<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> GlobalAware | PeaceAware.com


GlobalAware is breaking free of Evangelical Capitalism. Each nation is entitled to its resources & faith without bully nations taking it away. Current globalization is feudalistic conquest and colonization. GlobalAware would bring about Fair Markets, not Free Markets. Please boycott and target the War Profiteers.


Figure 1: Becoming GlobalAware.

Globalization and the Cycle of Becoming GlobalAware

This cycle of becoming GlobalAware is a spiral, what Nietzsche would call an eternal recurrence. Figure 1 depicts the cycle, and Table 1 summarizes the relevant dualities (either/or logics) within and between each stage.The model extends work on conciousness development stages from Wilber (1996).1.

Table 1 – Dualities Between and Within Stages of Becoming GlobalAware




Within Stage Duality

Between Stage Duality

1. Egocentric Isolationism

Humanism or Transcendence


1: 2 - Unity or Differentiation;

2: 3 – Consume or govern;

3:4 – Fragment or Integrate;

4:5 –Rational or enchantment;

5:6 – Mythic or Existential;

7:1 – GlobalAware or Egocentric;


2. Ethnocentric Imperialism


Our tribe or their tribe


3. Ethnocentric Imperialism


Dominant or new script


4. Net-centric Empire


Rational or existential

5. Eco-centric Empire

Male or female ecology view

6. Myth-centric Empire

Mythic or Spiritual

7. Causal-centric

Global or Emptiness duality versus nondual


Stage 1 – Egocentric Isolationism - in premodern times, humanism (science and human rights) began to dualize with transcendence (belief in Devine Gods and Goddesses). In Western hemisphere the mono-deity religions of Christian/Celtic (and later Protestantism) and Judaism did battle with Islam. In Eastern hemisphere there were many Gods and Goddesses. With the West’s Renaissance, came secular humanism, and the beginning of western versions of Enlightenment, the beginning of modernity (the epoch rooted in science and rationality, and rejecting transcendence).

Stage 2 – Ethnocentric Imperialism - Imperialism is a combination of state sovereignty, and the beginning of corporate power of trading companies. The dualism between stage 1 and 2 is over the unity of the world (with God or science) and a dim awareness of differentiation between cultures. There is growing awareness that the world has many tribes, but the global philosophy of nation states is ethnocentric, “join our tribe or be damned.” Some would say that the current War on Iraq is an act of Imperialism, a fearsome overreaction to 9/11.

Stage 3 – Script-centric Empire - Irely here on Hardt and Negri’s (2000) distinction between Imperialism (such as Greek, Roman, Spanish, & British) and what becomes Empire (the post-WWII and post-Cold War U.S. Empire). The duality between Stage 2 and S is whether to consume by colonizing or to govern the world. This is an awareness of social roles, or what I will call scripts. In becoming aware of multiple scripts, such as the role of Imperials or Empire to govern the world, rules of trade, treatises and agreements become increasingly central to globalization. The Dominant script is still Imperial, but there are some visions between WWI and WWII of a “League of Nations” that would govern globally. After WWII, the United Nations (UN) and the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) begin as institutions. They will become increasingly dominant to the role relations in the script of Empire. New scripts are imagined, with more egalitarian roles for Superpowers, in the dialectic of Empire and Counter-Empire. Counter-empire resists the dominant script of Empire, with new scripts.

Stage 4 – Net-centric Empire - After some dim awareness of playing global governance roles (the Devine right of Kings & Queens) in Imperialism and the sovereign right of transnational corporations in Empire, as corporate rule succeeds nation state rule, a new duality emerges, the worldview of rational science is opposed by the existentialist worldview. I call this the Net-centric stage since rational systems of network power come to the forefront. Existentialists (e.g. Kierkegaard & Sartre) want to shift these maps into a view that neither nature nor transcendence (deities) is important; instead the world is a network of idea systems and perspectives, none of which (except the existentialist) has centrality. Hardt and Negri’s (2000) book, Empire, is a good example of Net-centric view. They build upon the postmodern theory of Foucault’s carceral network power, where instead of a sovereign center, as in the days of Imperialisms, there is increasingly a decentered map of Empire, criss-crossed by trade pacts such as NAFTA, FTAA, and institutions like WTO, and transnational alliances give institutions like IMF and WB a new role. Hardt and Negri glimpse the emergence of more postmodern forms of globalization, taking over from the duality of humanism or transcendence (stage 1), and our tribe or be damned (stage 2) and the centralized scripting sociometry (stage 3) of earlier Imperialisms. It should be stressed here that Hardt and Negri point out the tendency to revert to Imperialism, on the part of the United States, something they see as cured by the year 2000. However, I would be remiss if I did not critique this view, that is, with the crisis of 9/11 (collapse of World Trade Towers), fear and panic gripped U.S. Empire, and it is now more Imperial than it was during the cold war battle for world domination in its battle with the former Soviet Union.

Stage 5 – Eco-centric Empire - The forces of Empire are opposed by many Counter-Empire alliances, one of which is most certainly ecology idea systems. The premise is the Empire operates in Ecology, and like Imperialisms before it, when those resources are destroyed or exhausted, then every Empire will collapse. In the Road to Bottom scenario, the planet’s ecology can collapse, which will also spell doomsday for the human race. There main duality within the Eco-centric stage is between Deep Ecology (e.g. Murray Bookchin) and Ecofeminism. Ecofeminist is a revival of religions and spiritual practices that pre-date Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The philosophy of these goddess religions is that Mother Earth is the womb, and that human kind needs to learn to live in harmony with Mother Nature. Deep Ecology is a more male oriented ecology (certainly its major priests are male). Deep Ecology, like Ecofeminism wants to reenchant our appreciation of the earth. Whereas, Net-centric world view is very lateral in seeing relationships between institutions and corporations and nations, it does not have the transcendent (reenchantment of Earth as spirit) that the Deep Ecology and Ecofeminists practice.

Stage 6 – Myth-centric Empire - Myth-centric is a reaction to reenchantment. It is a return to the ancient archetypes, made popular by Jungian psychology. The archetype maps (e.g. Myers-Briggs) are not very spiritual, although there are some attempts to make them so. In fact the battle between Mythic archetypes that are exceedingly rational maps and more spiritual maps becomes the major duality of this stage of becoming GlobalAware. There are many myths (some would say lies) the Bush administration uses to cover its retreat from Empire into Imperial conquest.

Stage 7 – Causal-centric – Causal-centric envisions a post-Empire worldview, but it is certainly not realized in contemporary times. The causal understanding here comes from Western as well as Eastern philosophy (that later is more transcendent). An example from Western thought is William James “causal empiricism.” The idea is to get at the root causes behind phenomenon, which takes on into a meditation on consciousness. In Eastern philosophy it is the search for a nondual consciousness, something that is anciently rooted in Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain traditions. This could be viewed as an Eastern mystic approach to existentialism that is to seeing existence as a vast nothingness (as Sartre writes about it). In East thought, the idea is to meditate to develop consciousness of an empty space, a self-reflection on seeing you observe the world, objects, nature, relations, and sensations. The idea is to see that the self is not an object, and that there is something (perhaps divine) witnessing this conscious space. It is an empty space that embraces the world, so that there is no separation between global and consciousness. The key duality is between Global and Empty consciousness. If you take this path, you become GlobalAware that what you do has consequence for Nature, your sentiments affect world sentiments, and your relation practices locally affect global practices. From here it is easy, I think to repeat the cycle, beginning at stage one, and the duality is between nonduality and more egocentric narcissism. Figure 1 present a cycle model of the spiral of becoming GlobalAware, and at each stage, it is possible to revert to the previous duality battles.




Mission - We challenges NAFTA, FTAA, the World Trade Organization and the U.S. system of global trade, fronted by military invasion, that enriches multinational corporations as it drives down environmental and labor standards around the world.

Photo of Jim Steitz (in cowboy hat) in Miami Demonstration against FTAA - Source

Miami as a military state: police attack peaceful demonstrators. Armed preemption comes to America! Read More...


How Gloablization Terrorizes the Women of Alamogordo, New Mexico? Did you know the women in their 50s who worked for PRESTO "Alamogordo Manufacturing Plant" were left witht the disappearing pension trick when the factory moved from New Mexico to China. The executives gutted the women's pension plan. Many had immigrated from SE Asia and Mexico, been forced to do mandatory overtime, and never learned English. Read the shocking story ... More...

This is a quote form a PeaceAware member on April 4, 2003 "Our government has been hijacked because we let it happen. We need to become active citizens and reinvigorate all aspects of civil society, not just the peace movement. From my perspective as an environmentalist, Bush and Congress are attacking nature--Otero Mesa, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Colombian Amazon, endangered species, etc. etc.--for the same reasons basically that they are attacking Iraq. So whatever your favorite cause--peace, civil liberties, women's rights, social justice, the environment--the task at hand is to become more active in advancing it. I really liked what one person said at one of our recent Young Park rallies: ;I pledge to perform one act of resistance each day.' If we all did, things would change."

See the War Profiteers List: Which corporations are making the big bucks from the Iraq Invasion and Occupation?

Where are the WMD? Eric Blumrich has produced another outstanding Flash video documenting Bush's repeated LIES about Iraqi WMD. Watch to the end, to hear Bush's pathetic insistence that WMD will still be found. Click here to see Flash Video

Wag the Turkey; Wag the Dog - Wayne Madsen writes, "We are now all bit players in a real-life version of the movie 'Wag the Dog.' Bush and his GOP advisers are ecstatic that the resident made a secret trip to Baghdad to be with U.S. troops for a 'traditional' Thanksgiving dinner. His polling numbers -- which I contend are as fixed as a Florida election -- will undoubtedly receive a huge boost. I may be a bit naive, and it has been a while since I served on active duty, but I can't recall ever sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner at 6:00 AM... And the abysmal and sycophantic Washington and New York press corps seems to have completely missed the Thanksgiving 'breakfast dinner.' Chalk that up to the fact that most people in the media never saw a military chow line or experienced reveille in their lives. So it would certainly go over their heads that troops would be ordered out of bed to eat turkey and stuffing before the crack of dawn." More ...

This is part of the Globalization program of American empire which strips thrid world nations of their dignity and culture. (please distribute this poster). (Larger size).


The Peace Movement has entered a new phase. We are incorporating anti-globalization issues, putting global awareness on front stage. The issues are related. The Peace Movement is betwixt and between situations of overt invasion. During the lull, lets work to be more GlobalAware.

Pastors for Peace - PeaceAware SALAS, and other coalition members focusing on Peace & Justice, nhosted the Nov 19-20 2003 visit from Pastors for Peace. This is a grassroots interreligious group that since 1988 makes greual caravans to Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas, and Cuba, birnging needed medicine, tools, and other supplies. Read all about their visit to Las Cruces. and see their website www.ifconews.org Join a Caravan and become GlobalAware.

EPA Hijacked by Bush Administration - Global Warming is good for you - See EnvironmentAware for more on this point

Project for a New American Century was written in 2000 by six leaders in the Bush administration. It is called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” It is a blueprint for Bush’s foreign and defense policy since September 11.

Warganization - is the relation between the war machine and organization studies. Steffen G. Böhm & Bent Meier Sørensen. University of Warwick, s.g.bohm@warwick.ac.uk & Copenhagen Business School, meier@cbs.dk
- Click here for PDF flyer on Warganization


Bush's War on Terror Leaves World in Fear, Says Amnesty

"The United States and Britain are using the 'war on terror' as a pretext to abuse human rights and their oppressive actions have made the world 'more insecure than since the Cold War', Amnesty International said yesterday... the watchdog body claimed that Washington and London had used the 11 September terrorist attacks to introduce draconian laws. 'What would have been unacceptable on 10 September 2001 is now becoming almost the norm', said Irene Khan, Amnesty's secretary general... 'What would have been an outrage in Western countries during the Cold War - torture, detention without trial, truncated justice - is readily accepted in some countries today... Amnesty said the detention of more than 600 foreign nationals, including Britons, at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba was a 'human rights scandal' and the prisoners should either be released or charged. Two prisoners were killed at Bagram air base, north-east of Kabul, under American interrogation." Read story.

The Peace Movement can begin to focus on such areas as anti-sweatshops and genetically modified foods, and Otero Mesa in New Mexico.

To learn more about living wages and Unitied Students Against Sweatshops at NMSU, please consult http://cbae.nmsu.edu/~dboje/usas/

READING LIST for PeaceAware (lots of good articles recommended by PeaceAware members).

BOJE ARTICLES FOR PeaceAware (Read about the Oil Wars).

One of the key issues for being GlobalAware is to look at enriched uranium. See EnvironmentAware for more on this point

READ - What is a NeoCon and how are Karl Marx and Leon Trosky's theory of Permanent Revolution tied to the Bush/cheney policy of Premtpive War, Colonial Invasion of Iraq, and Evangelical Capitalism? Feature article by PeaceAware co-organizer David Boje, Ph.D. April 10, 2003. You will find out - pre-emptive unilateralism is official U.S. foreign policy.. Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle are now thinking even bigger about the "projection of American power." Bush does not think at all; he does what the NeoCons tell him to do: make perpetural war.


As U.S. empire expands from Afghanistan to Iraq wars, which country will be next? It could be Syria. "On Sunday, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said, 'There’s got to be a change in Syria, which has been accused by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld of allowing war materials and Arab fighters to cross its border to help the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The Syrians need to know...they’ll be held accountable,' he said on NBC’s Meet the Press.’’ (Read article). Care to Comment?

Did you know? On New Year's Eve, the Bush administration announced the most aggressive attack that the Clean Air Act has faced in its 30-year history. See EnvironmentAware for more on this point

Did you know the WTO can impact genetically-engineered foods? See EnvironmentAware for more on this point

To be GlobalAware, do research on the Oil interests that are part of the dangers facing Otero Mesa in New Mexico. See EnvironmentAware for more on this point

Rep. Stevan Pearce represents Socorro, which passed a civil liberties resolution in March. In July, Congressman Pearce voted against the Otter-Kucinich-Paul amendment to withhold funding for "sneak-and-peek" searches authorized by Section 213 of the USA PATRIOT Act. He is not yet a cosponsor of H.R. 1157, the Freedom to Read Protection Act.

If he is your Congressman, please send him a letter or pay him a visit when he is in the district to talk about your concerns, review your community's resolution (if any), and ask for his support of H.R. 1157 and other legislation pending in the House: http://www.bordc.org/legislation.htm.

Stevan Pearce
New Mexico-2nd, Republican
1408 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515-3102
Phone: (202) 225-2365

To learn more aobut Congressman Steve Pearce, visit our PearceAware web site.


One critical issue for GlobalAware is the manufacture and testing of Enriched (depleted) uranium in New Mexico. David Boje has compiled inforation on New Mexico testing (see main page on DU in NM).

Carlsbad, for example, was picked by the federal Energy Department for nuclear manufacturing. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad is a potential site for the manufacture of pits, which trigger nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Citizens with Questions leader Gene Harbaugh stated in a press release. "Once the facility is built, it will be shrouded in secrecy, and people will only be aware, after the fact, of the dangers involved." See May 24, 2003 story.




Academic Airlift - 30,000 academics have signed a petition against the war. Article 1, 2, 3 
ACLU Streaming Video Ad about John Ashcroft  main page http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFreeMain.cfm
Alternative Radio  http://alternativeradio.org/ 
AlterNet - http://www.alternet.org/
Be Counted for Peace (attendance at Peace Vigils in US) http://www.peacedemo.org/ 
Bill of Rights Defense Committee  http://www.bordc.org/index.html
Calendar of related upcoming national events
Center for Public Integrity - Good analyses on media http://www.publicintegrity.org 
Cities for Peace http://www.citiesforpeace.org  - list of other Cities in USA with passed or pending PEACE resolutions see http://www.ips-dc.org/citiesforpeace/resolutions.htm 
Code Pink - Women's Preemptive Strike for Peace http://www.codepink4peace.org/ 
Common Dreams: Breaking News and View for the Progressive Community - http://www.commondreams.org/
Attack Iraq NO bumper sticker http://www.commondreams.org/orderstickers.htm 
Counter-Punch - Excellent articles analyzing the War on Iraq  http://counterpunch.org 
See For example Feinberg's "Bush the Historian: "The Past is Over"
John Stanton Pretext Operations: Template for Iraq
Sharon Smith  Bush's War on Women
William Hughes Colin Powell's Big Flop  
Ali Abunimah  Dissecting Powell's Speech:Hearsay and Old Allegation
Democracy Now - coverage of Oct 26 protest events and more 
How to listen to Democracy Now and Amy Goodman: Go to www.kfcf.org  click on the "KFCF Audio Archive" (to the left of the screen), then click on 9:00AM "Stream" to listen to it. Democracy Now is first broadcasted at 9:00 AM from KFCF in Berkeley California and the streaming would be ready about 11:00 AM Mountain Time. PeaceAware has over 100 signatures to put this show on the air in Las Cruces. e.g.  STREAM on Jan 18 DC event
Education for Peace in Iraq Center http://epic-usa.org/ 
Edwin Herman - http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman%20/Edward_Herman.html
Eleventh Hours Stories of War and Violence being collected http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eleventhhourstories/ New Link  http://www.eleventhhourstories.org/ 
FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting - http://www.fair.org/
Five Letters For Peace - mailing campaign.  You can find the details for this peaceful action at www.fiveletters.com.
Food Not Bombs http://www.ebfnb.org/what_is.html 
Free Speech TV - http://www.freespeech.org/ - good list of on line TV you can access with RealOne 
Bush Theology of War
Blueprint for Empire
America's Drive for Global Empire
Not in Our Name
Oct 26 Event in DC 
Global Exchange - 10 Things You Can Do to Stop the War in Iraq
Global Exchange background reports on Why we should not go to War against Iraq
PDF version http://www.848.com/leda/top10reasons.pdf 
Global Network against Weapons & Nuclear Power http://www.space4peace.org/ 
Global Policy Forum - Archive of articles critical of Afghanistan and Iraq Wars http://www.globalpolicy.org/wtc/analysis/ 
Hawaii Teach In http://kanaka.org/peace-rally.htm for Updates 
Howard Zinn - http://www.howardzinn.org/
Human Shields http://www.ctrlaltesc.org/whosewar/03/01/29/1224246.shtml "The human shields will be based at Iraqi hospitals, water treatment plants and other facilities vital to the local population. We have delivered to Tony Blair a list of names of the people who will be going and the locations where we will be deployed. Officially, on the record, it is now known that Tony Blair has been notified that UK and US citizens are going to be in harm's way and will be killed by our own governments if they go ahead with this war, as they appear determined to do. Let it be on Tony Blair's hands if he decides to go ahead with this war."  
IDUST - Direct to Damico Lopez IDUST site, a  part of International Depleted Uranium Study Team - Looks at effects of DU production, testing, and use on USA Gulf, Kosovo, Serbia, and Bosnia wars as well as on the citizens of Socorro, New Mexico For more info see GULF WAR SYNDROME
IMC: Independent media Center - http://indymedia.org/
Impeach Bush - Ramsey Clark link www.VoteToImpeach.org  The articles of impeachment, drafted by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, are the basis for a grassroots effort to remove Bush from office as we organize to stop the war.
Impeach Bush http://www.impeachbush.tv/args/bushresign.html 
Institute for Policy Studies list of National Anti-war events http://www.ips-dc.org/iraq/actions.htm Good resource for analysis of Iraq crisis. 
International A.N.S.W.E.R. Act Now to Stop War & End Racism www.InternationalANSWER.org

TAKE THE PLEDGE - I pledge to take action to promote peace and stop racism, hate crimes, and US-sponsored war, in the Middle East, Central Asia and throughout the world. signed [Your Name] from:  International A.N.S.W.E.R --  "Act Now to Stop War & End Racism"

Iraq Live News Feed http://www.newsnow.co.uk/newsfeed/?search=iraq 

Iraq Peace Pledge www.peacepledge.org 
Iraq Peace Team www.iraqpeaceteam.org 
Iraq Speakers Bureau epic:  Education for Peace in Iraq Center 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Washington, DC 20003 USA 202.543.6176 (tel.) 202.543.0725 (fax) isb@igc.org   http://iraqspeakers.org 
Robert McChesney - http://www.robertmcchesney.com/articles.html
Media Alliance - Get their how to organize a press conference, develop a media list, and pitch your story? http://www.media-alliance.org/pubs/index.html
MediaLens: Correcting for the Distorted Vision of the Corporate Media - http://www.medialens.org
MoveOn - http://moveon.org/ -  Give a day's worth of time to stop the war. If you're not sure what to do, sign up with Moveon.org (go to: <http://moveon.org/giveaday>) and they will supply you with plenty of ideas.
Muslims, Islam and the Iraq War http://www.uga.edu/islam/iraq.html
National Lawyers Guild - offers support for those who engage in acts of non-violent civil disobedience - Click here for press relief. Main site is http://www.nlg.org/ 
National Network to End the War Against Iraq
umbrella group of more than 70 peace and justice organizations
Noam Chomsky archive - http://monkeyfist.com/ChomskyArchive
No Blood for War www.NoBloodForOil.org 
Non-Violence.org http://www.nonviolence.org/  
Not in Our Name - http://www.notinourname.net/ See Las Cruces Ad NOT IN OUR NAME 
No War No Way http://www.nowarnoway.org/ 

One Million Tax Payers for Peace http://www.onemilliontaxpayersforpeace.org/ 

Peace Action Network at: http://www.studentpeaceaction.org/teach-in.html

Peace Aware - www.PeaceAware.com Stop the Media Black Out by doing Teach Ins and Peace Vigils in your local community. 

Poets for Peace http://www.poetsagainstthewar.org/ 
Prayer Vigil http://www.emissarybooks.com/prayervigil.htm 
Professors for Peace http://groups.yahoo.com/group/professors_for_peace/messages 
School of the Americas WATCH http://www.soaw.org/new/index.php Those arrested Fort Benning protesting School of the America's went to trial today Jan 21 03 School of America's trains despots around the world in methods of torture.
Sign Iraq Peace Pledge http://peacepledge.org/
Stop Killing the People of Iraq
Stop the Bombs http://www.stopthebombs.org/ Good overview of accelerated Nuclear Militarism program in U.S.
Student Peace Action - organizing guides http://www.studentpeaceaction.org/act.html (See Peace Action Network)
True Majority - http://truemajority.com/ - http://www.truemajority.com/index.asp?action=2247&ms=un2 
Truth Out www.truthout.org (daily email newsletter)
T-shirts www.smirkingchimp.com (now selling "Send a chickenhawk to Iraq" shirts)
Understanding America's War for Oil Target Iraq
United For Peace http://www.unitedforpeace.org/ (good ideas on what Students and Faculty can do).
Veterans for Peace http://www.veteransforpeace.org/  Good info source - See for example Claims about Iraq Weapons http://traprockpeace.org/weapons.html 
Vietnam Veterans Against War http://www.vvaw.org/ 
War Resistance League http://www.warresisters.org/ 
Working Assets - send letter to Pres. Bush http://www.workingforchange.com/activism/action.cfm?itemid=14423 
Working for Change - http://workingforchange.com/
World Media Watch http://www.zianet.com/insightanalytical
World Peace Movement http://www.san.beck.org/WPM-Principles.html 
ZMag: Noam Chomsky archive - http://www.zmag.org/chomsky/index.cfm
ZNet: A Community of People Committed to Social Change - http://www.zmag.org/weluser.htm





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