Antenarrative is defined as the already there processes that are pre-constitutive of 'narrative' and 'living story':  Beneath, Before, Bets, Being, Becoming, Between, and Beyond. 

This is the True Storytelling Site, applying Antenarrative Processes.

Question: What is

ANTEnarrative? Short Answer: Antenarrative is a word I invented in the 2001 book, Narrative Methods for Organizational & Communication Research to get at process dynamics of organizational storytelling. ANTE (is short for antecedent). It in the 2001 book as 'before-narrative' and a 'BET on the future.' Now there are 7 B's I will introduce to you.

LOOK INSIDE:Read Introduction to this book then you will know the complete answer!

In 2001 book, I proposed a new word "ANTEnarrative" defining two key aspects the BEFORE and BETS, on Future. Now in 2023 there are 7 aspects.

7 Antenarrative Processes, adapted from BOJE 2022 download book on Pondy, until published

Ante has 7 B-processes & Fore means ‘in advance of’ Narrative-closure, -coherence, … with
Baby-will-be-what examples of Fore (Yell fore in-advance of what we do).

1 Beneath

Fore-conception is to ‘Go Beneath’ the language to the silent spaces between words, the pauses in speech & writing, to the Flux, Flow, and movement. For example, listening to baby talk, and wondering what the silence means or parents disagreeing about upbringing.

2 Before

Fore-having is the twisted & entangled histories. It is looking backwards with retrospective sensemaking.  But it is challenging quite shallow histories erase most of history by marginalizing microstoria (little people’s history of resistance to grand narratives). Before is an on-going rehistoricizing of the past with new preferences. For example, a baby born into parent's and grandparent's history, and into what society expects of babies and parents.

3 Bets

Fore-sight is looking-forward to Futures arriving.We ante-up (as in poker) into the pot. We observe each others anteing. Are they bluffing? It is prospective sensemaking denied by Henri Bergson, and organization studies until 2001. 'Bets on the Future' is done by many players making many plots. It is not treating a linear Beginning-Middle-End narrative (BME narrative) as the only plot and getting blindsided.  BME narrative keeps cherry-picking select actors and very few events, thereby hiding the futures arriving. Very short-sighted. For example, parents make bets on a baby unborn, and Ante-Up new baby furniture and baby clothing, while planning the baby's choice of university.

4 Being


Fore-getting in double meaning: (1) fore-getting Kairos (in Greek hitting the target in right moment) of Timing, in stead of Chronos (chronological, sequential time). Time is inseparable from spacing (in places) and mattering of sociomateriality (SpaceTimeMattering inseparability in Karen Barad’s work). Fore-getting our Being-in-the-World we are thrown into illusion. For example, a baby has Being-in-the-world in place, with adorable moments of Kairos.

5 Becoming

Fore-caring is itself an ethical process of caring, Becoming is what is coming-to-be in-Be-in-the-World. It is caring for all species, not humancentric. For Pondy it is beyond open system thinking, and is an organic nature way of thinking (see We can think in-advance of just enactment of retrospective sensemaking or prospective sense-making, for example the baby arriving, not yet born has a future.

6 Between

Fore-structuring is a process of setting up infrastructure in-advance. It is pauses of silence between words spoken or written. In True Storytelling System, it is pauses between the four-hearts. Fore-structuring, for example, baby-proofing a house before the baby arrives in-the-world.

7 Beyond

Fore-grasping by intuitive, the 6th sense in Grace Ann Rosile’s (2016) Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics & her Indigenous Ways of Knowing, (IWOK). The Abduction best intelligent guess in Charles Sanders Peirce semiotics. It can be spiritual awareness Beyond the five senses of sensemaking. For example, I make a best guess about why the baby is crying, and try this or that, until baby is happily playing again.


Malmö University, Sweden Keynote Address May 23 2022 - Click for Slides

Click here for (60 minutes) Bakhtin meets Enthinkment Circle - YouTube (posted May 17 2022), Preparing for
Malmö University

See for more on Blue pill and Red Pill and Bakhtin's 'Participative Thinking' in once-occurrent evetn-ness of Being

What is the Riddle of Participative Thinking in Bakhtin’s Architectonic Dialogism?  May 16, 18, & 19, 2022 Click Here for Slide set for doctoral trianing in antenarrative processes Malmö University

Most Recent Antenarrative Presentation Slides: Where's the Ethics in Business Modeling? Aalborg University Nov 16 2021

What are the four Who-consciousnesses of System Change in True Storytelling Antenarrative Processes?
Video link  

Antenarrative Presentation Slides: Where's the Ethics in Business Modeling? Aalborg University Nov 16 2021

NEW--> This is May 4 2022 Antenarrative Primer that explores a Mikhail Bakhtin approach to antenarrative processes

Here is a handout of thirteen True Storytelling Processes, Four Hearts, and Four Who-consciousness in-Between-the-Hearts.

Click Here for Word version of Handout above

Until recently, we worked with seven processes of antenarrative.

What Are Seven Antenarrative Processes?

I have developed the Heidegger model of 7 antenarrative processes this last decade, This year 2022, I am returning to Mikhail Bakhtin and the MATRIX  Both are Ontological ways of unmasking the eventness of Being, unconcealing what is too settled in the Blue.

In movie the MATRIX, Morpheus offers Neo the Red or the Blue Pill
Take the Blue pill remain in content of blissful ignorance and illusion, a truth Bakhtin calls ISTINA
Take the Red Pill of potential to lean a life unsettling in what Bakhtin calls PRAVDA, a truth sometimes painful
Bakhtin version of Boje antenarrative 7 processes
                  May 15 2022
For last decade I developed a Heideggerian model of 7 antenarrative processes. This year I take the PRAVDA-Red Pill and do some 'aesthetic seeing with Bakhtin's Architectonic Dialogism (the interanimation of radical notions of cognitive, aesthetic, and ethical discourses that has Immanuel Kant rolling over in his grave.

  1. The art of thinking, embodying values is a “deed-performing thinking” (Toward Philosophy of the Act, TPA);  My thinking” from my unique place in Being” (57)

  2. I myself “the one thinking actuals”, “the actually performed act of thinking” (TPA, 58)

  3. Does not sever act of thinking from its ontological roots (TPA, 54)

  4. Seeks unvarnished truth, Beneath the veil of false claims

  5. Distinguishes ISTINA (theoretical/abstract thinking of bystander) from PRAVDA (acts of thinking in once-occurrent event-ness of Being, with answerable consequences)

  6. Asks the question: “Who is the author?” (Art & Answerability A&A 210)

  7. ‘Historical thinking’ that not stuck in Bergson’s durée retrospection


  8. ‘Vision thinking’ about the future “yet-to-be-achieved unity” (A&A 210)

  9. ”Participative thinking” (TPA 59), “participative thinking in lived life” (60),  that is “Answerable thinking” (58)

For last decade I developed a Heideggerian model of

7 antenarrative processes. This year I take the PRAVDA-Red Pill and do some 'aesthetic seeing with Bakhtin's Architectonic Dialogism (the interanimation of radical notions of cognitive, aesthetic, and ethical discourses that has Immanuel Kant rolling over in his grave.


Here is the annotation of the 7 Antenarrative Processes
            hearts seven antenarrative processes of systems complexiity
            and storytelling

4 faces facing the four heart directions of
            spacetimemattering Boje oct 11 2021

Figure- Depicts the Four Directions the faces are facing to the hearts in the Being of SpaceTimeMattering

The four Between processes of antenarrative interrelate the four Who-consciousnesses. Here is artwork by Sabine Trafimow showing how they can be brught together visually. In the True Storytelling Circles we do this in storytelling conversations.

            Sabine Trafimow 4 WHOs
Copyright by Sabine Trafimow (used by permission).
Storytelling Organizations have had difficulty aligning these four Who's of the Between Process.

Next is the annotated summary of 7 B's of antenarrative processes

The Four Hearts anchor VERTICAL: the space (Beneath is abstracting process; Beyond is embodied reflection space, and LATERAL: the time (two directions from Before to Being and from Bets into Being)

The Four Hearts of True Storytelling inter-relate Four  kinds of Systems that inter-connect in the who-consciousnesses I will introduce here. Here is an example worked out with what I consider the best statement of system theory, William James (1907), book, Pragmatism.

What are four System Hearts interacting Who
            consciiousnesses of WIlliam James 1907 Pragmatisim
The 7 Processes get organization capacity to Heart-of-the-Matter, with all three loops working collaboratively in Together-Telling & Together-Listening. See

Larsen, Jens; Boje, D. M.; Bruun, Lena.(2021). True Storytelling: Seven Principles for an Ethical and Sustainable Change-Management Strategy. London: Routledge.

Nautilus Shell


1+1=2; 1+2=3; 2+3=5; 3+5=8; 5+8=13; 8+13=21; 13+21= 34, etc.

The Nautilus Shell Spiral is 4th Process, all four hearts point to it. It is also the iconic symbol of True Storytelling Institute (TSI).
Example: My dad (playing on the tricycle) filed the original patent for his trash-compactor invention in 1967. Every year after other inventors incorporated parts of his patent into their patents. This assemblage formed a Fibonacci-Spiral-Fractal.

Boje's 'True Storytelling Capabilities Presentation to OD Conference "BUILDING ORGANIZATIONAL CAPABILITIES TO WIN IN THE 2021" Existential Crises- Aug 19 2021 Click Here for Slides

The 7 processes of Antenarrative are existential, already in the FORE.  The Illusion communication has taken place just by doing together-telling, without the fundamental process of together-listening is being stressed.

More of the development of taking-to-heart relation to telling is developed at Enthinkment Circcle:

For the past decade I have been integrating ontology BEING processes with 7 antenarrative processes. Fore means 'there-already' which is a wonderful definition of antecedent processes of antenarrating.  In True Storytelling, together-listening is the foundation to together-telling.

Since I became emeritus, I have be doing training seminars for practitioners with True Storytelling Institute (TSI The True Storytelling 7 principles are supported by the 7 antenarrative processes.

Let us begin with an example. The Tamara-land of Disneyfication, since 1991, one of my more widely cited and read articles, because it deconstructed the SpaceTimeMattering of Disneyland (Boje, 1991, get TAMARA-LAND pdf).

We work with the Four Hearts, the 7 True Storytelling Principles, and support with 7 Antenarrative processes. All four hearts point to BEING.

4 hearts and 7 antenarrative processes

Discovering 6 Additional Antenarrative Processes, with original 7, that makes 13 processes to better understand and change organizational system process dynamics, using True Storytelling conversation practices.

THE FOUR WHO's We are addressing the space of BETWEEN the four Hearts, each with its antenarrative process. We are looking at two eventings of BECOMING that about uncovering the essence of True Storytelling BEING-there by aligning, even integrating, four Who-Consciousnesses.

The FOUR WHO Consciousnesses by David M. Boje
See Boje, D. M.; Pelly, D. M.; Saylors, R.; Saylors, J.; Trafimow, S. (2022). Implications of Tamara-Land Consciousnesses. Discourses for Organization Culture Studies. No. 16 ISSN 2450-0402.

The Four Who-Consciousnesses can be inter-disciplinary hybrids organizational systems if you can work with the basic process dynamics.

When we crisscross the Four Who Consciousnesses, we can develop six more antenarrative processes (8 through 13). We can take the four who’s of the Between-the-Hearts to a multifractal approach to true storytelling processes. A fractal is a recurring pattern of self-sameness across scalability. A multifractal is entanglement of one or my fractals.  There are linear, cyclic, spiral, and rhizomatic fractals. Most complex organizations are multifractal, multiple kinds of systems in interdisciplinary, hybrid relationships. A corporate-Who-Consciousness for example, is being asked by society to embrace an Eco-Who-Consciousness, to merge with it, to be a hybrid consciousness of two sorts of systems that once were separate, even opposed to one another. 

Hybrids of Multiple Systems that are Interplaying the WHO-Consciousnesses
Annotated multisystems of the Four WHOs Boje Oct 3 2021
Figure shows four definitions of systems that interanimate-among-four-Who-Consciousnesses. For mre on this see Boje (2015) book on tetranormalizing fractals.

Grace Ann Rosile and I have been developing embodied restorying processes (ERP) over last twenty years. Here are seven steps we use in interventions for family and organizational systems:
Boje and Rosile 7 steps of restorying for
            conversational storytelling

The next image summarizes the Embodied Restorying Tool that brings together the Between-the-hearts processes (#6) by conversations across the Four Who's. SOme of this is done with sandtray work. Other times its just with storyboards.

The Restorying Tool of BETWEEN processes bringing
          together the Four WHOs
In the Beyond process, Charles Sanders Peirce's (1839-1914) semiotics. For a military example of working with veterans and their family systems in embodied restorying process, please see: Flora, J., Boje, D., Rosile, G. A., & Hacker, K. (2016). A theoretical and applied review of embodied restorying for post-deployment family reintegration. Journal of Veterans Studies1(1), 129-162. Click here to see the article online.

What's the difference between hybrid-systems,and hierarchically-rank-ordered systems?

That original paper by Louis R. Pondy (1976), desk-rejected by a very famous journal, focused on the second half of Boulding’s (1956) article and left out anything to do with what I call the ‘who-consciousness’. Then in 1979 (Pondy & Mitroff) do mention [who-]consciousness, but ignored the inter-disciplinary, hybrid systems notions of Boulding’s article.  Without the crisscrossing of the Who-consciousnesses, these nine levels of systems, all in rank order hierarchical, meaning you cannot do interdisciplinary systems of organic [eco-consciousness] with a [social] network:

Level 1: Frameworks

Level 2: Clockworks

Level 3: Control Systems

Level 4: Open Systems

Level 5: Blueprinted-growth systems

Level 6: Internal Image Systems

Level 7: Symbol Processing Systems

Level 8: Multi-Cephalous Systems (several brains, aka social network)

Level 9: Some Level of Complexity not yet imagined

Now suppose we can only rank order by system levels. The solution is elegant, but is it what happens in complex organizations?
If we can only rank order by system levels then its
            elegant but not what is happening in ensemble systems

I am working on a new model, in which ensembles of systems can be inter-disciplinary without the necessity of a hierarchical rank ordering.  It is based on a new book I am writing for Routledge: The Management Thought of Louis R. Pondy: An Existential Journey.

In the next version of the color wheel there are three cybernetic systems movements.  1st Order Cybernetics (shown above) is about hierarchical governance systems that have machine logic of self-correction.  2nd Order Cybernetics work by Heinz von Foerster (1911-2002) and Gregory Bateson (1904-1980). 3rd Order Cybernetics is the life work of Søren Brier.  Brier's (2008 2011) work is a hybrid of Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) types of autopoiesis with Charles Sanders Peirce's (1839-1914) semiotics. K and L are left unspecified, as yet undiscovered.

Soren Brier adds 3rd Order Cybernetics by combining
            Peice Triadic with Luhman's 3 autopoietic (bio, eco, and

Figure - Depicts contributions of  Brier's Cybersemiotics that combines Luhmann's three autopoieses with Charlse Sanders Peirces pragmatist-semiotics.

In the new book I am writing for Routledge,I tell the story of how system studies in the U.S. missed out on what was happening in 2nd and 3rd order cybernetics (e.g. Brier, 1995; 2008; 2011). Pondy's (1976 in Boje 2005) desk rejected article), revised and published 1979 with Mitroff) sought to go beyond Open Systems (D in image above).  What they missed is the onset of the 2nd-order and 3rd-order cybernetic systems which were interdisciplinary (hybrids) of systems which following Boulding, Pondy (& then with Mitroff) placed in hierarchical ordering. See Boje (2014) which puts the multiple systems in combinations that are non-hierarchical orderings, and more recent work on ensemble storytelling organizing systems.

The point is that instead of hierarchically orders systems there can be hybrid combinations.
See the following and more in reference list below:

Boje (2919a; 2019b) provide further explanation of the Brier’s work on 3rd-order cybernetics of cybersemiotics.

Pondy, L. R. (1976/2005). Beyond open system models of organization (classic paper with an introduction by David Boje). Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 7(3–4), 119–137.


Boulding, Kenneth. E. (1956). General systems theory—the skeleton of science. Management Science2(3), 197-208.

Boje, D. M. (2014). Storytelling organizational practices: Managing in the quantum age. London: Routledge.


Brier, Søren. (2008). Cybersemiotics: Why information is not enough!. University of Toronto Press.

Boje, D. M. (2019b).  Storytelling and Cybersemiotics. Chapter to appear in Introduction to Cybersemiotics: An international perspective edited by Carlos Vidales and Søren Brier, in Springer Series on Cybersemiotics. Click here for pre-press draft.


This article: Rosile, Grace Ann; Boje, David M; Herder Richard A.; Sanchez, Mabel. (2021). The Coalition of Immokalee Workers Uses Ensemble Storytelling Processes to Overcome Enslavement in Corporate Supply Chains. Business and Society. Business & Society, Vol. 60(2) 376–414. Click here fore pre-press pdf.

single, double & triple loop Heart of the Matter -
            Boje Aug 19 2021
For more on the Three Loops, see True Storytelling Institute’s ‘Organizing Developing and Changing (ODC 2.0) Level I Module

Triple loop and antenarrative processes

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