Homework Required Activities: Each week answer 2 questions; the student facilitator making the questions is answerable for providing Lesson Plan to instructor, three days before

Bring answers to typed to class, printed out, ready to hand in.

We won't use Canvas for anything but communication. So don't load homework there. Thank you


Question 1a: What is Becoming Agile and give examples of How NMSU can apply SEAM? 1b:What is your living story CRANE & CROW (put in 4 levels of meaning & examples of your life in each one? (to build CONSULTING SELF) Please have about 500 words total for both questions; include references

Please bring print out of your CANVAS answer to class. Our procedure is to give you ONE WEEK and you bring answer to the next class, with YOUR NAME, YOUR PROJECT TEAM NAME, and CLASS


LESSON PLAN: Each Lesson Plan is loaded onto CANVAS and sent to boje davidboje at gmail.com. It contains slides with

      1. 2 YouTube selections (show only 5 minutes of each),
      2. slides based on the course texts, info about your team project as it gets going
      3. a 15 learning activity involving small groups the team coordinates,
      4. a discussion of the learning value of that activity with class,
      5. a Guest from the organization your team is working with (optional).
      6. Try to develop good Consulting Habits that get you in touch with your CONSULTANT SELF. Your teams example of using Piloting Logbook
      7. .
      8. How to Develop your CONSULTING SELF?

      9. First read the PRINCILE OF SURRENDER AND the ART OF LISTENING etc.


        See these YouTubes to get started, and write about them in your CANVAS ANSWERS:


