In doing Theater for Social Change - Be critical, yet callm, cool and caring


Your Leadership Project must be within 9 Planetary Boundaries to prevent 6th Extinction Event

9 Planetary Boundaries


_ Boundary 1. Climate Change

_ Boundary 2. Biodiversity Loss

_ Boundary 3. Biogeochemical (phosphorous change

_ Boundary 4. Ocean Acidification

_ Boundary 5. Land Use Crisis

_ Boundary 6. Fresh Water Crisis

_ Boundary 7. Ozone Depletion

_ Boundary 8. Atmospheric Aerosols

_ Boundary 9. Chemical Pollution by Plastics & Heavy Metals

Your Leadership Project Picks One of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to TRANSFORM Some part of Society with True StorytellingPop-up event.

UN sustainability development goals and True Storytelling

Read more about each goals and subgoals

A Pop-Up Event includes some displays, an invited audience, and invitations for some audience members to cross the invisible boundary between 'spectator' and 'actor', walk onto the stage and become what Augusto Boal calls 'spect-actor'.


Please adhere to the PRME = Principles of Responsible Management Education

6 PRME Principles:

For final, take this into REAL WORLD and do Leadership-is-Theater. In the REAL WORLD, Demolish the Wall between Actors and Spectators in Your very own LEADERSHIP is THEATER of Social Change Event that implements the 6 PRME Principles. Your Skit is preparation, your Forum Theater is Real World intervention using Leadership-is-Theater that you present on last day of class, in Exam Theater. Each person in class does Leadership Project. Here is an example of one I did in Spice problem area using Theater for Social Change, We did it, then presented it to Las Cruces City Council and a plan.Click here for the PowerPoint Slides. March 28th, 2016 Professor David M. Boje (Management Department) presented a film “Spice Head Falls Out” written and directed by James Sassak, actors include David Boje and Professor Grace Ann Rosile (Management Department), and edited by NMSU student (Jessi Sanchez) in Mgt375V Sustainability Development to the Working Session of Las Cruces City Council and the Police Department The 10 minute film is also on YouTube and was followed by Slide presentation 

In doing Theater for Social Change - Be critical, yet calm, cool and always fore-caring! First early in term, you do skit in class as part of lesson plan, then in the end you take problematic into real world (like flash mob), film it and show it off in Exam Theater.

What is Leadership is Theater for Social Change?

It is you moving out of the role of spectator and becoming an actor in the action, planning for changes, trying out solutions, training your Self in the FORUM THEATER of everyday life. It is moving out of the passive spectator role you learn in Movies & TV shows, that is making your a docile body, receiving Catharsis from passively observing Movie and TV actors, and In-The-Box XYZ, and instead taking the stage, moving from spectator to actor (what Boal calls spect-actor). Free yourself from the condition of Spectator in the Spectacle of your own Oppression, and become your own Authentic Self, intervening directly, becoming Whole-Self-alive-Being-in-the-world of social change.


XYZ model of leadership - Boje

Boje's XYZ Model of Leadership.

X= transaction in status quo or transformation leaders into new way of Being

Y= POWER power over other or to serve as servant leaders

X = VOICE mono (one voice, their own) or poly (many voices, participatory)