Thank you

We continue to do fund raising with our plays, and with CrowdSource at to cover costs of each next play, and setting up or 501 (c) 3 called "Veterans Theater Foundation" Veterans Theater is one of its four main programs. Thank you for your continuing support.


post to Antenarrative BLOG

Recent ActivityMain antenarrative blog page

What is the Music of Storytelling in Denmark?

Today June 3 2016, Peter Bastian, Denmark’s beloved musician, composer, and author and I, a storytelling theorists, will do a session at Copenhagen Business School on the the relation of Music and Storytelling. Peter will have his own answers, here I will blog to sort out my own. Anders Kryger, from CBS and MAN Diesel and Turbo, will moderate and ask us each questions. I will give examples from Diesel House and Ragnarök Rock Musi Museum to illustrate the relation of Music and Storytelling.


Enacting an Ethics of Care of Humans for Swainson’s Hawk family at New Mexico State University

May 30 2016


Hawk's Spirit at NMSU and its role in Dialectical Storytelling 

May 29 2016

Is Hegel and Peirce Triadic a Multifractal? 
May 25 2016


Dialectical Storytelling Science in a Multifractal World 
May 24 2016


EARLY CHRISTMAS, a FREE play presented 7PM Dec. 2nd at Rio Grande Theater, Las Cruces, New Mexico - blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Oct 2 2015 
9:45 am on October 2, 2015

Welcome SpiceHeads to SpiceWorld 2015 and the SpiceEpidemic! - blog post by David M. Boje, Oct 1st, 2015 
9:48 am on October 1, 2015

Are our values fractal generators or do our embodied fractals create our values as they unfold??? …The answer is YES! -By Tonya L. Henderson 
11:33 am on September 24, 2015

So Now We Get Some Answers 
5:51 pm on September 21, 2015

WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS? Blog pos by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 20 2015 
7:57 am on September 20, 2015


Comment on Why I don’t donate canned goods and bottled water to the poor and homeless? – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 14 2015
5:14 pm on September 14, 2015

Comment on Why I don’t donate canned goods and bottled water to the poor and homeless? – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 14 2015
3:54 pm on September 14, 2015

Comment on The Walk of Shame the Homeless Encounter at a ‘Mission’ – blog post by Ernest Ramey, President of Veterans Theate...
4:23 pm on September 10, 2015

Comment on The Walk of Shame the Homeless Encounter at a ‘Mission’ – blog post by Ernest Ramey, President of Veterans Theate...
11:35 am on September 10, 2015

Comment on The Walk of Shame the Homeless Encounter at a ‘Mission’ – blog post by Ernest Ramey, President of Veterans Theate...
9:37 pm on September 9, 2015


David M. Boje, Ph.D. 9:07 am on September 16, 2015
Shelters, Missions, HUD, and Prisons can not Cope with Growth Postindustrial Spin Off of the Homeless Population – Blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 16 2015

Shelters, Missions, HUD, and Prisons can not Cope with Growth Postindustrial Spin Off of the Homeless Population – Blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 16 2015

3 fractal rhythms

Fractals are everywhere, so common we do not notice the man-made ones

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 11:26 am on September 15, 2015
Los Angles City is Against Tiny Homes on Wheels for Homeless – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 15 2015

Los Angles City is Against Tiny Homes on Wheels for Homeless 

One of our very own TENT CITY SOLUTIONS is to build or purchase TINY HOMES, go OFF THE GRID, and make them part of what we are calling LEGACY RANCH, a place for veterans and their families to decompress after a combat tour. But this ranch can also be a treat for homeless, a break  from the shelters, missions, and a stopping point for the nomadic homeless who would never stay at shelters or missions.

Man builds tiny homes on wheels for Los Angeles’ homeless …
May 11, 2015 – Uploaded by Buzz60

Man builds tiny homes on wheels for Los Angeles’ homeless … Summers is on a mission to build tiny …


David M. Boje, Ph.D. 9:45 am on September 14, 2015
Why I don’t donate canned goods and bottled water to the poor and homeless? – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 14 2015

Why I don’t donate canned goods and bottled water to the poor and homeless?


Boje in Philadelphia giving sc’MOI keynote

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 11:13 am on September 13, 2015
Why I feel answerable to help homeless veterans, and homeless? – Blog Post David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 13, 2015

Why I feel answerable to help homeless veterans, and homeless?

I come from an addicted family. Its in our genes. This is one of the few times we had gotten together since the welfare days in Washington State, growing up poor, dependent on the State. I know what it is to be in junior and high school dirt poor. I know what its like to watch your brothers and sisters cope with survival.

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 10:44 am on September 3, 2015
A Homeless Veterans Shelter is a Total Institution – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 3 2015Fifth,

I want to make a point. Why it is that many shelters, missions, centers for homeless veterans ‘care’ can not help become top-down bureaucratic management, outright total institutions. Erving Goffman’s (1961, Asylums) definition of the Total Institution, has much in common with Homeless Veterans ‘Shelters’ around the world. As we establish Veterans Theater, and do something called ‘making room for veterans stories’ it is important that we go bottom-up and change the nature of total institutions.

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 10:02 am on September 1, 2015
Do-Be-Do-Be-Do: How Veterans Theater is Giving Back to the Community of the Homeless – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 1 2015

Do-Be-Do-Be-Do: Veterans Theater is Giving Back to the Homeless Community

Veterans Theater has been raising money by putting on plays with stories created and act out by veterans and homeless in transition


August 31, 2015 two board members of ANTENARRATIVE FOUNDATION and members of its VETERANS THEATER program, are seen here donating charcoal, extension cords, clothes lines, and charcoal starter to a Day Shelter, somewhere in the Southwestern United States.

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 6:23 am on August 31, 2015


Celebrating 25 Years of Storytelling25th Annual Meetingsc’MOI 2016April 14th – 16thWyndham Independence MallPhiladelphia, PASc’moi stands for ‘Standing Conference for Management and Organizational Inquiry.’ It is about to die after 25 years of being a lively community of scholars

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 9:29 am on August 30, 2015
Final Part: Mapping Quantum Storytelling of Corporate Care – blog by David M. Boje Ph.D. Aug 30 2015

Mapping Quantum Storytelling of Corporate Care

Please construct a ‘map’ of Quantum Storytelling of Corporate Care.  This is mine. You can also use construction paper, magazines, scissors, and a glue stick to do this, then make it digital, and send it in a reply. Thank you.


Care is about the most primordial decision you can make. Mapping Quantum Storytelling is fundamentally about ‘care.’ Mapping something groundless, is disclosing something but it is not ‘care’.

Closing assertion.



David M. Boje, Ph.D. 9:18 am on August 29, 2015
PART IV Mapping Quantum Storytelling with Care at the Deepest Ground – Blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Aug 19 2015

Mapping Quantum Storytelling with Care at the Deepest Ground


This is 6 of 11 D’s that I have been working out as an ontological approach To Quantum Storytelling

More on the 11 D’s in  Quantum Spiral Book on line, or see Boje (2014, Storytelling Organizational Practices, Routledge).

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 8:02 am on August 28, 2015
PART IV: The Scandal of Mapping Quantum Storytelling – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. 28 Aug 2015

The Scandal of Mapping Quantum Storytelling

I want to thank the people such as Professor Corey Anton (author of some very informative YouTubes on ontology, as well as his book Authenticity and Selfhood, 2001) for his posting on ‘dreams’ and ‘ontology’ on this blog, and colleague Wilfred Berendsen, who asks me to get into my understanding of the socioeconomic context of Mapping Quantum Storytelling.

The mapping scandal I want to discuss is how many cities are not on some official maps used by the State officials of New Mexico. map_of_arts_a_scandal


“An October report by the National Coalition for the Homeless found that since January of 2013, 22 cities have successfully passed restrictions on food-sharing

PART III of Quantum Storytelling: Do Corporations have an Authentic Heart-of-Care? Blog David M. Boje, Ph.D. Aug 27 2015

Let’s ask the Quantum Storytelling Question: Do Corporations have an Authentic Heart-of-Care?

The short answer, Corporation’s Heart-of-Caring begins already in willing, wishing, urging, and becomes leveled to an addiction to concern, an inauthentic takes root, and roots up the authentic Heart-of-Care.


The above Mapping of Quantum Storytelling of Corporate-Care, as a Spiral-Antenarrative. Is it possible to ascend, to recover fore-care?

David M. Boje, Ph.D. 9:59 am on August 26, 2015
How to Map Quantum Storytelling? Blog Aug 26 2015 David M. Boje, Ph.D.

It’s happening, the Quantum Storytelling Conference, December 17-19 in Los Angeles.


PART I: Becoming of Care by facing your ownmost inauthentic self, then making space for authentic-Self — Blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Aug 25, 2015

As always Zizek gets to the heart of the matter.


Click Here to watch Zizek YouTube about Homeless, Charity, Realtors, and Private Property. To be homeless, in the Eastwest Realtors of the game played by the Rich is not the solution to homelessness. Nor is the CHARITY that degrades and demoralizes the homeless.  Zizek adds “It is immoral to use private property in order to alleviate the horrible evils that rest from the institution of private property.”


The Becoming of fore-care, its authentic disclosedness, discoveredness, interpretation, understanding, assertion, and even its anxiety is a way of attunement-antenarrative of Being-in-the-world, in-storytelling.  It is the working out of the struggle of the inauthentic-self with the authentic-Self, discovering the difference, and “an authentic potentiality-for-Being-its-Self” (Heidegger, 1962: #184).The Rorty calls the mirror-self on the mirror stage.

How Homelessness-Antenarrative is a Falling, a Downward Plunge, into Inauthentic Being of the ‘they’ – Blog David Boje, Ph.D. Aug 24 2015

Here is a drawing of several antenarrative attunements with the Falling-Antenarrative, depicted as a downward plunge into the sham of authenticity and the “groundlessness of the inauthentic Being of the ‘they'” all those societal stigmas, stereotypes, prejudices, of people who accept the public media representations of the homeless veteran, the veteran, and the homeless ((Heidegger, 1962: # 179).


The Idle Talk Antenarrative – How Disneyland is Dismaland – blog Aug 23 2015 David M. Boje, Ph.D.

Idle Talk-Antenarrative is what’s going on between Disneyland and Dismaland, Inspired Banksy’s Disneyland Theme Park

See YouTube and return.


Finally, someone really gets my critique of Disneyland, for its Dismal Side of Storytelling, what I call Tamara-land (Boje, 1991).

TAMARA FINAL MANSION Cover5TAMARA-LAND: The Story You Follow From Room to Room

I ask the question: “What are the collective and historical dynamics of the storytelling organization, viewed as a Tamara, as it writes its story onto the employees and the public?” (Boje, 1991: 998). The answer is something called Idle Talk, and antenarrative of the BETWEEN.

Can Capitalism Survive Homelessness? Blog post by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Aug 20 2015

Joseph Schumpeter asked, “Can Capitalism Survived” and responded a resounding “No!”

My great grandparents grew up on a depression, my grandparents grew up in another depression, and my parents in yet another one. So I have to ask if we are in yet another depression?  And if so, is homelessness, once again the result of depression?

Can Capitalism Survive Homelessness?

The homelessness statistics are everywhere: “averages, rations, means, modes, medians” not too many with “tests of significance” (Gephart, 1988: 5). Statistics are part of the everyday-ness of homelessness discourse, what we hear at City Council, and meetings of the Homeless Coalition of New Mexico, and all throughout the world of Global Capitalism. These statistics have the weight to bury us (IBID.). There is a proliferation of homelessness statistics, and they have weight in federal and city policy, in how social welfare agencies, the Veterans Administration, and the American Legion address problems.

The Antenarrative-Assertion of Albrqueuque’s Rocks-for-the-Homeless – Blog Aug 19 2-14 David M. Boje, Ph.D.

There are cities such as Albrqueuque where a homeless dog gets better care than a homeless human. This blog is what I call an antenarrative-assertion.  I will explain the three steps of its Interpretation method, then contrast it with Grounded Theory (which in my view is not really grounded at all in the Situation of Being). Finally, we will look at the facts, the Situation in Albrqueuque, and end with some

Every antenarrative-assertion has three moments of Interpretation to perform (Heidegger, 1962: #154-155):

  1. A “pointing-out”, E.G. “The hammer is to heavy” but it is nevertheless “ready-to-hand” and not some narrative “representation” (IBID.).
  2. A “predication” but not a predicate put forward, but rather “the hammer itself”, “what it is”, its definite character restricted to some view “too heavy” (IBID.).
  3. A communication “speaking forth” letting someone share this existential, passing it along for “further retelling” in the kind of knowing of “hearsay” (IBID.).

Instead of “this hammer is too heavy” what if we have an assertion, “The sleeping is too rough!”

Step 1 of our Interpretation: Let’s do an antenarrative-assertion, first ‘pointing-out’ some things. For example pointing-out homeless tents in Albrqueuque.


Pointing Out — Homeless in their tents between highway and railway.


PTSD, Horses, and Antenarrative – blog entry by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Aug 18 2015

PTSD, Horses, and Antenarrative

I believe my life after Vietnam Army service (1969-1970) would have changed for the better more quickly if horse-assisted care was available in 1970. , I find that I am coming to understand the meaning of PTSD, how I once escaped into alcohol, still escape into TV movies, and my incessant workaholism. I once went to a counselor, for a single session, and took the notorious Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the most widely used and researched standardized psychometric test of adult personality and psychopathology.  I


Silverado, Lucky Boy, Horse Manure, and Care of PTSD August 17 2015 – David M. Boje, Vietnam Veteran

Silverado, Lucky Boy, Horse Manure, and Care of PTSD


David M. Boje, Vietnam veteran riding his horse, Silverado

I David Boje am a Vietnam Veteran of the 1969-1970 War.There is something about the relationship of ‘care’ between a veteran and a horse, that is healing of old wounds.

What is the Mattering of Homeless Being-in-the-world? David M. Boje Aug 16 2015

What is Mattering?  

For the homeless and the care-givers, what ‘matters’ is the ‘mattering’ of ‘care’ and ‘concern.’  This is inseparable from the spatiality of care, and the temporality of care, the these together in spacetimemattering. 

Now the question, is what is ‘spacetimemattering’ and how do various sociomateriality theorists approach it differently.  Here I will explore the antenarrative encounters that can ‘matter’ to it, grounded in an already disclosed world-as something spacetimemattering, ontologically, and for Heidegger such a mood is underlying the ontical, and is interactive with it. We shall contrast his focus on the interplay of ontologic-ontico with the agential realism of Barad.

What is our ANSWERABILITY to all the Homeless? by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Aug 15 2015


This is my own autoethnography, my reflections on my encounters in the worldhood of homelessness. Above is a news clipping (p. 8 of Sun-News, on August 5th, the day after the Veterans Theater troop put on the play


Antenarratives of Social Welfare and its Solicitudes of Indifference in New Mexico – Aug 13 David Boje

In the social welfare agencies I have been participating with, I am encountering a strange antenarrative which (Heidegger, 1962: #122) calls positive, yet deficient solicitude.  Solicitude has two positive extreme modes.

  1. TYPE ONE SOLICITUDE: A solicitude that takes away ‘care’ from the homeless, because their care “it can leap in for him” and disempower (IBID.). This kind of antenarrative Being-in-the-world, takes over for the homeless, and the homeless are thrown out of their own position of care.  I have observed this form of domination “dominated and dependent, even if this domination is a tacit one and remains hidden from him” (the homeless and and the welfare agency staff or cadre) (IBID.). It is rather obvious in the weekly meeting of homeless, staff (including cadre who were once homeless and now paid by the agency), volunteers, and sometimes donors. There are encounters in the dialogue that take away care from the homeless, and do for them, and to them, and on behalf of them. An example is Indifference to long wait times in a social welfare agency, such as the VA, a topic of our first Veterans Theater play.
  2. TYPE TWO SOLICITUDE: Another kind of solicitude that will “leap ahead of him” not the “take-away ‘his’ care” as in type one, but authentically get care back to the homeless, “fore the first time” (IBID.). Rather, care is freed up, from TYPE ONE, inventory of Things or Equipment (tents, bedding, clothing, food, etc.). The leap ahead in TYPE TWO is towards a potentiality-for-Being, give back care, not a what of homeless, but rather to affirm Being free to care for one’s own freedom for him or herself.

Concern for the homeless (solicitude) has many kinds, and the TYPE ONE and TYPE TWO kinds are ready-to-hand in the weekly gatherings, in many encounters between Homeless and Social Welfare Agencies, volunteers, donors, and so on.





The ‘Antenarrative’-pathway from HOMELESS to HOMED –>Above homeless in London are SPIKED to keep sleeping rough, in Las Cruces New Mexico there are tents but ‘Oh so cold in winter’ and in tent 130 degrees in summer sun, so why not build ‘Tiny Homes’ and get our homeless veterans Homed in economic sustainability, on wheels, to meet all the codes, in Nature, to decompress from SPIKE and Tent Life?


Spatiality of Antenarrative is not in calculated quantitative measured, Rather its in the ANTES, the bets on the future

The spatiality of antenarrative “Being in space” (Heidegger, 1962: #105). This antenarrative spatiality is not “Being-present-at-hand”, not position in Euclidean space, but rather antenarrative encountered with the Storytelling world in “characters of de-severance and directionality” (IBID.).


BLOG POST ANTENARRATIVE Defined Ontico-Ontological Between-ness Thursday August 6 2015




Antenarrative becomes accessible by its attributes: fragmented, non-linear, collective incoherence that is pre-narrative, beneath the entities dominant narrative and living stories, the between these entities, speculative bets on the future, the becoming of fore-care.  In short, antenarrative is constitutive of the totality of storytelling, including its entities, narrative and living story.

These attributes (fragmented, collective, nonlinear, incoherence, pre-narrative, speculative bet…) are defining characteristics of antenarrative, the entity we are talking about.  Antenarrative must already ‘Be’ before any other ways of storytelling substantiality (especially narrative and living story) that makes up ‘storytelling’ existence.  But these entities (narrative-antenarrative-living stories) do not make up the ‘real’ Being of storytelling, but rather the velocity and volatility of antenarrative  which makes narrative-petrification and living story web entities constitute-able. The quantum velocity of antenarrative makes petrified-narrative impossible, and structural networks of living story webs impossible, the volatility forfeits corporeal Being (Heidegger, 1962: #91).

Post to Veterans Theater BLOG

Recent Activity

Comment on So Now We Get Some Answers
2:00 pm on September 24, 2015

Comment on So Now We Get Some Answers
5:51 pm on September 21, 2015

Comment on So Now We Get Some Answers
7:22 am on September 20, 2015

So Now We Get Some Answers 
6:06 pm on September 19, 2015

History of Addiction and the Concept of Prohibition and Profit from Addiction 
8:09 am on September 16, 2015

Stop the Spice Trade: A Veterans Theater Live Street Performance and Intervention - blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 12 2015 
8:46 am on September 12, 2015


YouTube Video

Comment on The Quest of the Veteran to find their Authentic Self – Blog post David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 10 2015
10:27 am on September 11, 2015

The Quest of the Veteran to find their Authentic Self - Blog post David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 10 2015 
10:49 am on September 10, 2015

What is Storytelling Relational Processes of Veterans Situation in the USA? Blog post by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 9 2015 
12:08 pm on September 9, 2015

What is Storytelling Relational Processes of Veterans Situation in the USA?

Storytelling is the total of all involvements in the spacetimemattering of a context, in this post, the veterans of the USA. Here we focused on the system of health care veterans receive and the storytelling relational process that constitutes the ‘meaning of care’ for veterans Being-in-VA-Health-care.

According to the report ‘Fixing Veterans Health Care” from Converned Veterans for America,  (

El Paso has longest wait for VA mental health appointments in U.S.

Staff shortages key cause of long waits, VA says



David M. Boje, Ph.D. 8:57 am on September 7, 2015

How does Wealth of War Corporations and the Super-rich relate to Madness, Homelessness, to Veterans Issues? – Blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 7 2015

How does Wealth of War Corporations and the Super-rich relate to Madness, Homelessness, to Veterans Issues?

The super-wealthy live alongside homelessness. The War Corporations need humans to become ‘Mad Warriors’ and to supply them with equipment. The War Corporations feed on madness and produce madness.

“There is no madness but that which is in every man, since it is men who constitute madness in the attachment he bears for himself and by the illusions he entertains” (Michel Foucault, 1980, Madness and Civilization, p. 26).

There is madness across the USA. “In Silicon Valley, abundant wealth commonly lives alongside absolute squalor. The same county that houses Yahoo!, Google, and scores of other digital money mines is mired in a costly ongoing failure to address rampant homelessness” (ThinkProgress).

 Source – These Corporations are Profiteers from the Unending Wars



David M. Boje, Ph.D. 10:00 am on September 5, 2015

Madness, Veterans, Homeless, and Institutions of Care for the Mad Warriors – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 5 2015

Madness, Veterans, Homeless, and Institutions of Care for the Mad Warriors

Poverty and madness are necessary to wealth. Why else would almost half the 7.3 billion people on this planet make less than $2 a day?  Poverty is necessary to wealth, but how is madness related?

Being overwhelmed in a fight, the madman gets in touch with animality, like the mythic Wolverine, Hulk, and of course, Thor. Thor, the Asgardian God of Thunder, son of Odin and the Elder Earth-Goddess Gaea. Thor, armed with his enchanted hammer (Mjolnir) is arguably the greatest and mightiest mad warrior. Or get the Marvel Titan Hero Series 6 Pack with Armored Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Wolverine (Marvel 6 Pack).



David M. Boje, Ph.D. 8:46 am on September 2, 2015

How Veterans Theater is Emerging by Anticipations – blog by David M. Boje, Ph.D. Sep 4th 2015ere

How Veterans Theater is Emerging by Anticipations –  by David M. Boje, Ph.D.


The overall objective is for Veterans Theater to publicize basic knowledge on homelessness, and other concerning issues among veterans

How you can help: Click on GoFundMe – thank you!


David M. Boje, Ph.D. 12:02 pm on August 8, 2015

We invite you blog about Veterans and the Homeless situation Here!

Please pst a blog

What is happening in your community?

Hello world!

This Blog is for Veterans and homeless. We work with storytelling to get at the antenarratives. Antenarrative is not anti-narrative. Antenarrative is defined as ‘the fragmented, non-linear, incoherent, collective, unplotted, and pre-narrative speculation, a bet, a proper narrative can be constituted’ (Boje, 2001: 1).

The homeless and veterans storytelling is constituted by antenarratives: fragmented lives, non-linear tales, incoherent accounts, collective ways of telling, unplotted futures, lots of pre-narratives, and a good deal of speculative bets on the future. — David Boje, Ph.D. Vietnam Veteran and play director of veterans theater

Veterans and Theater ( ) is the first program of Antenarrative Foundation. This is education and outreach by the veterans and/or homeless to the community, using theater skits to showcase the ‘Living Story Web’ of veterans and/or homeless own lived experience here and now, in relation to ‘Dominant Narratives’ (& counternarratives) that stereotype or stigmatize them, along with the ‘Antenarrative processes’ that connect them.







Boje, D. M. (1991). “Organizations as Storytelling Networks: A Study of Story Performance in an Office-Supply Firm,”Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 36: 106-126.*

Boje, D. M. (1995). “Stories of the Storytelling Organization: A Postmodern Analysis of Disney as ‘Tamara-land.'” Academy of Management Journal. 38(4): 997-1035.* or print out the PDF version

Boje, D. M. (2008). Storytelling Organizations. London/CA: Sage.

Boje, D. M. and Henderson, Tonya. (2014). Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative. 

Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative

Available from Amazon 2014 or from the publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd is registered in England. Reg. No: 4333775; VAT No: 108280727

dragon book cover

Available from Routledge May 2014; SeeReviews; See Book Signing Flyer

Pondy, L. & Boje, D.M. 1980.”Bringing Mind Back In: Paradigm Development as a Frontier Problem in Organizational Theory,” pp. 83-101, in Frontiers in Organization & Management, Williams Evan (Ed.), Praeger Publishers: New York.



Anton, C. (2001). Selfhood and Authenticity. SUNY Press.

by Tonya Henderson (Author),David M. Boje (Author)



Grace Ann Rosile presentation 8 July 2017 slides for EGOS: Indigenous and Storytelling Aspects of Being Good and Looking Good. Accepted Feb 16 2017to sub-theme 12: Being Good or Looking Good? Interrogating the Contradictions and Tensions in Organizational Ethics, for EGOS 2017. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD SLIDES

  1. Boje, D. M.; Rosile, Grace Ann. (2017). Storytelling Inquiry into Shamanic and Capitalistic Ways of Emotion and Attunements ACCEPTED Feb 10 2017to EGOS 2017, Copenhagen. Abstract The notion ‘good’ capitalist-organization raises fundamental questions to theorists of organization emotion. Are these ideal types (good & bad organization) or an archetype, perhaps a fantasy? We explore two pre-capitalist organizations, ‘Shamanic Foundation,’ and ‘Shamanic Drumming Circle, both are pre-modern organization surviving here and now, and are dialectic to Western capitalism. How is this opposition constructed in relation to ‘emotional processes’?  For us, it helps deal with capitalism emotion, and a Heideggerian attunement. We are attuned to Earth differently in contrast to shamanic practices in contrast to Western capitalism.  The ways of knowing, ontological attunement, and the way of Being-in-the-world are decidedly different, and generate quite different outcome.
  2. Enang, Etieno (University of Strathclyde); Boje, David M. (NMSU). (2017). Storytelling of how the past, present and future collide in M & A becoming. Paper presented to GEM International Business, July 5, Copenhagen, Denmark. Click here for PDF.
  3. Feuls, Miriam; Stierand, Marc; Dorfler, Vikton, Boje, D. M.; Haley, Usha CV. (2017). The Role of Creative Leadership. being submitted to to GEM International Business 2017

  4. Rosile, Grace Ann; Boje, D. M. (2017). Indigenous and Storytelling Aspects of Being Good and Looking Good. Accepted Feb 16 2017to sub-theme 12: Being Good or Looking Good? Interrogating the Contradictions and Tensions in Organizational Ethics, for EGOS 2017. In this paper, we take a storytelling approach to understanding the differences between “being good” and “looking good.” Overall, we see that starting from a different point or different world-view, as with indigenous ways-of-knowing, yields a very different perspective on what is “good” and what is “bad.” Looking good, as a concept, assumes that there is a dualism between being and looking, between what is and what appears to be. We see this as a sort of false dualism, based on a static world-view (Cajete 2000 and 2015) and petrified narrative forms (Czarniawska, 2004). A similar false dualism, from an indigenous perspective, is the self-vs-other dualism (Cordova 2007). We conclude with some recommendations for reducing the gap between “being good” and “looking good.”Click here for PDF



Lille Global Management Conference



Grace Ann Rosile June 7, 2017 "Ensemble Leadership and Worker-Driven Social Responsibility Defeat Globalized Modern-Day Slavery"

Rosile Proceedings paper

David M. Boje keynote June 8 2017 "How Globalization and Material Discursive Practices put Tasteless Tomatos on your Table: Towards a Worker-Driven Global Capitalism"

Boje Proceedings paper