Blacksmithing Boje is about the 7 Steps of Restorying to rebalance the relation of SELVES, AWARENESS, with ECOSYSTEMS, & OTHERS (& Organizations).

My Name is David M. Boje. I am not only a Vietnam veteran, I am a Ph.D. in Storytelling, and I do Restorying of old stereotype fo Self and ways the Society and Organizations of all types story our Veteran Selves in ways that are NOT helpful.

With RETORYING, a way to Time Travel to past and future to find moments when I and other veterans were exceptional. These are called LITTLE WOW MOMENTS. That gets us material to carft a 'new story' of Being in the Now, and a new future. With emboidment mindful medittion, the RETORYING becomes a new habit of thought and action. It becomes sustainable. David Boje
            email for Restorytelling seminar or twitter  | or join Facebook discussions; Boje Family History pages (need password) Call 575-532-1693 for more info on PeaceAware Restorying work in your area.


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Please click on Storytelling Triangles below to go to those topics

Tonya Henderson fracal reflection introspection image

Figure 1: 'Fractal' of Relationality; based on work by Tonya Wakefield (2012, 2013). We are doing a book for Routledge on the topic

RESTORYING for Sustainability & Stress Reduction

Talbe 1: 7 STEPS of Restorying with of Care 

1. Recharacterize (authentic Self identity) ‘Time Travel’ to when you were at your best with Sustainability & Stress

2. Externalize (re-label) Make the Problem the old story, not the person. E.g. Mr. Unsustainability, Mr. Stress, etc.; Travel to Sanctuary (safe place) to theatre room for image readjustment

3. Sympathize (benefits) of old story of Mr. Unsustainability, Mr. Stress; Map the payoffs

4. Revise (consequences) – Map the Organization & Economic influences of old story/old stereotypes of you as Unstainable/Stressed

5. Strategize (Little Wow Moments of exception to grand old story); Time travel to reclaim best of you in Being Sustainable & Unstressed

6. Restory (rehistoricizes the Grand old Story by collecting Little Wow moments into New story)

7. Publicize (support networking) e.g. letter writing with supporters of your ‘New Story’ of Sustainability Awareness and Balance Selves

Restorying begins with♥-of-Care. It begins with mindfulness, embodiment practices to understand the FOUR SELVES: Social-Self, Frozen-Self, Mirror-Self, and -Self. These four selves are in dialogue, continual conversation, in our mind's eye.

The Veterans Theater works to 'make spce for veterans stories' in the public discourse. Too much of that discourse substitutes mythic-narrative (full of stereotypes) to make the 'they' of all veterans. Restorying is a way make from this marginalization and the dictatorship of the 'they-self' (Heidegger, 1962).

Restorying moves you out of cacophony into polyphony (the symphony of voices conversing in our mind). Restorying is combined with mindfulness skill training so that the 'new story' is supported by dialogues among your Selves that connect you to Ecosystem and to Others in ways of Awareness, I call 'PeaceAware.'

ECOSACRED is a posthumanist understanding of ecology for its sacredness. Living things are spirited and interconnected. What is Living Story? A living story is somethiing I have developed in relationship to dominating narrative. I first encountered living story when I began my colleagueship with Kaylynn Twotress in 1997, and the idea took on more aliveness with Jo Tyler's work on story-aliveness. Living story developed more materiality in working with Cajete's and Vizenor's work on materiality in relation to story. Jack Appleton and I have more on the sacredness of Ecosystem is at ECOSACRED.NET.


Restorying can help move out of Stress and Strife into Peacefulness, PeaceAwareness.

HORSESENSE Is A Way to Learn how Horses see Your Mirror-Self

HorseSense at
              Work Figure 2: Nahdion, an Arabion Stallion, looking in the mirror, at Self. HorseSenseatWork is a posthumanist understanding of inter-species communication between horses and humans that can help people relate to their Ecosystems and to Others, including Other species, Organization worlds, and so forth. Grace Ann Rosile Ph.D. does equine skill training as part of Restorying. See HorseSenseatWork.COM.

THE DIALOGUE OF OUR FOUR SELVES Together Grace Ann and I are using an empboided restorying approach we call 'HorseSense,' to get at what we call the relation of the Mirror-Self to the Home-Self, Frozen-Self, and Social-Self.

            Selves in dialogue - D. M. Boje 2014

Figure 3: The Four Selves in Dialogue - D. M. Boje, 2014

The Dialogue of the Four Selves is going on all the time in our mind. Under stress, and out of touch with Ecosystem, it becomes disembodied Cacophony, instead of what Mikhail Bakhtin (1981) calls the 'Polyphony' of a healthier and more Peaceful 'Dialogic Imagination.'

double arrow
            relationalityThe arrows in the 4-Selves Dialogue are what I call Antenarrative is simply put a connectivity of little living stories we live and the bigger grander narratives that fossilize (Boje, 2001, 2008, 2011). More on antenarratives is at ANTENARRATIVE.COM. Contribute to Antenarrative Blog

QUANTUM STORYTELLING gives you info on YouTube "Quantum Storytelling: Blacksmithing Art in the Quantum Age" - produced by Grace Ann Rosile and David M. Boje. Boje narrates the video. QUANTUM STORYTELLING is also the name of our Annual Conference, held in Las Cruces, New Mexico, around my birthday, December 17th.

SUSTAINABILITY @ New Mexico State University -

Standing Conference for Management and Organizaitonal Inquiry Annual conference held on East Coast of US around March/April. Join the Facebook sc'MOI Discussion page

TAMARAJOURNAL.COM draws on Critical Management Theory and Postmodern Organization Science and is based in story/narrative and other qualitative study. It combines critical theory as well as postmodern theory and postcolonial theory and critical pedagogy with praxis. And one that seeks a higher ethics of global production and consumption.

"The ♥-of-Care of the Life-Path of Organizations Double-Spiral-Antenarrative choices through Landscapes of Quantum Fields" What the 'bet' sort of antenarratives (spiral- & rhizomatic-assemblage-antenarratives) offer is encounters with ethics of care, ethics of answerability, in the whole life-path of once-occurrent Being as Bakhtin calls it, or the care for potentiality of Being-a-whole-Self as Heidegger (1962) calls his ontological approach. Both are about a life-path rather than a mere epistemic (past narrative) or an ontic (objectification of present). The 'bet' is on 'avenir' shaping and creating a field of potentialities, that also arrive ahead to shape past and present. This is a radical, non-linear approach to quantum storytelling.