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Welcome to Tent City Solutions

What if we transitioned homeless from Sleeping Rough (avoiding the SPIKES), to Tents (but its cold in winter and in summer in Las Cruces 130 degrees in sun), and onto Tiny Houses, and then transition to Sustainable Economic Living. Could we follow lead of other cities, and End Homelessness, by Giving Homes to the Homeless.

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Tent City Solutions





"Homelessness affects Native people in cities all over the country. Often downward spirals caused by various factors lead to a life on the streets. Even families with small children and handicapped people fall prey. But Native students on the Tulalip Reservation north of Seattle have found one effective way to help the homeless: give them tiny houses.

Students at the Tulalip Tribes’ Construction Training Center were honored on June 15 for building two tiny houses to be donated to the Nickelsville Homeless Encampment in Seattle’s Central District"



“The number of chronic homeless had surged since the early 1970s. And related costs were soaring. A University of Pennsylvania study had just showed New York City was dropping a staggering $40,500 in annual costs on every homeless person with mental problems, who account for many of the chronically homeless. So that day, as officials spit-balled ideas, a social researcher named Sam Tsemberis stood to deliver what he framed as a surprisingly simple, cost-effective method of ending chronic homelessness.
Give homes to the homeless”

It makes sense: to End homelessness, provide a home. I think it is a solution not just for chronic homeless, but Tiny Homes could be constructed with sustainable materials, and photovoltaic so that the housing is sustainable at low incomes. My students did a Tiny Homes business development project, and we are putting the idea of Tiny Homes, in our play to create some discussion here in Las Cruces. 


One Solution: The pathway from HOMELESS to HOMED -->homeless in London are SPIKED to keep sleeping rough, in Albrqueuque its illegal to fee homeless, and their improvised tent cities are covered with stones and their belonging takend to the dump, and in shelters across America there are tents but 'Oh so cold in winter' and in tent 130 degrees in summer sun, so why not build some Tiny Homes, and transition all the way to economic sustainability, off-the-grid electric, on wheels to move to great locations.

There is a source of poverty, the profiteers of war, and they could pay for the cabins. (Read More in Veterans Theater BLOG).


The cost of providing cabins, is actually lower overall than spikes for homeless.

For example, In Silicon Valley: "The richest valley in the nation, if not in many parts of the world, with the fifth-highest rate of homelessness and the number-one rate of unsheltered homeless in the country.”

"A new report commissioned by Loving’s group and the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors details how the valley has failed in its fight against homelessness, and at what cost. All told, county communities spent more than half a billion dollars per year hospitalizing, jailing, and providing social services to about 104,000 individuals who were homeless for some portion of the six-year period of the study. Health care spending ($312 million per year) was the bulk of the cost, with justice system spending second.

"The extensive analysis by Economic Roundtable researchers who cross-referenced 25 million separate records offers a clearer understanding of why the county’s costs were so high – and how policymakers could create a financial windfall by giving homeless people houses and direct support services. About 60 percent of all county spending went to just 10 percent of the homeless population, fewer than 3,000 of whom were identified as chronically homeless and in need of more intensive and targeted aid.

"Providing permanent housing with supportive services attached for those most-expensive persistently homeless individuals would have saved about $42,700 a head compared to the cost of leaving them to their own devices. That means that even if Santa Clara communities ignored the types of homelessness that afflicted the other 101,000 people in the study and concentrated solely on the persistently homeless, it could have saved $120 million a year. But Destination: Home’s recommendations based on the report go beyond such narrowly-targeted permanent housing work" (