Each Lesson Plan has Six EASY Steps:


1 Opening Activities

A. Healthy Happy Terrific

B. The Homework Questions you will focus on

C. A Boal ice-breaker (with some connection to homework)

2 The Content

A. Grading last week's homework

B. The Slides and Youtube about the new homework

3 Interactive Experiential Event

Some activity in class or field trip where everyone gets involved in experiencing the material

4 2 Minute Pluses and Minuses (what worked well, what can improve next time)

5 Scoring sheets distributed

6 Boje meets with presenting time to go over scoring and assign grade; Good news presenting team does no do the homework they assigned to the class.



STEP 1. DO an original (never done before) Healthy Happy Terrific (2 minute limit) then do one BOAL 'LEADERSHIP IS THEATER' Training exercise (20 minutes total for both HHT & Boal) & write Homework Question for class on board (run them by Boje several days before). One question based on assigned course text, other question based on student's development of UN SUSTAINABILITY GOAL selected by the team (answer must cite texts each students using & relevant web pages to get full credit)


STEP 2.COURSE CONTENT PRESENTATIONS 'Leadership team' presents Slides on Leadership in-the-box & out-of-the-box ENSEMBLE LEADERSHIP Pop-Up demonstration Leadership-is-Theater, and original 3 to 7 minute YouTube Ensemble Leadership team has created related to homework topic team chose & from its chosen UN Sustainability Goal

STEP 3. Presenting teams coordinate a HIGHLY INTERACTIVIE EXPERIENTIAL class event/activity (30 minutes) that includes good storytelling: e.g. and work on their POP-UP EVENT (so far).

Popup Event

The Lemming Effect in the story by Harvey -- Organizations as Phrog Farms by Jerry Harvey (1977) ways to work on ENSEMBLE LEADER TEAM's UN sustinaable develment goal (SDG). The class needs to work in pairs or very small groups, instead of the large class (or the sme Bull Phrogs will speak, while the Lemmings sit and go Ribbit).

STEP 4. After your event, do a 2 minutes Q & A with class to see what worked well today, and what could be better (2 minutes) (DO NOT PASS OUT EVALUATION FORM UNTIL THIS STEP IS DONE). This is so we find the habits that are for LEMMINGS and the new ROUTINES of Ensemble Leadership (out-of-the-box).

STEP 5. Presenting ENSEMBLE LEADER Team is responsible for making copies of the EVALUATION FORM for audience members scoring sheet - we have no funds to do copies for you (3 minutes)

STEP 6. Good News! In exchange for presenting SKIT team not doing the homework that week, the team will work with Instructor to facilitate scoring when their assigned homework is turned in by the class

388v Ensemble Leadership Teams please get your Lesson Plan to Boje, along with both proposed Homework Questions, several days before class send to dboje AT, not to Canvas-mail. Thank you.

Next Steps:

Work through the 7 True Storytelling principles:

  1. TRUTH - co-inquiry into the situation now
  2. MAKE ROOM - for stories already there
  3. PLOT - strategy with clear beginning, middle, and end; the actions and the why
  4. TIMING - of the implementation, the opportune moments
  5. HELP STORIES ALONG - keep the momentum by reinventing the stories
  6. STAGING - setting the scene, the material of the staging, and artifacts
  7. REFLECT - having the evaluation with qualitative stories and measures that also tell the True Storytelling
  8. (then cycle back to #1, for the next actions).




HERE IS AN EXAMPLE: PART 1: A Warm Up Exercise

Augusto Boal Training exercise Warmup

Part II: An Exercise in Image Theater of the UNTOLD STORY: Choose partner, pair up. Without talking choose first person to strike a pose, and be a frozen statue. Second person, walk around them, how can you position your body in relation to this frozen body, so you unfold the next frame of the story. You cannot move their body at all. You can only strike a pose in relation to first person's pose. After two secondas, first person unfreezes and walks around to observe the other person's body pose, and decides how to form their own pose, in order to carry on this UNTOLD STORY to its next image.

DEBRIEF: Write silently, without talking, in your own notebook. Answer this question: What is the UNTOLD STORY that you and your partner were telling image by image? After you and partner wrote this out (silently), then exchange, and read your partner's UNTOLD STORY, while they read yours. Still no talking. Answer this question: How was their UNTOLD STORY different from yours, and/or similar to yours?

Why we do theatre for social change?

So that you will learn to move out of SPECTATOR role into being a LEADER-ACTOR, on the stage of everyday life. TV and Movies make you passive. Education makes you memorize and spit back stuff that is not about actually leadering or changing anything. You sit in rows and columns, go from classroom to classroom, being spectators, not actors.


And show a YouTube training that relates: e.g. Here is YouTube of 'Corporations in the Heads', which gets acted out with one of the 200 exercies, so people learn.