By David Boje and Grace Ann Rosile since 1993

Testimonial on Restorying in our work with Veterans (PDF


In Restorying Analysis, the old 'character' in your  'old story filter' is the Problem, not you the person!

1. Recharacterize (authentic Self identity) ‘Time Travel’ to when you were at your best with Sustainability & Stress

2. Externalize (re-label) Make the Problem the old story, not the person. E.g. Mr. Unsustainability, Mr. Stress, etc.; Travel to Sanctuary (safe place) to theater room for image readjustment

3. Sympathize (benefits) of old story of Mr. Unsustainability, Mr. Stress; Map the payoffs

4. Revise (consequences) – Map the Organization & Economic influences of old story/old stereotypes of you as Unsustainable/Stressed

5. Strategize (Little Wow Moments of exception to grand old story); Time travel to reclaim best of you in Being Sustainable & Unstressed

6. Restory (rehistoricizes the Grand old Story by collecting Little Wow moments into New story)

7. Publicize (support networking) e.g. letter writing with supporters of your ‘New Story’ of Sustainability Awareness and Balance Selves