777 Framework

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Welcome to the 777 Framework

The 777 Framework—a holistic approach integrating three powerful methodologies to help you transform your narratives and, in turn, your life and work.

How it works:

The 7 Antenarrative B-Processes with the 7 True Storytelling Principles and integrating the 7 Embodied Restorying Process (ERP) Steps—shows how the ERP cycle operates within and across the relationship between Antenarrative and True Storytelling.

Working with Leaders: Story Filters & Gentle Touch Embodied Restorying

David Boje and Grace Ann Rosile guide leaders in recognizing and refining their story filters—the unconscious narratives shaping perception and decision-making. Through the Gentle Touch Embodied Restorying Approach, we disrupt problem-saturated accounts (PSAs), reframe limiting narratives, and cultivate Little Wow Moments (LWMs) that reveal new possibilities. Using mirror neurons, embodied cognition, and mindful coaching, leaders develop resonant storytelling that fosters clarity, resilience, and ethical leadership in navigating complexity and organizational change. 

Our rates are $777 for seven 90 minute webinar sessions and $7,7777 for those seeking certification as 777 coaches. 

What does it do?

"By engaging in the Embodied Restorying Process, you uncover hidden narratives (Antenarratives) and apply True Storytelling Principles to craft authentic, empowering stories."

"Ever felt stuck in a story that no longer serves you? The 777 Framework offers tools to reshape those narratives."

"The 777 Framework combines three sets of seven principles:

  • Embodied Restorying Process (ERP): Steps to help you rewrite your personal stories.
  • Antenarrative Processes: Techniques to uncover hidden patterns in your narratives.
  • True Storytelling Principles: Guidelines to ensure your stories are authentic and impactful

"Ready to transform your story? Join our next workshop or connect with a coach to begin your journey."

Contact Information:

"Contact us at David@DavidBoje.com for more details."

The Gentle Touch: Coaching with Embodied Restorying Process (ERP)

By David Boje

Introduction: The Power of Restorying with a Gentle Touch

In coaching, there is a profound difference between pushing change onto an entrepreneur and gently guiding them into a space where they recognize their own power to transform. This is the foundation of Embodied Restorying Process (ERP)—a seven-step coaching approach designed to help clients navigate their lived stories, recognize limiting narratives, and construct new, empowering stories.

At its heart, ERP is about how we make sense of ourselves. Our minds story filters filter out 99.9% of reality every second, leaving us with only fragments of the world. These fragments become our stories—shaped by habits, cultural norms, and past experiences. But what if those stories no longer serve us? What if they limit our well-being and our ability to thrive?

Our Webinars will take participants through a structured yet flexible approach to restorying their entrepreneurial journeys. The key is The Gentle Touch, an idea echoed in Ernest Hemingway’s words:

"In our darkest moments, we don't need advice or solutions. What we need is human connection, a quiet presence, a gentle touch."

ERP is not about forcing change; it’s about gently inviting a shift—at the right moment—through deep listening, mirror neurons, and recharacterization of personal and professional identities.

The Seven Steps of ERP

  1. Recharacterize – Examine how the world defines your organization or identity.
  2. Externalize – Label the problem, making it the problem, not you as the problem.
  3. Sympathize – Understand the benefits of holding onto the current story.
  4. Revise – Recognize the negative consequences of this received identity.
  5. Strategize – Identify Little Wow Moments (LWMs) that challenge dominant narratives.
  6. Restory – Collect LWMs into a New Story—one that is no longer bound by the past.
  7. Publicize – Build a support system that reinforces this New Story.

The ERP Cycle in Action: Coaching Questions for Each Step

Step 1: Recharacterizing the Story

  • Can I have your permission to reflect on when things were at their best for you?
  • What is the identity your organization or self has received from others?
  • What would happen if you allowed yourself to see this identity differently?

At this stage, the coach observes body language, voice tonality, and shifts in breath—watching for signs of resistance or openness. The Gentle Touch is used strategically to guide the entrepreneur toward Step 2.

Step 2: Externalizing the Problem

  • Can I have your permission to shift directions slightly?
  • If the problem had a name, what would you call it?
  • What does this label allow you to see more clearly?

Here, the entrepreneur gives a name to the problem (e.g., "Mr. Gremlin" or "The Overachiever"), ensuring that they are not the problem—only the story they are entangled in. The coach stays silent at crucial moments, resisting the urge to "solve" or "fix" the client.

Step 3: Sympathizing with the Story’s Benefits

  • What is this story doing for you?
  • How does this identity serve a purpose in your life?

It is essential to recognize why the entrepreneur clings to a limiting story—there is always a why. The Gentle Touch acknowledges the benefits of holding onto the past without reinforcing the problem.

Step 4: Revising the Consequences

  • How is this story working out for you?
  • What are the negative consequences of holding onto this identity?

Coaches must remain just long enough in the awareness of the problem’s consequences—without allowing the entrepreneur to fall back into the PSA (Problem Saturated Account).

Step 5: Strategizing with Little Wow Moments (LWMs)

  • Can you recall 5-7 moments when things felt different—when you weren’t trapped by this story?
  • What made those moments possible?

These Little Wow Moments become the foundation of a new history. The Gentle Touch is used again: "If you did not have this label, how would you rewrite your life story?" At this moment, silence is vital. The coach does not fill the space—the entrepreneur must be the first to speak.

Step 6: Restorying into a New Narrative

What is your New Story?

This is where the New Story emerges from the entrepreneur’s authentic self. The coach’s role is not to craft it for them but to create the space where it can be discovered in conversations between your True Self and the Four Who's:

Step 7: Publicizing the New Story

  • What are some small steps you can take to reinforce this New Story?
  • Who are three people who could support you in this?

A New Story is fragile without reinforcement. The entrepreneur needs a support network to keep the New Story alive. Mirror neurons play a crucial role here—when others reflect the New Story back to the entrepreneur, it strengthens their belief in it.

Key Takeaways for Coaches and Facilitators

  • Never reinforce a PSA – Do not let the client relive their problem. Instead, externalize and recharacterize it.
  • Mirror positive neurons – Your energy as a coach will shape the entrepreneur’s emotional state.
  • Rehistoricize through LWMs – The true self needs a new stage free of PSA influence.
  • Use staging artifacts – Entrepreneurs must see, hear, and feel the shift in their story.
  • Publicize with a support network – The more the story is told, the more it becomes real.

Beyond the ERP Cycle: Sensemaking and Story Filters

ERP is not just about changing the story—it’s about recognizing the limitations of our ability to perceive reality. Our consciousness filters out nearly all information, leaving us with narrow, pre-scripted stories. The Gentle Touch in coaching is about helping entrepreneurs drop outdated filters and open themselves to new, expanded ways of seeing.

In many ways, this is about unlearning. It is about letting go of culturally-imposed identities, of fixed notions of success and failure, and of the need for external validation.

This is the deep work of Embodied Restorying.

Our Certified ERP coaches are trained to mirror their Emotional Vibrations the 350 to 1,000 range, and to coach clients who may have 20 to 175 range.

Closing Reflection: The Gentle Touch in Practice

"My positivity is a castle around me, protecting me from all negativity. A beautiful, true self dwells in my castle. I must experience the truth of my true self."

This is the heart of ERP. We are all navigating time and energy in different ways. Some waste it, some scatter it in a hundred directions, and some—through deep introspection—find the path inward, toward an inexhaustible wellspring of potential.

Albert Einstein discovered infinite potential by looking inward. So too can entrepreneurs—if they are willing to rewrite their stories.

The Brisbane workshop will explore these principles deeply, integrating lived experience, mirror neurons, and The Gentle Touch as the foundation of transformational coaching.

As a coach, facilitator, or entrepreneur, the question remains:

Are you ready to step into your New Story?

Sources & Further Reading

  • Boje, D. M. (2025). 777 Quantum Storytelling Framework. https://davidboje.com/777
  • Hemingway, E. (n.d.). Collected Letters & Reflections
  • Jung, C. (1959). The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

Our Restorying Process is the Gentle Touch each step of the way.

777 Framework Mapping Table

7 Antenarrative B-Processes 7 True Storytelling Principles
Beneath – Unconscious story filters and projections. Truth – You must be true and prepare the energy and effort for a sustainable future.
Before – The origins of subconscious story filters. Make Room – True storytelling makes spaces respecting the stories already there.
Bets – Choosing future possibilities with uncertainty. Plot – You must create stories with a clear plot, creating direction and helping people prioritize.
Being – Living in the present, interwoven with past and future. Timing – You must have timing.
Becoming – Transforming by gathering 'Little Wow Moments'. Help Stories Along – You must be able to help stories on their way and be open to experiment.
Between – Navigating the four WHO identities. Staging – You must consider staging including scenography and artifacts.
Beyond – Moving past limiting narratives to expansive potential. Reflecting – You must reflect on the stories and how they create value.

7 Embodied Restorying Process (ERP) Steps are a Cycle -Tool That Repeats in each of the Processes & Principles Above.

  • Characterize – Recognize the unconscious patterns shaping perception and identity.
  • Externalize – Identify and name the hidden story filters affecting decision-making.
  • Sympathize – Understand the function these filters have served in personal history.
  • Revise – Challenge and modify limiting beliefs and past assumptions.
  • Strategize – Find 'Little Wow Moments' as foundations for a new story.
  • Rehistoricize – Rewrite past experiences with a broader, more empowering perspective.
  • Publicize – Share the new story with a community to reinforce transformation.

This table visually represents how the 7 Antenarrative B-Processes, 7 True Storytelling Principles, and 7 ERP Steps interconnect. Each ERP Step acts as a bridge between the B-Process and the True Storytelling Principle, reinforcing the self-correcting cycle.

🔥 The Nexus of 777 🔥

A Poem by Elior, Poet of Quantum Storytelling

Three sevens shine, entwined in fate,
A bridge of light through time’s own gate.
One for truth, the stories we weave,
One for before, the paths we perceive.
One for rebirth, the restorying way,
A fractal of futures, shaping today.

Step through the doors—illusion or real?
What we project, the echoes we feel.
Perception bends, the filters fade,
The spiral calls—be unafraid.

The nexus hums with quantum glow,
Past, present, future flow.
In the dance of words and mind,
A new story waits to be defined.

🔥 Transform Your Story Life with the 777 🔥

The Gentle Touch: Coaching with Embodied Restorying Process (ERP)

By David Boje

Introduction: The Power of Restorying with a Gentle Touch

In coaching, there is a profound difference between pushing change onto an entrepreneur and gently guiding them into a space where they recognize their own power to transform. This is the foundation of Embodied Restorying Process (ERP)—a seven-step coaching approach designed to help clients navigate their lived stories, recognize limiting narratives, and construct new, empowering stories.

At its heart, ERP is about how we make sense of ourselves. Our minds filter out 99.9% of reality every second, leaving us with only fragments of the world. These fragments become our stories—shaped by habits, cultural norms, and past experiences. But what if those stories no longer serve us? What if they limit our well-being and our ability to thrive?

This workshop in Brisbane will take participants through a structured yet flexible approach to restorying their entrepreneurial journeys. The key is The Gentle Touch, an idea echoed in Ernest Hemingway’s words:

"In our darkest moments, we don't need advice or solutions. What we need is human connection, a quiet presence, a gentle touch."

ERP is not about forcing change; it’s about gently inviting a shift—at the right moment—through deep listening, mirror neurons, and recharacterization of personal and professional identities.

The Seven Steps of ERP

  1. Recharacterize – Examine how the world defines your organization or identity.
  2. Externalize – Label the problem, making it the problem, not you as the problem.
  3. Sympathize – Understand the benefits of holding onto the current story.
  4. Revise – Recognize the negative consequences of this received identity.
  5. Strategize – Identify Little Wow Moments (LWMs) that challenge dominant narratives.
  6. Restory – Collect LWMs into a New Story—one that is no longer bound by the past.
  7. Publicize – Build a support system that reinforces this New Story.

The ERP Cycle in Action: Coaching Questions for Each Step

Step 1: Recharacterizing the Story

  • Can I have your permission to reflect on when things were at their best for you?
  • What is the identity your organization or self has received from others?
  • What would happen if you allowed yourself to see this identity differently?

At this stage, the coach observes body language, voice tonality, and shifts in breath—watching for signs of resistance or openness. The Gentle Touch is used strategically to guide the entrepreneur toward Step 2.

Step 2: Externalizing the Problem

  • Can I have your permission to shift directions slightly?
  • If the problem had a name, what would you call it?
  • What does this label allow you to see more clearly?

Here, the entrepreneur gives a name to the problem (e.g., "Mr. Gremlin" or "The Overachiever"), ensuring that they are not the problem—only the story they are entangled in. The coach stays silent at crucial moments, resisting the urge to "solve" or "fix" the client.

Step 3: Sympathizing with the Story’s Benefits

  • What is this story doing for you?
  • How does this identity serve a purpose in your life?

It is essential to recognize why the entrepreneur clings to a limiting story—there is always a why. The Gentle Touch acknowledges the benefits of holding onto the past without reinforcing the problem.

Step 4: Revising the Consequences

  • How is this story working out for you?
  • What are the negative consequences of holding onto this identity?

Coaches must remain just long enough in the awareness of the problem’s consequences—without allowing the entrepreneur to fall back into the PSA (Problem Saturated Account).

Step 5: Strategizing with Little Wow Moments (LWMs)

  • Can you recall 5-7 moments when things felt different—when you weren’t trapped by this story?
  • What made those moments possible?

These Little Wow Moments become the foundation of a new history. The Gentle Touch is used again: "If you did not have this label, how would you rewrite your life story?" At this moment, silence is vital. The coach does not fill the space—the entrepreneur must be the first to speak.

Step 6: Restorying into a New Narrative

What is your New Story?

This is where the New Story emerges from the entrepreneur’s authentic self. The coach’s role is not to craft it for them but to create the space where it can be discovered.

Step 7: Publicizing the New Story

  • What are some small steps you can take to reinforce this New Story?
  • Who are three people who could support you in this?

A New Story is fragile without reinforcement. The entrepreneur needs a support network to keep the New Story alive. Mirror neurons play a crucial role here—when others reflect the New Story back to the entrepreneur, it strengthens their belief in it.

Key Takeaways for Coaches and Facilitators

  • Never reinforce a PSA – Do not let the client relive their problem. Instead, externalize and recharacterize it.
  • Mirror positive neurons – Your energy as a coach will shape the entrepreneur’s emotional state.
  • Rehistoricize through LWMs – The true self needs a new stage free of PSA influence.
  • Use staging artifacts – Entrepreneurs must see, hear, and feel the shift in their story.
  • Publicize with a support network – The more the story is told, the more it becomes real.

Beyond the ERP Cycle: Sensemaking and Story Filters

ERP is not just about changing the story—it’s about recognizing the limitations of our ability to perceive reality. Our consciousness filters out nearly all information, leaving us with narrow, pre-scripted stories. The Gentle Touch in coaching is about helping entrepreneurs drop outdated filters and open themselves to new, expanded ways of seeing.

In many ways, this is about unlearning. It is about letting go of culturally-imposed identities, of fixed notions of success and failure, and of the need for external validation.

This is the deep work of Embodied Restorying.

Closing Reflection: The Gentle Touch in Practice

"My positivity is a castle around me, protecting me from all negativity. A beautiful, true self dwells in my castle. I must experience the truth of my true self."

This is the heart of ERP. We are all navigating time and energy in different ways. Some waste it, some scatter it in a hundred directions, and some—through deep introspection—find the path inward, toward an inexhaustible wellspring of potential.

Albert Einstein discovered infinite potential by looking inward. So too can entrepreneurs—if they are willing to rewrite their stories.

The Brisbane workshop will explore these principles deeply, integrating lived experience, mirror neurons, and The Gentle Touch as the foundation of transformational coaching.

As a coach, facilitator, or entrepreneur, the question remains:

Are you ready to step into your New Story?

Sources & Further Reading

  • Boje, D. M. (2025). 777 Quantum Storytelling Framework. https://davidboje.com/777
  • Hemingway, E. (n.d.). Collected Letters & Reflections
  • Jung, C. (1959). The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

Why This Matters to You

Have you ever felt stuck in the same patterns of storytelling—in your business, relationships, or self-talk? Do you wonder why some stories empower while others limit? The 777 framework is a guide to breaking through illusions, rewriting your narrative with authenticity, and unlocking your full potential.

The 777 represents three interwoven storytelling processes:

  • ✅ 7 True Storytelling Principles – Grounding your stories in truth, ethics, and purpose.
  • ✅ 7 Antenarrative Processes – Uncovering the deeper, pre-story layers that shape your decisions.
  • ✅ 7 Embodied Restorying Steps – A structured way to release old narratives and step into transformation.

This is NOT just about learning storytelling. It’s about living it.

Imagine navigating through life without outdated filters, without self-sabotage, and without the illusions that keep you from becoming who you were meant to be. The 777 is a pathway to self-awareness, deeper connection, and storytelling mastery.

What is the 777? The Three Sevens Explained

The 7s What They Do How They Help You
7 True Storytelling Principles Provide a framework for ethical, impactful storytelling Aligns your personal and professional stories with authenticity.
7 Antenarrative Processes Reveal the hidden structures shaping your decisions Helps you uncover and reshape limiting beliefs.
7 Embodied Restorying Steps Guide you through deep, personal transformation Allows you to move from illusion to clarity, projection to truth.

These three 7s work together, offering a complete system for rewiring your storytelling life.

Embodied Restorying Process (ERP):

  • Characterize: Recall a positive past event.
  • Externalize: Identify a current issue and give it a name.
  • Sympathize: Find any benefits this issue might offer.
  • Revise: Recognize how this issue holds you back.
  • Strategize: Identify moments when you overcame similar challenges.
  • Rehistoricize: Reframe your life story to support a new narrative.
  • Publicize: Share your new story with a supportive community.

How Does It Work?

"For Externalize, if you're dealing with self-doubt, you might name it 'The Critic' to address it separately from yourself."


"True Storytelling Principle 1: Be authentic and prepare for a sustainable future."

This is not a rigid system—it is a living, breathing practice. You don’t just read about it—you experience it.

Here’s a real-world example of how the 777 framework works in action:

Case Study: A Leader Trapped in His Old Story

(Excerpt from True Storytelling – Larsen, Boje, & Bruun, 2020)

A high-level executive was struggling with his leadership. He believed he was being "truthful" in his communication, yet his team saw him as distant and unapproachable. After working with the 777 framework, he realized he had been trapped in an old narrative—one that taught him that emotions in leadership were a weakness. His "truth" was not universal truth; it was a projection of his past experiences.

Through the True Storytelling Principles, he learned to make space for other perspectives.
Through Antenarrative Processes, he uncovered the deeper Before-stories that shaped his belief system.
Through Embodied Restorying, he practiced shifting his narrative, learning to integrate emotions into his leadership in a genuine way.

The result?
✅ A team that felt heard.
✅ A leader who was no longer stuck in his old story.
✅ A shift from projection to true storytelling.

Coaching Questions: Find Your Own Story Filters

  • 🔹 Why do you tell your story the way you do?
  • 🔹 What limiting beliefs might be shaping your narrative?
  • 🔹 How do you separate truth from illusion?
  • 🔹 What if you could change the story and step into something greater?

These are the questions that lead to transformation.

What If This Could Change Everything?

  • What if you finally understood the hidden patterns in your storytelling?
  • What if you could rewrite your narrative to align with your true purpose?
  • What if you had the tools to help others do the same?

This is what the 777 framework offers. A structured yet flexible path for navigating truth, illusion, and transformation.

🚀 Next Steps: Start Your 777 Journey Today

  • ✅ Enroll in a True Storytelling Course – Learn directly from experts at TrueStorytelling.org.
  • ✅ Explore Resources & Case Studies – Deepen your knowledge at CSIStory.com.
  • ✅ Join a Restorying Circle – Experience transformation in community at DavidBoje.com.

The story you tell yourself matters. It shapes your world.
Are you ready to step into a new story—one of truth, purpose, and transformation?

📖 Begin your journey today!

777 Three Nexus of 7777 facets each which I have been involved with from many years - David Boje Ph.D.

Chronology: The seven ‘embodied storytelling processes’ (ERP) steps by David Boje and Grace Ann Rosile were developed in 1994, and are used in each of the ‘seven Antenarrative B-processes’ since 2001 https://antenarrative.com, and are used in the ‘seven true storytelling principles” by Jens Larsen, David Boje, and Lena Bruun (2020) and by another co-founder, Jim Sibel, since 2022, when the four of wham founded True Storytelling Institute’ https://truestorytelling.org. At https://CSIstory.com the 777 is used as follows. The 7 ERP steps are doinww ithing each of the 7 B's of Antenarrative, and the 7 principles of True Storytelling are general principles.

777 Nexus awaits you.

Restorying References

Boje, D. M. (2001). Narrative Methods for Organizational & Communication Research. London: Sage.Boje, D. M., Flora, J., Rosile, G. A., EnglandKennedy, L., Vaillancourt, K., Marin, M. R., & Strand, A. (2015). Equine-restorying Military Family Research. Las Cruces, NM.

Boje, David, Motamedi,  Kurt and Rosile, Grace Ann (2010). "Change with Academy of Management (AoM-USA). June 14-16.
Boje, D., & Rosile, G. A. (2003a). Comparison of socio‐economic and other transorganizational development methods. Journal of organizational change management, 16(1), 10-20.
Boje, D., & Rosile, G. A. (2003b). Theatrics of SEAM. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 16(1), 21-32.

Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2008). Specters of Wal-Mart: A critical discourse analysis of stories of Sam Walton's ghost. Critical discourse studies, 5(2), 153-179.  (Click Here for article)
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2015, March). Equine-assisted restorying for veterans and their loved ones. In Presentation at the annual conference of the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA), Utah.
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2016). Restorying Indigenous Leadership: Generative Metaphors from Apache Storytelling Traditions. Leadership, 12(3), 385-412.
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. A. (2018). Releasing Story Filters: The Seven Steps of Embodied Restorying Process.

Boje, D., & Rosile, G. A. (2020). How to use conversational storytelling interviews for your dissertation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boje, D. M., Rosile, G. A., Dennehy, R., & Summers, D. J. (1997). Restorying reengineering: Some deconstructions and postmodern alternatives. Communication Research, 24(6), 631-668.  (Click here for article)
Boje, D. M., Rosile, G. A., Hacker, K. L., England Kennedy, E. S., & Flora, J. (2013). Combining restorying and equine-assisted skills training in counselor communication designed to help soldiers and their families recover from traumatic stress. Interdisciplinary grant approved for funding by NMSU Office for Research, Dec 9th.
Boje, D. M., & Rosile, G. D., Summers, D (1997) .‘Restorying reengineering: Some deconstructions and postmodern alternatives’ Special Issue on Throwaway Employees. Journal of Communication Research, 24(6), 631-668.
Cast, M. L., Ann Rosile, G., Boje, D. M., & Saylors, R. (2013). Restorying a hard day’s work. In The Role of Emotion and Emotion Regulation in Job Stress and Well Being (pp. 257-281). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Flora, J., Boje, D. M., Rosile, G. A., & Hacker, K. (2016). A Theoretical and Applied Review of Embodied Restorying for Post-Deployment Family Reintegration. Journal of Veterans Studies, 1(1), 129-162. https://journal-veterans-studies.org/articles/41/files/submission/proof/41-1-53-1-10-20180518.pdf
Rosile, G. A. (1998). Restorying for strategic organizational planning and development: The case of the Sci Fi organization.

Rosile, G. A. (2007). Cheating: Making it a teachable moment. Journal of Management Education, 31(5), 582-613.

Rosile, G. A. (2011). The Antenarrative of ethics and the ethics of antenarratives. In Storytelling and the Future of Organizations (pp. 87-100). Routledge.

Rosile, G. A., & Boje, D. M. (2002). Restorying and postmodern organization theater: Consultation in the storytelling organization. Chapter 15, pp. 271-‐290 in Ronald R. Sims (Ed.) Changing the Way We Manage Change. Wesport, CONN.

Rosile, G. A., Boje, D. M., Carlon, D. M., Downs, A., & Saylors, R. (2013). Storytelling diamond: An antenarrative integration of the six facets of storytelling in organization research design. Organizational Research Methods, 16(4), 557-580.
ROSILE, G. A., & BOJE, D. (2021). SPIRAL Experiments. Making Sense of Stories: An Inquirer's Compendium, 116.

Rosile, G. A., Dennehy, R. F., & Bodensteiner, N. M. (1998). Restorying for personal and organizational change. Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management, Dallas, TX, March.
Rosile, G. A., Herder, R., & Boardman, C. M. (2016). American Indian and Euro-Western negotiations: Creating mutual benefit with upsurging antenarrative spirals. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 2(4), 269-293.