Welcome to MINDSCAPE
Website created by David M. Boje September 6, 2004,
adapted from works by Magoroh Maruyama and XYZ of Leadership by Daivd
Boje (All survey and website materials are Copyright © Magoroh Maruyama
& David Boje); Surveys may be used for educational purposes only; for any
other uses please contact dboje@nmsu.edu
- Thank you.
![Take XYZ survey if you are new](images/XYZ_Mindscape_label.jpg)
- View On Line Powerpoint presentation
of Contrasting MINDSCAPE to Boje's XYZ of Leadership & to Myers-Brigss
- View On Line Powerpoint
presentation of Unsolved problems in MINDSCAPE's MISSING Types with XYZ.
- Take the MINDSCAPE Survey (it is
- Take the Long form of TOB Visual
MINDSCAPE Heterogram test (can be mailed to Dr. Boje for scoring).
- Take the SHORT form of TOB Visual
MINDSCAPE Heterogram test (can be mailed to Dr. Boje for scoring)
- After Mindscape survey or TOB Visual Heterogram,
go to analysis of results
- How XYZ of Leadership Relates to Mindscape
Types (advanced for Ph.D.s)
- What is a Theory of "Will
to Knowlege" in relation to XYZ & Mindscape types (advanced for
- Contrast Mindscape Theory to the
Myers-Briggs types
- View Selected reference list for Magoroh
- How Bertalanffy's GST
self-deconstructs in its exorcism of Marxist critical theory (note this
is view of Boje and not that of New Mexico State University).