David Boje  davidboje@gmail.com or Text message to 575-936-9578

Business Consulting to any organization, public, private, education, non-profit: A Sustainability-Focused TRUE STORYTELLING MODULE

True Storytelling book cover

448 is a Sustainaiblity-focused course @ NMSUTRUE STORYTELLING Small Business-focused module concentrates on the concept of sustainability, including its sociocultural, economic, and environmental dimensions.  Restory your small business using sustainability as a lens.

 How to create Double Spirals for your Small Business

These are spirals of attunement to quantum vibrations, to the vibration of the ecology, and to an embodied reflection of how 'you are Nature', not in Nature, not exploiting Nature, rather finding Harmony and Balance of your Nature in the whole of Nature.

'I feel healthy, I feel happy, I feel terrific!' The Bow-G id Americanized pronunciation of my name (More).

The principle of surrender is to give up on the will to power, and do nothing, and take no action, just to Be in a state of Being Healthy, Happy and Terrific, while attuning to the fear, anxiety, ambiguity, and all the turbulence around me (Heidegger, 1962). Then, I notice new attunements opening of the three doors: curiosity, understanding, and care. I surrender to 'spirit of sacrifice' because I am not wasting my energy pushing the river uphill. I choose not to act at all, to STOP, BE STILL, LET BE and LET GO. I watch the quantum energy waves of Nature, until I see a wave I want to surf in small business with a HEART of CARE. I can do forecaring-in-advance, in a loving manner, and still be attuned to the fear, anxiety, and turbulence of waves I do not choose to surf. The wheels of the society and its education institutions have fallen off, and I don’t know what is next.


“Only something which is in the state-of-mind of fearing (or fearlessness) can discover that what is environmentally ready-to-hand is threatening” (Heidegger, 1962: section 137).

The point is to Be in your Living Story Web of Relationships with Nature, with Community in a PLACE, a TIME, and a MINDFULNESS.  More on this on What is Living Story Web?

People are ATTUNED to Fear. Fear is in-the-world,. Most people on the planet fear what they are facing in their lives. When you consult you will be attuned to the fear, anxiety, ambiguity in the organization and its fallen state of Being into turbulent ecosystem.But there are other attunements, and you get to UNDERSTANDING and CARE.

Figure 1 - Moods of Systemicity Attunement

Fear of Freedom The Consulting-SELF has a fear of freedom, and that is part of Paulo Freire's (1970 Pedagogy of the Oppressed (conscientizagao). People you consult are often in Fear. The oppressed yearn for freedom and justice, liberation from violence and exploitation, but are in fear, a lost humanity (Freire, p. 44). Freire's pedagogy is designed to liberate both oppressor and oppressed from the victimization of the oppressive system through "conscientizacao" or consciousness raising.  Conscientizacao enrolls each of us in the search for AWARENESS of SELF-affirmation. Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed (on line PDF).

A small business consultant, a big business consultant, a consultant to universities, government institutions, or to non-profits will need to attune, to understand and care for the moods of the Consulting-Self, to not just collapse a wave arriving the is attunement to Fear, Anxiety, Ambiguity, or people and organizaiton thrown into turbulence.

We are in an era, I call TrumpLand, where people in organizations are changing thier attunements. We are in an era of organizations overwhelmed by complexity, and they need our help. We can be in a state of Fear ... or we can diagnose by our attunements, and use that learning to understand and care, to do what I call Fore-caring.

For more Please see the study guide: The Surrender Principle by D. M. Boje.