Brand New 2023 Series VIDEOS:
How Jainism Non-Violence lessons apply to this day and age.

The idea I have, is what would a rigorous approach to Organizational Development Consulting look like if it was from Jaina Ethics perspective? How would such a perspective help get us further along with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals?  How are ideas from 2500-3000 years ago relevant to OD practice.  I explain the consequences of continuing on the path we are on. 
I am working through theSacred Texts (read them yourself) This is volume 22 of the Sacred Books of the East, Part One of the Hermann Jacobi translation of the Jaina Sutras. This volume includes the Akaranga and Kalpa Sutras…Gurudev Chitrabhanu, a Jain Monk who walked with Gandhi in decolonizing India from British rule, practiced Ahimsa (Sanskrit for Non-violence) that was adopted by Gand hi. I merge with Gurudev Chitrabhanu (1922-2019), a Jain monk who walked with Gandhi in decolonizing India from British rule. He gave me my Jain name, ‘Arihanta’ in 1994, which means conqueror of inner enemies, and I have only friends, no enemies.

The series is relevant to Quantum Shamanism. The Jains 3,000 or so years ago, well before the Greek atomists, had the beginnings of a Quantum Mechanics


See 1st Lesson One 2 minutes Nonviolence to Self and Others Video link

See 2nd Lesson Nonviolence to Earth-Bodies 19 minutes 54 sec  Video link

See 3rd Lesson on Water-Bodies Video link
19 minute of gentle waves of TIlos Island while I teach a lesson

See 4th Lesson Nonviolence to Fire-Bodies Video Link

  7 Chakra Energy Centers and Shamanic Meditation
Download the Word versions - by David Boje as of Nov 26 2020
Gurudev and Pramodaben small image
Click for larger image
Gurudev Chitrabhanu, a Jain Monk who walked with Gandhi in decolonizing India from British rule, practiced Ahimsa (Sanskrit for Non-violence) that was adopted by Gandhi. Above photo with his wife Pramodaben, who leads the Vegan movement in India. I a a practitioner of Jain Philosophy and Jain Divination.

Jainism Chakra practices. If you do not practice Jainism, this page is not for you. Qshamanism invites you to develop your own individual practices from you spiritual walk in the Matrix World and the Mythical world of your calling.  We don't impose our teaching on anyone.  I know these two people personally. They gave me my Jain spiritual name.

I merge with Gurudev Chitrabhanu (1922-2019), a Jain monk who walked with Gandhi in decolonizing India from British rule. He gave me my Jain name, ‘Arihanta’ in 1994, which means conqueror of inner enemies, and I have only friends, no enemies.  I journey many times to merge with Gurudev. He is in Upper Level, level three. I started in 1st 3-year event to sing the Sanskrit song while drumming. I have been doing it since. Over the years, I developed my own variation of the Namokar Mantra Song:

Namo Arihantanam - I bow in conquerors of inner enemies, I have only friends.

Namo Siddhanam - I bow to souls who reach perfection

Namo Ayariyanam - I bow to  souls who practice before teaching the masters

Namo Uvajjhayanam - I bow to souls who experience the true, the teachers of mankind

Namo Loye Savva Sahunam - I bow to all saints who follow their Spiritual Path

Eso Panch Namoyaro - This five-fold salutation

Savva Pavappanasano - Destroys all sins

Mangalanam Cha Savvesim - And amongst all auspicious things

Padhamam Havai Mangalam - Is the most auspicious one 

With the above invocation repeated several  times every day the Jains bow with hands folded in anjali (worship) in the four cardinal directions, East, West, South and North.

The following is based on the books written by Gurudev Chitrabhanu who in 1995 gave me my Jain name, Arihant, which I took to mean, 'conqueror of my inner enemies'.  There are also biographical accounts.

I came back to Gurudev 10 years later,very exhausted from meditating daily on my inner enemies, and asked for a new name. He said, 'you misheard me, Arihant means You Have No Enemies, Everyone is Your Friend.'  This changed the way I meditated ever since. He gave me a coin, with Sanskrit writing on both sides, and said, "You and I will meet next time and I will explain the Sanskrit words."  He died and we did not have that conversation. So now I journey with drumming to Upper World to have those conversations.

Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu. (1978). Realized What You Are: The Dynamics of Jain Meditation. NY: Dodd, Mead, and Company.

Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu. (1979a). The Philosophy of Soul and Matter. Ahmedabad, India: Published by Dhanjibhai P. Shah.

Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu. (1979b). The Psychology of Enlightenment: Meditations on the Seven Energy Centers. NY: Dodd, Mead, and Company.

Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu. (1980).  Twelve Facets of Reality: The Jain Path to Freedom. NY: Dodd, Mead, and Company.

Dr. N. P. Jain. (no date). Ahmedabad, India: Published by Swadhyay Mandir Charitable Truest.

Clare Rosenfield. (1982). Gurudev Shree Chitrabanu: A Man With A Vision. NY, NY: Published by Jain Meditation International Center.
7 chakra energy centers by Claudine Dosiers and Boje
              Dec 9 2020
Figure of the way 7 Chakra interface with my understanding of Critical Zone of Earth and the socio-economic, eco-business modeling, multi-species of Triple Bottom Line (3BL) way business storytelling is done.

1st energy
                center art by Claudine
1st Energy Center EARTH (ROOT)
Art by Claudine DesRosiers

The symbol of first energy center is the Golden Lotus on a square, symbolic of the four elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Water.
Question: Who Am I?
Is my energy in 'I am' of a family, or I am 'my position' in society, or I am NATURE (the Earth, Water, Air, & Fire elements of the BODY). I sit on Earth foundation, and stand on Earth, in balance. I set on the four elements:
4 elements 
The answer to 'Who Am I?' begins our exploration of the grounding in the Root Chakra energy.

Question: What is Earth-Balance of Root Energy?

Answer: Harmony and Balance of Microcosm and the Macrocosm. Body is 37.2 trillion living cells, in CONTACT with environment.  Body is composed of earth, water, air, and fire in CONTACT with environment of these elements.  A teaspoon of soil, has 10000 living organisms, millions of fungi and bacteria, and all the nutrients of earth, plus air and fire. 

When we are in Earth Health, our Body can be Healthy.
For My son, Raymond:
The snake is in contact with the ground, the energy of the Earth.
The snake is a common shamanic power animal.
The snake does not have fear of the future.
A snake does not hoard, is not greedy, is not attached, is no insecure.
A snake does not acieve security by accumulation of things or wealth, etc.
A snake is grounded in their truth.
The task for Level 1: Root, is let go of insecurity, let go of hoarding stuff, and let go of emotional programming of desire for stuff.

November 19 2020 2nd Energy Center, WATER
2nd Energy
              Center art by Claudine
2nd Energy Center WATER
Art by Claudine DesRosiers
Gurudev describes the 2n Energy Center symbols as the Silver Crescent Moon, that becomes a boat.  This is about water element, and how to watch the waves and feel the currents, and the floods, debris, and pollutants that affect the Lake of Tranquility. This relates well to Shamanic Drumming Meditation Journeys to Lower World. Then, to manage the five Water Gates. Paddle your Silver Crescent Moon Boat to inspect the Streams of inflow into the lake. There is a gate on each of the five inflow streams.

5 gates water energy center art by claudine
The symbol of 2nd Energy Center, Water, is the Silver Crescent Moon Boat and 5 Gates (Sanskrit words) and meanings
Art by Claudine DesRosiers.

The Five Water Gates (summary from 12 Facets book):
1. Kashaya Gate (Sanskrit) - means  inner passions, attachments of anger, greed, deceit, enter this gate
. The EGO becomes more powerful, Greed of collecting somethings, essking higher posts, and getting angry when its not happening. Open this gate to fresh Rainfall, close it to the debris floating into the Lake of Tranquility.
2. Yoga Gate (Sanskrit) - a special context of Yoga, getting glued to enticing things, that pull you in. Example window-shopping, then getting anxious to or frantic to get the $$$$ to buy more and more stuff. Anger if cannot have it now. Lots of collecting $$$ to get more and more stuff, when this gate left open.
3. Pramada (Sanskrit) - means indecisive, wishy-washy, and lethargy consciousness, of going in all directions, push and pull in conflicting ways.  "There is never enough time" so tasks get rushed to keep up with so man directions of the waves and currents across the lake. Result" Not caring for one's own Self.
4. Aviratai (Sanskrit) - failure to limit things one needs and using in life. This gate places a limit on possessions. Our body needs 3 hours to digest anything. Limit food intake. Take in water, 8 to 10 times a day. Balance spices on foods, to not overwhelm taste buds. Make a limit on your wealth. When is enough enough? "This is enough" (p. 90 12 Facets).
5. Mithyathva (Sanskrit) - means "Truth mixed up with lies" (p. 90 12 Facets). Lust taken to be love. Right undifferentiated from wrong. This is ability to discriminate between compassionate and hurtful thought and action. "Truth... is all light, it frees you" (p. 90).

November 26 2020 3rd Energy Center, FIRE, the Empowerment Meditation

3rd Power Center with 10 spoke wheel and Triangle not
I invite Claudine DesRosiers to do a wondrous image of this.

The symbol is fire (red and yellow flames) that burn the logos of Ego. The fire and logs are on a 10 spoke wheel emitting and radiating rays of light and heat. This is enclosed in a Triangle. Today I drum for fire energy of empowerment. The Sanskrit word for it is Manipura. Mani means Jewel and Pura is City. The 'Jewel City' where the Indweller, the Invisible Self of Hidden Em-power-ment dwells.  It dwells in the Body, in the region of the Navel, where the umbilical cord fed us air, water, earth, and fire for nine months, in the womb. The element of Fire, is moving every upward, spiraling, radiating light and energy, called Agni. Agni does not allow the Intellect of this professor to set limits on ideas of possibility.

Why 10 spokes. In Jain Philosophy, Chakra means 'energy wheel. Each of the 7 energy centers has a chakra with different number of rays of light and heat emanating from each spoke.

Third Energy Center (with its 10 rays of light and heat) Imagine a small flickering flame. Yogis do this to raise or lower the heat of their body, to make it warm let the fire grow upwards.  Bring your attention to the navel (Manipura), the Jewel City (mani and puram) of inner empowerment. See the fire flickering, and burning more brightly, sending out streaks of red and yellow light, and radiating heat through the spokes, with more rays of light.
It is how to realize your life's mission by not escaping your own answerability (responsibility) for your participation in the world. Empowerment is possible by buring the ego logs of desires, greed, insecurity, attachment, and all the drives for power-over, the controlling and manipulating to get one's way. The 3rd Energy Center is about consciousness that can be trapped in a valley of ego-fog, so the empowerment of peace, tranquility, serenity cannot be seen. In Intellectual Shamanism, I burn away the intellect in the fire, in my particular practice. The Intellect is still there, I am just on a journey of Self-Empowerment, while buring away the ego-Intellect, in illuminating fire.

We can drum in shamanic mediation to burn away the power-over, by being quiet, sensing the inner Being. These are some questions to help with this meditation:

air chakra
4th ENERGY CENTER - December 3rd, 2020 the 4th Energy Center Chakra is the Air, how our Heart expands into an Oval, but inside and outward by the Breath (the spirit).

My inner conflict corrodes my energy, and conflicts absorb all my energy of mind, body, and speech. The breathing helps to clear the Karmic so there is glimpsing of a wise path, life-style, and creating a pleasant atmosphere of Being and conversation storytelling.  Going into this energy of Space is about how to be Giving Space to others in our life, in our conversational storytelling. As I give space to bein in storytelling-listening of others, they are able to share and when ready, better able to hear my story. When their space if full, no listening or hearing occurs.

Silence in between the story sharing is a way to give space for the listening and reflecting before launching into replies.

Forcing my story onto people does not give space for them to express their story or concern.  And it bounces the energy back through space onto me.

The first three energy centers, the Earth (root & grounding), the Water (Moon boat on Lake of Tranquility), and Fire (the 10 spoke wheel of heat and light, with Triangle flies red and yellow). 
Each Indigenous Way of Knowing has its own colors and images. These are ones I have been studying. The first two were drawn by artist Claudine Desrosiers. The energy elements are moving around us, and in us. We can feel the awareness expanding, when we are in the flow. Each event in our life brings new depth of understanding. 
4 chakra energy centers

The Sanskrit word  for 4th energy center is Anahata (that which is ever new) and “that which is constantly resounding without being still, and “that which is self-sustaining” (p. 43 in the 7 energy centers). Other traditions call it by different words. The heart beats continually and so does Real Love. It is ever-flowing.  The image is a heart expanding within and without, in an every widening blue-sea, called a zero-point, by my teacher. Others have different imagery. The meditation is on a dot of light, of expanding blue light, the spiritual breath, as the perfect Self within, breathes in and out. 
Love is the divine element, there breath of life (breath is often translated as spirit). “Love is acceptance and acceptance means giving the people around us room in which to live, to ponder, to learn” (p. 42). It is all about finding balance in the energy centers. “Balance is bliss” (p. 81 the 12 R’s). “Our real state isto be in balance” and Bliss is “Being with one’s own Self” (IBID). Without balance of the energy centers, It is like being in a story sea with waves in all directions. I like these meditations because, it is a way to connect with what is true internally and externally.
As David Attenborough put it in Life on Our Planet “We are ultimately dependent upon and bound by the finite Natural World”. To me, that is all about understanding the quantum energy of the elements of Nature, and that we are Nature-bodies

4th and 5th energy centers are closely intertwined.

space chakra

December 10th, 2020 the 5th Energy Center, Heart (love) expanding into Space The mantra, is Aim, links to vibrations of wisdom that evolve in love and heart (and relates to AIR, the Heart Chakra. SPACE OF THE VOICE is grounded experience of practice, instead of abstract book knowing.  Words and stories spoken with Love and heart energy Space. It relates to our giving space to not only our telling, but giving space for others to listen.

In the 5th Heart Chakra, love expands into a space of openness.  If my storytelling is filled with anger, resentment, jealousy, and other such attunements, then it is not possible to do storytelling-listening with Love and Heart space of 4th and 5th energy centers are intermingling energies. 

two 3rd eyes
              watchtower lighthouse
December 17th, 2020, the 6th Energy Center, Third Eye. An orange color is two inter related 3rd Eyes, on a narrow vertical opening and closing eye, or our ego. The vertical, a more spiritual eye, also opening and closing. The mantra Sanskrit word it Ajna. Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu describes this energy center as a sort of watch tower with the two overlapping 3rd Eyes. Out of the watch tower a rainbow of lights shine forth. These two, 3rd eyes of control of my incoming thoughts (words, concepts) and its a way to control thoughts that keep me awake at night. Each Third Eye opens and closes on the inflow and the innner monkey mind of thoughts.  Gurudev taght me to watch my thoughts, as they flow on a the waters of my consciousness, and this is a way to let them go, and closing and oping both eyes works as self-controls of my thinking process, clearing. I create my own worlds. I observe the whole world I am in.

I sow what happens in happiness or in misery, and I reap what lies hidden in this crystallized-thought world, and can discern and detect eh outside influences, as I meditate on my own reactivity. I am not there yet. I am learning to discern and detect by observing my thoughts through the two 3rd eyes.

In sum, the vertical eye of wisdom and the horizontal eye of ego looking out with its attunements.

I would like to propose to do this as part of the annual Quantum Storytelling Conference ( as an option for participants to experience Shamanic Drumming and this 6th Energy, the Third Eye.

crown chakra with 1000 rays of light and energy
December 24 2020 7th Energy Center - the Crown with thousand rays of light and energy

Seventh Energy Center

This is the place of oneness, conjoining. Separation is pain, union is peace. A place you are no longer pushed and pulled by the waves.

Sanskrit word: Sahasrara – Pure Consciousness of Self

Symbol: Thousand petals/ thousand rays emanating from the center of the chakra (hub of the wheel)

Quality: Higher Consciousness

Area: Crown of the head

Color: All the colors turn White

Mantra: Om Arhum Namah “I bow to the worthiest energy which I am:

Element: Consciousness of Self = divine love energy

Source: Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu, 1979, The Psychology of Enlightenment: Meditations on the Seven Energy Centers).

In this meditation you see the oneness of the universe, with o difference between people, all in unity with them. All duality merges into oneness. No separation between subject and object.

Be still. Experience the seventh energy, the waves and ripples of life’s surface subside until only “I am” remains. Divine energy.of your oneness with life-force. Receive and shre this oneness energy. Visualize thousand petals as rays of white lotus light, welcoming the sun. All the colors which costume life turn into pure white light.

Repeat mantra: om arhum namah (I am the worthiest energy, pure energy; I am nothing but absolute energy” “I bow to that absolute energy which I am” (p. 75). My life’s mission is to receive and share this divine energy. I am sohum (that), the divine love.

You see yourself in others. You are one with the changing physical world. Problems have not become smaller; you have become bigger. Dwelling by finding security in material things will see strange at higher level of awareness. Things become visible that were unknown when you dwelled in lower energy. Doubt that once engulfed you will evaporate from new outlook. Old habits of negative thinking fade away. Love from heart energy center will begin to be noticed as by others around you. “They will wonder why, in the presence of such a free outpouring of love, they remain so closed” (Chitrabhanu, p. 66). The mission in life is to receive divinity and share it. Share without attachment. No ‘my’ or ‘mine.’ Division between ‘mine; and ‘thine’ disappears. No attachment to what the majority does. Not wasting energy on anxiety on others definition of you. Their perception limited to their background and their blindness. “People’s actions are dictated by the way they perceive themselves and the world” (p. 71). See all living beings as our brothers and sisters. Express pure flow of love. “Touch the hearts of all you meet” (p. 72). Experience oneness with the universe. My energy is no longer consumed in criticism or pursuit of approval.

Observe how you live, act and react in relationships. Understand the world from highest level of consciousness from state of balance. This is your Real Nature. “Our whole future is contained in the present moment: (p. 73). So there is no need to worry about the future.

The are several meanings of dharma. One is truth, to live your inner truth. “If an action fits with this truth, then you do it. If it does not, you reject it. It is not justifying; it is acting in accordance with your inner measuring rod. Truth becomes your permanent inner companion: (1980: p. 150, 12 reality facets). Another meaning of dharma, to see things as they are. Our nature is to be loving, caring, uplifting, and truthful. To maintain balance on the waves that are ever-moving (samsara). Truth is my inner teacher

Shamanic Drumming is a way to experience the surge of empowerment energy spiraling upward, a way to go between several worlds. As you mediate and drum on your intention, your attention to self-empowerment, can melt the fog and let you experience the Indweller, and let you sense the Highest State of Inner Clarity, as a storyteller. Taking the path of the upward empowerment spiral, is a journey out of bottom level confusion, indecision, and irresponsibility, to the Do-Be-Do-Be-Do, of answerability, in spontaneity.

What follows are some ways I am applying this energy work:
6 Bs of Antenarrative

Antenarrative On the empowerment spiral upward path, you can drum to see the end of the road BEFORE you started this journey, and the goal-beforehand, with clarity. This is about a prospective sensemaking (by the five senses, plus a 6th sense, the BEYOND, an intuitive-world sense). It is possible you have already traveled this future path, now arriving (BECOMING of Care in spacetimemattering) and its BETS on the FUTURE (choice among so many futures arriving here & now). You can have an antenarrative sense of deja vu, that the BETWEEN of this networking has been traveled again and again. BENEATH the words and thoughts, a senseing of a spiral-upwards to Self-Empowerment, learning to rise to a level of awareness of the spiritual path, by embracing the whole of consciousness, you may see your own living story has been evolving. 

Who animates this body? Could it be the Indweller? Who leaves my body when I die? Is it the Indweller doing in the planning, organizing, and managing, all the Do-Be-Do-Be-Do?
I have a Jain name, Arihant. and this mantra 'Om namo arihantnam' which means "I bow to those souls who have conquered their inner enemies" because everyone is my friend, and I have no enemies (p. 25, Gurudev, 7 Energy Center).
Example of Finding Common Ground of Empowerment-With For the East Mesa Trails (EMT) project, I did this morning meditation today (Nov 26 2020). As I approach the many organization participants and neighbors in a state of peace, joy, love, and serenity, with a caring heart, then by Self-Empowerment the Indweller who by Shamanic Drumming, journeys to Upper World and Lower World, and Between is there. My Invisible Self, the Indweller, remains after my body decomposes and the living cells die away.

This is the common ground of Core Shamanism and my Eastern Philosophy of Jainism: the indestructible energy of the Indweller, Mike ThreeBears named 'Surrenders to Spirit' and Gurudev names 'Arihant'.

I have annotated the triangle to re-imagine the usual Triple Bottom Line (3BL) from a Terrestrial Ethics and True Storytelling approach to bringing about habitat restoration of 'East Mesa Trails' where I live. It is something I am considering to present for the Intellectual Shaman presentation I give on December 4th 2020. It extends from the Water conference presentation Sabine Trafimow and I gave on 18 November 2020, on moving from story of separation to story of conjoining. The Triple Bottom Line resituation was presented with Grace Ann Rosile to Kenneth Jorgenson's conference in Aalborg, on Storytelling and Sustainability, on Tuesday 24 November 2020. And Professor Mogens Sparre and I (2020) just published an article on Organizational Development Journal on how to revitalize habitat using a reconstructed Triple Bottom Line approach to participative action research. The image I integrated in today's meditation:

            Energy Center POWER with annotation of 3BL

I had a dream Nov 26 2020 AM, about how to approach the East Mesa Trails (EMT) habitat restoration project. It could be a transorganizational development network of many agencies, non-profit organizations, and neighbors bringing about a transformation using a process, Michael Jones (folklore & mythology professor) I call ICEND (Interactive, Communicative, Experiential Network Development). ICEND is something I worked on as a professor at UCLA between 1979 and 1986. ICEND is a process of transformational restoration to habitat cycles, in what Latour calls the 'critical zone' (that Earth's crust, water, and atmosphere where life takes place).  My name 'surrenders to spirit' now means energizing meditation practices to be a change agent for critical zone restoration in New Mexico.

              way to apply Shamnic and Systems Thinking to EMT
The Critical Zone for Restoration of East Mesa Habitat is the Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Atmosphere.  The Water Cycle is interpetetrating with the Nutrient, Sulphar, and Phosphorous Cycles that interconnect the Critical Zone spheres so Life Happens on the Desert of New Mexico

This is breathing In and Out Air between Self/Body and Nature, in an ever expanding energy of Love, in Mauve color. An orb at the center that we expand outward Loving energy. I will invite Claudine DesRosiers to do a wondrous image of this.


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