Horse Sense at Work: Instructional Formats

by Dr. Grace Ann Rosile, copyright 2000



Time: 1 to 3 hours

Content:-Overview of all HorseSense "lessons" (see list below).

- Introduction to any 2 or 3 of the "Lessons" (listed below).

- In-depth (3 hour) treatment of one "lesson."

Method: Lecture, group discussion, self-assessment exercises, action planning.

Materials: Handouts provided by the instructor.

Location: Classroom

Evaluation: Based on attendance only.

Audience: Managers, supervisors, teachers, human services employees, families,

work groups, horseback riding groups and clubs.


Time: 3-12 hours

Content:-Any one or two lessons (listed below) per 3 hour module.

Method: Mixture of hands-on horse activities with lecture, group discussion,

self-assessment exercises, and action planning.

Evaluation: Based on attendance; longer sessions may also require a written report.

Materials: Readings on the web, and handouts which are provided by the instructor.

Location: Stable and classroom areas (either indoors or outdoors) are both used.

Audience: Managers, supervisors, teachers, human services employees, families,

work groups, horseback riding groups and clubs.


Time: 15-45 hours, 1-3 credits

Content: 5 or more topics (listed below).

Method: Mixture of hands-on horse activities with lecture, group discussion,

self-assessment exercises, and action planning.

Evaluation: Based on written reports (from 1-5) and attendance.

Materials: Readings on the web, and handouts which are provided by the instructor,

will be supplemented with student’s choices from a bibliography of related readings. The instructor may also require a textbook.

Location: Stable and classroom areas (either indoors or outdoors) are both used.

Audience: Managers, supervisors, teachers, human services employees, families,

work groups, horseback riding groups and clubs.


HorseSense Ed-Ventures: Professional Development Workshops on Horseback

Workshop format (above), with up to 50% of time on horseback in

exciting locations in New Mexico. Topics chosen from the list (below).

Same audience as for other formats.


Horse Sense At Work


1. Introducing and starting conversation: the Self and the Other

2. Self-Protection

3. Trust: Carrying and Being Carried

4. Rewarding

5. Communicating

6. Influencing and Motivating

7. Conflict Handling

8. Discipline: When "common sense" is NOT "horse sense."

9. Adaptive Reciprocity: Cross-Cultural Issues

10. Sustaining Stability through Changes

11. Empowerment

12. Leadership: Who leads and who follows?

13. Ethics: What is "natural"? What is exploitation?