdul

Boje notes on today's readings

See the Deloitte Consulting study that cost $618,000 on how to reengineer and reorganize NMSU

Agile pp. 23-36

SEAM Book chap 6

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 2 Evaluating HC

Ethics Book III 

See example of TEAM (Boje & MBA) Slides

Each team, please bring your LOGBOOK (3 ring notebook TODAY to class with forms in it; one notebook per team)

5 Sep

SHOW your LOGBOOK Weekly form (each person) - can be on laptop or cell phone to show progress

Submit your PNAC form all filled in -- bring to class

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 

Agile pp. 37-43

SEAM Book chap 7 IESAP tool

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 3 Sustainable reduction of HC

Boje's Slides on Micro-space and How Things Tell a Story in SEAM Diagnosis?

Ethics Book IV  


MBA1 AND UNDERGRAD Team 1 , D-P-I-E progress, & 2 QUESTIONS, class learning activity Do lesson plan| Each team prints there team scoring form for the entire class to fill out for their event




12 Sep

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 


Submit your PAP Form all filled in?


Agile pp. 44-65

SEAM Book chap 7 PAP tool

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 4 Horivert -Boje's slides on HORIVERT and the Recycling of Business College

Ethics Book V  for those who need to do makeup for missed class


MBA2 AND UNDERGRAD Team 2 (BOJE)– YouTube, Slides about the book chapters, D-P-I-E progress, & class learning activity and MAKE UP 2 QUESTIONS;  Do lesson plan

19 Sep

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 

Zip Zap Zop

Sustainability: socio-cultural, economic, and environmental Client Rating/Grading Sheet


Agile pp.66-74

SEAM Book chap 7 Competency Grid Tool

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 5 Socioeconomic Diagostic

BOJE'S contribution today 1.Daniel Q. Boje Trash Compactor Invention for LANDFILL WASTE REDUCTION

True Storytelling of NMSU Recycling by D. Boje

SEE BOJE's SUMMARY of how to apply Agile, MBA Hidden Cost Readings to TEAM 5's TINY HOMES PROJECT (in Word)



MBA3 AND UNDERGRAD Team 3 , D-P-I-E progress, Slides about the book chapters, & class learning activity & 2 questions Do lesson plan

SEE TEAM 3 YouTube Video


26 Sep

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 



Hawks at NMSU The sustainability side of SEAM - by D. Boje

Voluntary and Involuntary

YouTube The Story of Stuff and its HIDDEN COSTS

Hidden Costs of Hawk-Human-Habitat

BOJE'S SLIDES on HIDDEN COSTS LAS CRUCEAS & NMSU Sleepwalking in the ZERO WASTE MOVEMENT HAPPENING EVERYWHERE BUT NMSU and New Mexico & here is a Preface I wrote on 7 S's of plastic, that has some hidden costs implications (USE THIS FOR HOMEWORK and or CLASS MISSED DAY MAKE UP WORK.

Agile pp. 75-81

SEAM Book chap 7 Time Management Tool

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 6 Socio-economic Innovation Project

Ethics Book VII  




MBA4 AND UNDERGRAD Team 4 – YouTube, guest if you have one, and 2 questions

Boje's Slides on Mirror Effect and Datability - using Golf Example


3 Oct From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM  Need for Managerial SkillCrowd Source Lucky Ant's   RocketHub

Agile pp. 82-95

SEAM Book chap 7 PNAC tool

MBA Hidden Costs CH 8 Socio-economic Management HC and PNAC



Ethics Book IX if you missed a day and want to make it up - 2 pages on it



Boje's slides for today: How to create a BIOPLASTIC agriculture in New Mexico?

and for your reading enjoyment & any missed days make up ==>

How AOM’s Storytelling can have social, policy, and practical sensemaking impact on Carboniferous Capitalism?


MBA1 AND UNDERGRAD Team 5's 2 Questions:

YouTube, D-P-I-E progress, Slides about the book chapters, & class learning activity Do lesson plan

10 Oct From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM  Need for Managerial SkillCrowd Source Lucky Ant's   RocketHub


Agile pp. 96-112

SEAM Book chap 8

MBA Hidden Costs Ch 9 The Strategic Piloting Indicator Logbook

Ethics Book IX 

Boje's SLIDES "Energy Makes the World go Around! Gender Equalit y UN Goal, and how to DeScale the Corporations so Small Businesses Rule the World in a DEGROWTH ECONOMY (use for homework and makeups)


Practice Skits for the Mid-Term

MBA2 AND UNDERGRAD Team 6 – come up with two questions

17 Oct



Mid-term Check List filled out and put at front of the Report, and in separate envelopes, your individual peer review of teammates

Each team does a Boalian Forum Theater skit, or an Hellinger Family Business Intergenerational Theater

Please Each Team, declare in your Presentation, which of the 17 UN Sustainable Development goals, you are working with your client to make a reality through your consulting

BRING COPY OF YOUR TEAMS's PROJECT LOGBOOK, single space, double sided printing, & copy of FILLED OUT mid-term check list, & your individual LOGBOOK SHEET OF GRADES RECEIVED/PARTICIPATION/MAKE UPS TODATE. Thank YOu

(each team bring food, to make this fun event for themselves; have peer review in sealed envelope)

24 Oct

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 

Image & Counter Image



Agile pp. 113-116

MBA SEAM Book Appendix 1 and 2

Hidden Costs Ch 10 Evaluation of Results

Agile pp. 117-133

SEAM Book Appendix 3

MBA Hidden Costs Postscript and Appendix A


Ethics Book X

Team 7 and Team 9, MBA1 AND up with 2 questions

31 Oct

From here on out Teams will coordinate to design the two questions: one on readings, and one personal living story to implement SEAM 

Competitive Advantage



Please bring food, chips, ice cream, etc. so we can share and have fun at our last event

Each team birng something different

Agile pp. 134-144

SEAM Book Appendix 4 & 5

MBA Hidden Costs Appendix B & C




MBA4 AND UNDERGRAD Team 8 – YouTube, guest, D-P-I-E progress, Slides about the book chapters, 2 questions, & class learning activity Do lesson plan


Nov 7





Nov 14   NO CLASS Time to work ON FINAL PROJECt    
19-23 Nov

we do NOT meet as class








5 Dec


EXAM TIME Dec 5, 3:30-5:30 - Note the time difference. CHECK YOUR CLASS SCHEDULE - report any conflicts. All members of team must attend FINAL, NO EXCUSES - OR NO GRADE ABOVE 'C' IS POSSIBLE. If and only if, two finals are scheduled at exact same time, then please let me know, and teammates, and come after you finished other final, and we will put you last in the line up.

Be sure to put your 360 peer review in sealed envelop with your name, team name, and team number, bring to final exam this can be copied from tail end of FINAL CHECKLIST (submit in sealed envelop). Thank you

Final Report Check list Submit copy SELF-SCORED with your report (LOGBOOK) & Include Client Rating/Grading Sheet in final report. Send e-copy of report to regular email of instructor, not to Canvas

include graded midterm check list with your report

DO FINAL CHECKLIST and fill in self-scores and submit with FINAL REPORT, with color on cover and AMAZING SPIRALS


Each team bring food, to make this fun event for themselves; have peer review in sealed envelopes in final report all steps done, thank you letter to client, and client's eval of your report - Thank you

How to create Double Spirals for your final Report Be creative, recommend using

Please bring food, chips, ice cream, etc. so we can share and have fun at our last event no single-use Plastic or Styrofoam please.


Final Exam Questions

1. To Teams, What is the VALUE-ADDED you accomplished for your CLIENT (not the report, but something you added to revenue or human potential, or lowering costs of cleint; Each team member must answer what they did, what part of project they LED to do these results?

2. To Each Individual, What is most important thing you learned about SOCIOECONOMIC consulting? Please make it something from the books read that you applied.