David M. Boje's Ethics Publications

Journal Articles Books & Chapters
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Journal Articles on Ethics


 [Cited 350 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D.M. "Organizations as Storytelling Networks: A Study of Story Performance in an Office-Supply Firm," Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 36, 1991: 106-126.* http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Boje_Storytelling_ASQ_1991.pdf

[Cited 41 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D.M. "Consulting & Change in the Storytelling Organization," Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1991: 7-17.

[Cited 298 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D. M. 1995. "Stories of the Storytelling Organization: A Postmodern Analysis of Disney as 'Tamara-land.'" Academy of Management Journal. 38(4): 997-1035.* http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/DisneyTamaraland.html

1.       *Reprinted in The History of Management Thought. Marta Calas and Linda Smircich (Eds.). To be published, June, 1997. Dartmouth Publishing Company.

Boje, D. M. 2006a. Pitfalls in Storytelling Advice and Praxis. Academy of Management Review,* Vol 31 (1): 218-224).This is a review essay of six storytelling consulting books, and consulting practices. Issues are raised and opportunities for future research. Click here

Boje, D. M. 2006. Breaking out of Narrative's Prison: Improper Story in Storytelling Organization. Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies. Vol 2 (2): 28-49.  http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690/papers/Story%20is%20Beyond%20Narrative%20Aug%2024%2005%20Boje.pdf

Hansen, Hans; Barry, Daved; Boje, David; & Hatch, Mary Jo. 2007 Truth or Consequences: An improvised collective story construction. Journal of Management Inquiry. Vol. 16, No. 2, 112-126. Click here for pre-press pdf See JMI for published version

Boje. D. M. 2005. Empire Reading of Manet's Execution of Maximilian: Critical Visual Aesthetics and Antenarrative Spectrality. Tamara Journal. Vol 4 (4): 118-134. Click here for pre-press pdf

Krizanc, John & D. M. Boje. Special Feature: Tamara Journal Interview with John Krizanc. Tamara Journal. Vol 5 (3): 70-77; Boje, D. M. Hyperion Responsorial: Tamara Organizing, Reply to Krizanc, pp. 81-85. Click here for Interview and response pdf

Gazi Islam, Michael J. Zyphur, & D. M. Boje. 2007. Carnival and Spectacle in Krewe de Vieux and the Mystic Krewe of Spermes: The Mingling of Organization and Celebration. Organization Studies Journal *. Accepted 12/11/06 Click here for pre-press pdf (without photos); see print version for photos. Organization Studies is a Top Tier international journal.

Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg; & Boje, David. 2010."Resituating narrative and story in business ethics" Business Ethics: A European Review (journal). Accepted January 20, 2010. Click for pre-press pdf.

Kopf, Dennis A.; Boje, David M.; & Torres, Ivonne M. 2010. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Dialogical Ethics and Market Information. Journal of Business Ethics, Special Issue on Critical Management Studies and Business Ethics. Accepted Jan 25, 2009. Click for pre-press pdf.

Taylor, Karen; Durant, Rita, & Boje, D. M. 2007. Telling the story, hearing the Story: Narrative co-construction and crisis. Accepted by American Communication Journal* special issue on crisis communication and narrative. Accepted Oct 3, 2007. ACJ is among the top 20 communicaiton studies journals.

Farzad, F. R. & Boje, D. M. 2008. 'Story-Branding by Empire Entrepreneurs: Nike, Child Labour, and Pakistan's Soccer Ball Industry. Journal of Small Business Entrepreneurship. Accepted Oct 31 2007 for a special issue of JSBE to appear 2008.

Boje, D. M. & Jo Tyler. 2008 Workaholism Autoethnographies. Accepted for publication Dec 22 2007 in Journal of Business Ethics,* special issue on workaholism.Click here for pre-press PDF version

Muayyad, Jabri; Allyson, Adrian D.; & Boje, D. M. 2008. Reconsidering the Role of Conversations in Change Communication: A Contribution based on Bakhtin. Accepted Apr 2nd 2008 for publication in Journal of Organizational Change Management. Click here for pre-press PDF of earlier versio



Boje, D. M. 1999. "Is Nike Roadrunner or Wile E. Coyote? A Postmodern Organization Analysis of Double Logic," Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, March, Vol II. 77-109.

Boje, D. M.   1999 Nike, Greek Goddess of Victory or Cruelty? Women's Stories of Asian Factory Life." Journal of Organizational Change Management,Vol II(8): 461-480.

Boje, D. M. (2000) "Nike Corporate Writing of Academic, Business, and Cultural Practices." Management Communication Quarterly, issue on Essays for the Popular Management Forum, Volume4, Number 3: 507-516.* Prepublication draft at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Nike_corporate_writing_shortversion.html

[Cited 11 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D. M. (2000) "Phenomenal Complexity Theory and Change at Disney: Response to Letiche." Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol 13(6): 558-566. Prepublication draft at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Disney_phenomenal_complexity.html

Boje, David M. (2001). The Sexual Politics of Sneakers: "Common Ground" and Absent-Referent Stories in the Nike Debate. Organization & Environment, Vol 14(3): 356-363.

Boje, David M. & Rosile, G. A. (2002). Enron Whodunit? Ephemera. Vol 2(4), pp. 315-327 Available on line  at http://www.ephemeraweb.org/journal/2-4/2-4bojeandrosile.pdf

Smith, W. I; Gardner, C; & Boje, D. M. (2004). Using the Ethnostatistics Methodology to reconcile rhetoric and reality: An examination of the management release of Enron's year end 2000 results. Qualitative Research In Accounting & Management. vol 1 (2): 1-16. http://peaceaware.com/vitas/paper_pdfs/ethnoenron-qram2004.pdf

Boje, D. M.; Gardner, Carolyn L. & Smith, William L. 2006. (Mis)Using Numbers in the Enron Story. Organizational Research Methodologies Journal *, Vol. 9 (4): 456-474. In the Ethnostatistics Special Issue (Bob Gephart, ed.) ORM Journal is one of the top 15 rated tier-one ranked journals in management. Pre-publication draft at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690/papers/Enron_Ethnostatisics_2005.pdf  

Cited 12 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, David M. & Grace Ann Rosile (2003). Life Imitates Art: Enrons Epic and Tragic Narration. Management Communication Quarterly.* Vol. 17 (1): 85-125.  Pre-publication version at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/theatrics/7/EpicTragicTheatre.pdf

Landrum, N. & Boje, D. M. 2008. Using an Ethnostatistical Analysis to Understand Data,” of Organization Management Journal. Accepted Nov 2 2007 for publication in Emerging Scholarship Section. This is an ethnostatistics analysis of data used to make ethical claims. Click here for pre-press PDF version

Boje, D. M.; Hansen, Hans; & Rosile, Grace Ann. 2007. From theatrics to metatheatre: The Enron Drama. Revue Sciences do Gestion, Management Sciences,* no 58, pp. 63-83. This journal is among the top European journals, with an editorial board of prominent Academy of Management leaders for its English edition. Click here for pre-press PDF version

Boje, D. M.; & Rosile, Grace Ann. 2008. Specters of Wal-Mart: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Stories of Sam Walton’s Ghost. Critical Discourse Studies Journal.Click here for pre-press PDF version. Full article available



[Cited 13 times as of 2/15/08] Hetrick, W.P. & Boje, D.M. "Postmodernity & Organization: The Body & Post-Fordist Control," Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1992: 48-57.

Boje, D.M. "On Being Postmodern in the Academy: An Interview with Stewart Clegg," Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1993: 191-200.

[Cited 67 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D.M. 1994. "Organizational Storytelling: The Struggles of Pre-modern, Modern & Postmodern Organizational Learning Discourses, Management Learning Journal, Vol. 25 (3): 433-461. Boje, D.M. & Rosile, G.A. 1994. "Diversities, Differences & Authors' Voices." Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 7(6): 8-17.

Boje, D.M. 1996. "Response to: Post-Modernity or High Modernity Getting Off the Runaway Train," Vol. 1, (2). EJROT- Electronic Journal of Radical Organizational Theory.

[Cited 10 times as of 2/15/08] Summers, D., Boje, D., Dennehy, R. & Rosile, G. 1997. "Deconstructing the Organizational Behavior Text," to appear in Special Issue on Postmodern & Critical Theory, Journal of Management Education, 21(3): 343-360.

Boje, D. M. 1998. "The Postmodern Turn form Stories-as-Objects to Stories-in-Context Methods. Research Methods Forum No. 3 (Fall 1998): 1-4   http://www.aom.pace.edu/rmd/1998_forum_postmodern_stories.html

[Cited 27 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D.M., Luhman, J. & Baack, D. 1999 "Hegemonic stories and encounters between storytelling organizations." Journal of Management Inquiry, 8(4): 340-360.

Boje, David M. (2000) "Postmodern Détournement Analysis of the Popular Mechanics Spectacle using Stories and Photos of the Festive Community Life of Nickerson Gardens" EJ-ROT (Electroinic Journal of Radical Organization Theory). Volume 6 (1).   http://www.mngt.waikato.ac.nz/research/ejrot/    (Instructions: Click on 6.1, Boje article, and see full text of article).

Boje, D. M. (2001) "Las Vegas  Spectacles: Organization Power over the Body." M@n@gement, 4(3): 201-207. Special issue on Deconstructing Las Vegas at http://www.dmsp.dauphine.fr/management/PapersMgmt/43Boje2.html

Boje, D. M. (2001) "Tamara Manifesto" TAMARA: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science, Vol 1 (1): 15-24. http://www.zianet.com/boje/tamara/

Boje, David M. (2001). Introduction to Deconstructing Las Vegas, M@n@gement, 4(3): 79-82. (Guest editor for the issue). See http://www.dmsp.dauphine.fr/management/PapersMgmt/43Boje.html for introduction and special issue at http://www.dmsp.dauphine.fr/management/

Boje, D.M. 2001. Carnivalesque resistance to global spectacle: A critical postmodern theory of public administration, Administrative Theory & Praxis, 23(3), 431-458.* http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/carnivalesque_resistance_to_glob.htm

Boje, David M., Rosile, G.A., Durant, R.A. & Luhman, J.T. (2004) Enron Spectacles: A Critical Dramaturgical Analysis. Special Issue on Theatre and Organizations edited by Georg Schreyögg and Heather Höpfl, Organization Studies Journal * Vol 25(5), pp 1-24.

Boje, D, M. & Joh, T. H. 2005. Can Chaebols become Postmodern? Problems and Perspectives in Management Journal. Accepted Aug 23 2005 Pre-publication draft at http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Can%20Chaebols%20become%20Postmod%20FEb%202005.pdf

Boje, D. M. & Cai, Y. 2004. McDonald's: Grotesque Method and the Metamorphosis of the three Spheres: McDonald's, McDonaldland, and McDonaldization. Metamorphosis Journal. Vol 3 (1): 15-33. http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Metamorphosis%20aritcle%20Boje%20Cia%202004%20McDonald%27s%20grotesque%20method%20of%20three%20spheres.pdf

Boje, D. M. 2004i. Inside the Rabelaisian Saleni Box. Page Proofs for Journal of Management Inquiry. Vol. 18 (2): 288-295.  http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Inside_Rabelisian_Box_McQ.pdf

Boje, D. M. & C. Rhodes. (2005a). The Leadership of Ronald McDonald: Double Narration and Stylistic Lines of Transformation. Leadership Quarterly Journal * Vol 17 (1): 94-103.  see pre-publication draft at http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Ronald_McDonald_LQ_2005.pdf

Boje, D. M., & Rhodes, C. (2005b). The Virtual Leader Construct: The Mass Mediatization and Simulation of Transformational Leadership. Leadership Journal, Vol 4 (1): 407-428. http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Fast_Food_Virtual_Leadership _Boje_Rhodes.pdf

Boje, David M.; Esther Enríquez; M. Teresa González; & Eduardo Macías. 2005. Architectonics of McDonald’s Cohabitation with Wal-Mart: An Exploratory study of Ethnocentricity. Critical Perspectives on International Business Journal. Vol 1 (4): 241-262.  See Pre-publication Draft at http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Architectonics_McDonald_Jun_2005.pdf

Boje, David M.; Michaela Driver; & Yue Cai. 2005. Fiction and Humor in Transforming McDonald’s Narrative Strategies. Culture and Organization Journal, Vol 11(#3, Sept): 195–208. See Pre-publication draft  http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Culture_Org_2005_McD.pdf

Boje, D. M. 2006 What Happened on Way to Postmodern?Version 1 Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal (QROM-J). Vol 1 (1); 22-40. PDF is a pre-publication version of article.

Boje, D. M. 2006. What happened on the way to postmodern? Part II. Journal of Administrative Theory & Praxis. Vol. 28 (4): 479-494.  Earlier version presented at the Public Administration, Net conference. Click Here for Pdf pre-press version

Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg; & Boje, David. 2010."Resituating narrative and story in business ethics" Business Ethics: A European Review (journal). Accepted January 20, 2010. Click for pre-press pdf.


Boje, D. M. 2005. Wilda. Journal of Management Spirituality & Religion, Vol 2 (3): Article: 342-364, Epilogue: 399-405. (with accompanying commentaries by Eduardo Barrera, Heather Höpfl, Hans Hansen, David Barry, Gerald Biberman, Robin Matthews & John W. Bakke). pdf at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690/papers/Wilda%20%20Aug%2019%2005%20JMSR%20Boje%20and%20COMMENTARIES.pdf  

Boje, D. M. & David H. Tobey. 2007. The little “c” catholic organization: Ecumentalism and the moral order of work. Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion. Special Issue: HEATHER HÖPFL AND PRZEMYSLAW PIATKOWSKI (Eds) CATHOLICS AND WORK:  REFLECTIONS ON THE SOCIAL TEACHING OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, Vol 4 (4): 443-460. Click here fore pre-press version.


[Cited 52 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D.M. & Winsor, R. "The Resurrection of Taylorism: Total Quality Management's Hidden Agenda," Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 6, No. 4 1993: 57-70. http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Boje_Winsor_Anti_TQM_1993.htm

1.       Reprinted in Ledelse I Dag, a quarterly Danish management publication (1996).

[Cited 20 times as of 2/15/08] Boje, D.M., Rosile, G, Dennehy, B, & Summers, D.1997. "Restorying reengineering: Some deconstructions and postmodern alternatives." Accepted for publication in Special Issue on Throwaway Employees, Journal of Communication Research.24(6): 631-668.*

Boje, D.M. 1997. "Expatriate Case Analysis." Management Communication Quarterly. 11(3): 460-485. November/December 1997 issue.*

[Cited 15 times as of 2/15/08] David M. Boje & Grace Ann Rosile. 2001/ Where's the Power in Empowerment? Answers from Follett and Clegg, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, issue on Historical Perspectives of Workplace Empowerment. March, 2001, Vol. 37(1): 90-117.* http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/CleggFollett4_index.html

Boje, D. M.  (2001). Tamara-izing PCT. Emergence: A Journal of Complexity Issues in Organizations and Management.  Vol. 3 (4): 26-31.  An earlier version of the piece is available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Phenomenal complexity theory 2000.html

Kopf, Dennis A.; Boje, David M.; & Torres, Ivonne M. 2010. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Dialogical Ethics and Market Information. Journal of Business Ethics, Special Issue on Critical Management Studies and Business Ethics. Accepted Jan 25, 2009. Click for pre-press pdf.

Letiche, Hugo & D. M Boje (2001). Phenomenal Complexity Theory and the politics of organization  Emergence: A Journal of Complexity Issues in Organizations and Management. Vol. 3 (4): 5-25.

David M. Boje, John T. Luhman, & Ann L. Cunliffe (2003). A Dialectic Perspective on the Organization Theatre Metaphor  American Communication Journal. Volume 6, Issue 2, 200      http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol6/iss2/articles/boje.htm




Boje, D. M. ((2008). The storytelling Organization. London: Sage. Focus of the book is on Bakhtin's Answerability. See more information at http://storytellingorganization.com


Boje, D.M. & R. Dennehy. Managing in the Postmodern World: America's Revolution Against Exploitation, Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing, 1993, 349 pages.

Boje, D.M., Gephart, J. & Thatchenkery, T. 1996. Postmodern Management & Organizational Theory. 383 pages. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Book has focus on social responsibility and environmental sustainability ethics.


Rosile, G.A. & Boje, D.M. 1996. Welcome to the Greenback Company, An Action Learning Organization, Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 105 pages. This book is used for developing service learning projects.


Boje, D. M. (2008, Ed). Critical Theory Ethics For Business and Public Administration (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press). (forthcoming, accepted 2007). See Flyer http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/655/CTE_book_contents.pdf


Joanna Brewis, Stephen Linstead, David Boje and Anthony O`Shea (Eds). 2006. Passion of Organizing. Copenhagen Business School Press, Solbjergvej 3, DK-2000 Copenhagen F, Denmark.   And see book cover at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Passion_of_organizing_cover.pdf


Boje, D. M.and Khadija Al-Arkoubi 2008.Critical Management Education Beyond the Siege. Chapter draft dated February 11, 2008. Accepted, pending final revisions, in Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development (Sage). Editors: Steve Armstrong & Cynthia Fukami. See chapter draft pdf.

Boje, D. M. & Usha C. V. Haley. 2008. Strategy and Critical Theory Ethics. Chapter for Boje, D. M. (ed) Critical Theory Ethics For Business and Public Administration (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press). See pre-press chapter draft pdf.

Boje, D. M. 2008. Story Ethics. Chapter for Boje, D. M. (ed) Critical Theory Ethics For Business and Public Administration (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press). See pre-press chapter draft pdf..

Boje, D. M. 2008. Contributions of Crtitical Theory Ethics For Business and Public Administration. Chapter for Boje, D. M. (ed) Critical Theory Ethics For Business and Public Administration (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press). See pre-press chapter draft pdf



Boje, D.M. 1996. "Management Education is a Panoptic Cage: Disciplining the Student & Faculty Bodies." In Re-thinking Management Education. C. Grey & R. French (Eds.), London: Sage International.

Boje, D.M. 1996. "Lessons from Premodern and Modern for Postmodern Management" In Constituting Management: Markets, Meanings & Identities. G. Palmer & S. Clegg (Eds.), pp. 329-345, New York: De Gruyter.

Boje, D.M. 1997 "From Outcast to Postmodern Radical." In Researchers Hooked on Teaching: Noted Scholars Discuss the Synergies of Teaching and Research. Pp. 78-92. Peter Frost & Rae Andre (Eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Boje, D.M., Fitzgibbons, D. & Steingard, D. "Storytelling at Administrative Science Quarterly: Warding off the Postmodern Barbarians." In Postmodern Management & Organization Theory, pp. 60-94. D. Boje, R. Gephart & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.), Sage Publications, 1996.

Rosile, G.A. & Boje, D. "Pedagogy for the Postmodern Management Classroom: Greenback Company." In Postmodern Management & Organization Theory, pp. 225-250. D. Boje, R. Gephart & T. Thatchenkery (Eds). Sage Publications, 1996.

Gephart, R. P., Jr., Boje, D. & Thatchenkery, T. "Postmodern Management and the Coming Crises of Organizational Analysis." In Postmodern Management & Organization Theory, pp. 1-20. D. Boje, R. Gephart & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.). Sage Publications, 1996.

Gephart, R. P., Jr., Thatchenkery, T. & Boje, D. "Reconstructing Organizations for Future Survival." In Postmodern Management & Organization Theory, pp. 358-364. D. Boje, R. Gephart & T. Thatchenkery (Eds.). Sage Publications, 1996.

Rosile, Grace Ann & David M. Boje. 2002. Restorying and postmodern organization theatre: Consultation in the storytelling organization. Chapter 15, pp. 271-290 in Ronald R. Sims (Ed.) Changing the Way We Manage Change. Wesport, CONN/London: Quorum Books. Click here for pre-publication pdf

Boje, D. M. 2007. Postmodernism (defined). To apprear in Yiannis Gabriel (ed). Thesaurus for Organization Studies. London: Oxford University Press (1,000 words). Pre-publication version pdf at http://peaceaware.com/vita/paper_pdfs/Postmodernism defined - Boje final after edits Sept 5 2007.pdf


Rosile, G.A. & Boje, D. M. (1998). "A Postmodern Service Learning Pedagogy: The Story of the Greenback Company." Book chapter (pp. 69-88) (accepted September 1998). In Working for the Common Good: Concepts and Models for Service-Learing in Management, Paul C. Godfrey and Edward T. Grasso (Eds.) Washigton, D.C.: American Association of Higher Education (publisher); series on service-learning in the disciplines.


Boje, D. M. In. Gallos, J.V., Ramsey, V.J. & Associates. 1996. "Storytelling about my life in public housing." Excerpts throughout. In Teaching Diversity: Listening to the Soul, Speaking from the Heart, pp. 15, 36, 50, 64, 73, 87, 98, 123, 162, 168, 196, 201, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Boje, D. M. (2000)  "Using Narrative and Telling Stories." In David Holman & Richard Thorpe (Eds.) The Manager as a Practical Author (London: Sage Publishers). at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Practical Author narrating and telling.htm

Rosile, Grace Ann & David M. Boje (2002). Restorying and postmodern organization theatre: Consultation in the storytelling organization. Chapter 15, pp. 271-290 in Ronald R. Sims (Ed.) Changing the Way We Manage Change. Wesport, CONN/London: Quorum Books.

Boje, D. M. 2005 Storytelling. The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research. Richard Thorpe & Robin Holt (Eds): London ISBN: 9781412935289 (2,500 words). draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690 click annotated references

Boje, D. M. 2007. The Antenarrative Cultural Turn in Narrative Studies. Pp. 219-238 in Mark Zachry & Charlotte Thralls (Eds.) Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discouse and Organizations.) Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Accepted 2003 . View pre-publication PDF VERSION D.

Boje, D. M.; Rosile, G.; & Gardner, C. L. Grace. 2007. "Antenarratives, Narratives and Anaemic Stories" pp. 37-45, Storytelling in Management, Editors: Ms. Nasreen Taher and Ms. Swapna Gopalan, Publisher: The Icfai University Press, India

Boje, D. M. 2008. Storytelling. pp. 1454-1458 In Stewart R. Clegg & James R. Bailey (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Volume 4. Sage: London. Pre-publication version

Boje, D. M. 2008. Narrative Analysis. In Mills, Albert J.; Durepos, Gabrielle; & Wiebe, Elden (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. CA: Sage. See pre-press chapter draft pdf.

Boje, D. M. & Rosile, G.A. 2008. Storytelling. In Mills, Albert J.; Durepos, Gabrielle; & Wiebe, Elden (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. CA: Sage. See pre-press chapter draft pdf.


Landrum, Nancy & Boje, David M. 1999. Book chapter, "Nike's Kairos: Strategic posturing over the past decade," to appear in David Andrews & Cheryl Cole's (Eds.) NikeNation anthology: Technologies of an American sign.

Boje, D. M.; Cai, Y.; Thomas, E. 2004b. book chapter: Regenerating McDonaldland: A Play of Grotesque Humor. Play accepted as part of a book chapter, Humour, Organisation and Work. (Eds) Robert Westwood (University of Queensland Business School) &Carl Rhodes (University of Technology Sydney).

Boje, D. M. 2007.Chapter 13 Living Story: From Wilda to Disney, pp.330-354. Handbook of Narrative Inquiry: Mappng a New Methodology. Edited by Jean Clandinin, London: Sage. (11,000 words). draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690 click annotated references.

Boje, D. M. 2005 Spin. Sage Handbook of New and Emerging Approaches to Management & Organization. Edited by David Barry & Hans Hansen (London: Sage). (8,000 words). Expected 2007 - Click here for pre-press pdf

Boje, D. M. 2005. Antenarrative. The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research: London (2,500 words). draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690 click annotated references

Boje, D. M. 2007. Chapter 17: Globalization Antenarratives. Pp. 505-549 in Albert Mills, Jeannie C. Helms-Mills & Carolyn Forshaw (Eds). Organizational Behavior in a Global Context. Toronto: Garamond Press (accepted 2005). Click here for older version of this chpater.

Boje, D. M. & Cai, Yue. 2005. The Manufacture of Identity (s) in Globalization and Localization of McDonald’s. In Discourse Theory and Cultural Analysis edited by Nico Carpentier and Erik Spinoy. Sage.

Boje, D. M. 2005 Dialectic. The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research. Richard Thorpe & Robin Holt (Eds): London ISBN: 9781412935289 (2,500 words). draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690 click annotated references

Boje, D. M.; & Schipper, Frits (2007). Transparent and Opaque Organization: Nike’s Transparency 101. Chapter for Andreas Scherer & Guido Palazzo (Eds.) Edward Elgar Handbook of Research on Corporate Citizenship. Edward Elgar Publishers.

Boje, D. M. 2008. Exploitation. pp. 494-498 In Stewart R. Clegg & James R. Bailey (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Volume 2. Sage: London. Pre-publication version


Boje, D. M. (2004). Chapter 12: Protest and Activism: Standing-up for Peace and Civil Liberties in New Mexico Under Homeland Security and The U.S.A. PATRIOT Acts David Boje. In Social Justice in These Times. Edited by Jim ODonnell, Marc Pruyn & Rudolfo Cha?Lvez Cha?Lvez New Me?Lxico State University. Forthcoming from Information Publishing, Greenwich, CT.

Boje, D. M.& Henry Larsen. 2007. Ethics in Organisational Theatre – two perspectives. chapter 3 pp. 33-44 In Darsø, L., Meisiek S. and Boje, D. (Eds.). Thin Book of ORGANISATIONAL THEATRE. Text and photo © 2007 Learning Lab Denmark, The Danish University of Education. Illustration © 2007 Silje Alberthe Kamille Friis. Click here to download on line version of the Thin Book


Boje, D. M. 2000. "Approaches to the Study of Spiritual Capitalism (Another View)." Pp. xxv-xxxii in Jerry Biberman & Michael D. Whitty (Eds.) "Work & Spirit." Scranton, IL: University of Scranton Press. At http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/conferences/IntrotoSpiritualCapitalism.html

Boje, D. M. 2000. "Festivalism at work: Toward Ahimsa in production and consumption. Pp. 77-94 in  Jerry Biberman & Michael D. Whitty (Eds.) "Work & Spirit." Scranton: University of Toronto Press. pre-publication draft At http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Festivalism_at_Work.html;

    • Reprinted: Boje, D. M. 2007. Festivalism at work: Toward Ahimsa in Production and Consumption. Pp 93-110 in Jerry Biberman & Michael D. Whitty (Eds.) At Work: Spirituality Matters. Scranton, PA/London: University of Scranton Press.

Boje, D. M. 2000. "Approaches to the Study of Spiritual Capitalism." Pp. xxv-xxxii in Jerry Biberman & Mike Whitty (Eds.) "Work & Spirit " (PN: University of Scranton Press). Pre-press version on line at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/conferences/IntrotoSpiritualCapitalism.html

Boje, D. M. 2004. Vegetarian Capitalism. Chapter for Shaun Chapman (ed.) book on ethics; it is a condensation and addendum to a talk presented at the First Asian Vegetarian Congress in Goa, India, October 14 to 20th, 2001. Pre-publication draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/Veggie_Club/papers/Vegetarian_Capitalism_book_chapter.htm

Boje, David M. (2001) Chapter 7: Spectacle and Inter-Spectacle in The Matrix and Organization Theory. In Parker, Martin, Geoff Lightfoot, Matthew Higgins and Warren Smith (eds.) Science Fiction and Organization, London: Routledge. pp. 101-122. Pre-publication draft at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/spectacle_and_inter.html

Boje, D. M. 2007. Another view: Approaches to the study of spiritual/religiosity capitalism. Pp. xxi- xxviii in Jerry Biberman & Michael D. Whitty (Eds.) At Work: Spirituality Matters. Scranton, PA/London: University of Scranton Press.

Boje, D. M. 2008. Chapter 10:  Critical Theory approaches to Spirituality in Business. In Biberman, Jerry & Tischler, Len (Eds), Spirituality in Business:  Theory, Practice and Future Directions. Palgrove-McMillan Press Pre-publication pdf


David M. Boje and Grace Ann Rosile. 2006. "Death, terror and addiction in motivation theory" Pp. 65-92 (chapter 2) in Joanna Brewis, Stephen Linstead, David Boje and Anthony O`Shea (Eds). 2006.  Passion of Organizing. Copenhagen Business School Press, Solbjergvej 3, DK-2000 Copenhagen F, Denmark.  Pre-Publication draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Death_Terror_Motivation_Book_Chapter.htm   And see book cover at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/Passion_of_organizing_cover.pdf


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